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  1. CM-AT It is not possible to replicate 100% the positioning in FM, but Tite's 433 can become a 4231 or 424, and defend in 442. In the construction phase, the RPM (paquetá) goes down and forms a duo with the MD (casemiro), while neymar is more advanced on the ground (CM-AT) forming the asymmetrical 4231. In place of RPM can be CM-Su, AP-Su/AT, DLP-Su, MEZ. It depends on the player. For example: now that neymar is injured, speculate that he will put the paqueta in place of neymar and fred in the MCD being a DLP-Su if daniel alves plays on the right side, so that that side is not so exposed due to his age and physical condition.
  2. It depends on the opponent, but it will always be a 3-2-5 or 2-3-5 from a 433 or 4231. FB-Su -> "sit narrower" IWs -> "stay wider" could be something similar to this:
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