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Posts posted by witticism

  1. 5 hours ago, anagain said:

    I speak to my players a lot in my saves.

    I dont know how you do it, it's awful this year. Same with the personal trait conversation window, so much wasted space, so much scrolling necessary to find the one item you wish to click on. I have a 4k display and I can't take advantage of any of it at all.


    7 hours ago, RioImmagina said:

    They are doing the same PDX interactive did: try to maximize earning reaching anyone and ignore the people who bought the game from 2005.

    Hopefully unlike PDX SI will listen to longtime customers instead of selling out for new money

  2. Team.png.f7dab59bb2771fc97e60e3243792db35.png


    Season to remember








    Biggest Win/Match to Remember/Goal of the Season





    How we lined up




    Youth Intake




    Top Prospect



    Overall a definitely successful season marred by poor consistency and major drops in form. I haven't moved away from the 451 because despite it all it is working to keep me me afloat but talent and age dictates eventually there will be two strikers up front unless something drastic happens. Financial outlook is positive, board continues to deny most of my requests but at least the players are happy and haven't thrown a spanner in the proverbial works as of yet.

    I would love to have some defensive depth, whenever we missed players through injury or bans it was too high a price to pay, full backs being a particular weakness, the current academy prospects all want for pace so I'll have to move to a low block featuring a lower defensive line or just over commit to the press and die by it, havent decided.


    So I was curious about a player who I thought kept reacting negatively to every sideline shout, not every player is going to react the same to shout and fair enough but this seemed too consistent(ly negative), turns out I was half right:


    Something is making my man here see red, which right happens to the best of us, but every match? all match long?



    Yeah that checks out

  4. Just now, XaW said:

    I haven't played it, so I wouldn't know. I've only heard about the game, so I don't know the elements there and I can't really comment.

    Oh no worries, if you've ever bored on the internet look up articles about it it was a popular article subject years back with highlights of the 15 years or so of patch notes.

    On topic

    I wish there was an easier way to "scroll" through a match's highlights.
    The vcr buttons:


    Are functional but not quite as easy to find points in time between the pre-defined "highlights"

  5. 1 minute ago, XaW said:

    Yes, and I agree, if it had been a patch. But you don't have release notes in a new game. You don't see devs pushing out "these are the issues we fixed before the game was released" in any game. They do whenever they do an actual patch (as they did just now, where they stated the they fixed crashes for Korean language).

    Now, I agree, that since we here on the forum have mostly played the Beta, it feels like we got a patch, but in reality we just finally got the real game and what we played before was just a sneak peak.

    There's also the whole can of worms that it's only bad if it feels bad, if undocumented changes were received positively by a hypothetical end user no one would care for patch notes

  6. Another academy graduate has been featuring more consistently in the first team, and I am contemplating moving away to two strikers just to feature a targetman:


    193cm + 16 jumping :eek:


    I've spent the majority of time since launch hacking together a skin from various different pieces, so barely in December 2023, the speed at which some of you guys progress astounds me.

  7. 1 minute ago, Zemahh said:

    They're there, but they're broken. Assists scored/conceded graphic is always empty (currently mid-season):




    Reported the issue during beta, but got no response. :rolleyes:

    You can access those screens in Team Report -> Analyst Report.

    Thank you, completely missed the individual sections were clickable, thought I was stuck with the useless hexagon graph.

    Not sure how I feel about them being broken but at least they arent completely gone.

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