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Posts posted by Tompahawk

  1. I still haven't used xcloud for saving, since it still works (knock on wood) with local save. But I have a question some what related to the answers and tips you have given me in this thread. I got the tip to clear cache and so forth. After I did that I can't load my set pieces that I've created. They are located in the correct folder, but when I search them in game to load it shows up empty. Is there anything I can do, or do I need to vreate everyone again? That would suck big time since I don't really remember how I did, but they seem to be working for me, so I really want them back.

  2. Just when I get my hopes up...I have kept the game on while I've been doing other things in the afternoon. Was getting back to play now. Was able to click continue a few times, getting ready for game day. And poof, straight out to Windows. I then tried to start FM 20 again, used repair app before starting. Got to the start menu to check out size of xcloud saves, just to check. Clicked one save to preview it...poof back out to Windows. Something isn't right with this game. If it is only for game pass users or also Steam or via disc I don't know. But I've been playing FM since I dont know, at least 2010 and never had these issues before. Last year also on FM 19, was also for gamepass.

  3. Update..I have now played and saved localy instead. And knock on wood, it's been working for over an hour and three games played and saved and load after each one. Local that is. I haven't dared to change to xcloud because that seems to be then when it faults.

    I seem to remember choosing as default somewhere to save on xcloud, so I have now every time chose to "save as" and manually choose "local" because I've been scared to let it save on xcloud.

    I don't find that default setting anywhere to be sure that it will save on local every time it autosave. Where is that? So I can change it. But it would be nice to see xcloud working fine as well, since I normally use two computers when I play manager, altering on using my PC or laptop depending on what else is going on at home.

  4. Ok.


    So I've tried doing all that now. I loaded a local game first, that I don't really want to play, because it's to far back in time. But it loaded up, but I didn't play anything. Closed it and loaded xcloud save that I want to play, but same thing happened again. It doesn't load and I get back to start menu, but my managers look is reset. The I try to load a game again, then I get thrown back out to Windows. So seems like that latest xcloud save is corrupted in some way and messes the game up. Like I wrote at first, is there anyway to restore it? Or is that save lost, so I should delete it? I still don't know what happens if I don't try to load that first though.

    So I'll try and do that I guess and get back.


    *edit* Now I retried deleting the folder in localappdata and unistalled, reinstalled. Loaded local save game, played...or rather pressed contine a few times since I'm waiting for game day. And all of a sudden the game just crash and throws me back to Windows. So now you will be writing to a very unhappy camper. 

  5. Hi.

    I tried reset of both FM 20 and xbox beta. Not sure how I clear cache, if thats no the same.

    I go through start menu, right click on FM 20, more, app settings, and reset. And the same on xbox beta app. Is there anything more?

    I now loaded a local game from last night. That went good, up until i clicked continue to start my carabao cup cup against charlton. Then I was tossed back out to Windows. And still no sign of crash dumps, or messages.

    Starting to really annoy me this. Last years FM 19 problems is coming back now. It looks exactly the same.

  6. Hi


    I've tried and done it all. Like I said, I had the same problem with the FM 19 so it's unfortunately no news to me. 

    As it is right now I can't even start FM 20. I might be able to come to the start menu and click load game. Just to crash without loading or sometimes even have time to click load. No saved game is crashing the game. So it's even impossible to try and load a game. I have uninstalled FM 20, I have downloaded latest windows update, my graphics drivers are up to date. I have reset the app, multiple times. I have got the sync data message

    And about that upload of file, how do I upload a file that is saved on the cloud? 

    *Edit* save game file name is Tommy Högberg - stevenage. 30/4/2020 10:37

    That was the first one that I couldn't load. But now I really can't do anything. I chose xcloud at the start of the game, but there are also saved made local. I tried to load one of those, and at least that one started.

    The game itself starts sometimes if I click reset or repair in app settings. Thats why I can try some things.

  7. And so it begins..........I was hammering you with complaints over crashes on FM 19 for gamepass. With no luck in resolving them I might add.

    I was so happy to see that FM 20 came as well and was hoping for it to be more solid. It started out fine. Played one season taking over Stevenage and  managed to keep them safe in the league, but struggled. This season has started fenomily, with for example going through to 3rd round of carabao cup, beating Charlton and having a home meeting with Tottenham coming up.

    I didn't get any respons soon enough for my first question, so I loaded the save game that would load, so when I won the cup game again I thought I'd save manually straight after. Imagine my deep frustration and anger when it didn't even wanted to save, just crashed and I was back out in Windows. And now not being able to start the game at all. 

    *Edit* I don't get any crashdumps, it just tosses me back out to Windows. Pretty much like it did from the start on FM 19. But this FM 20 has been fine for just over one season.

  8. I just recently made a save on xcloud that wont load. I tried to load it now, about 2 hours later, after update of the game. And it still won't load. I can load a game saved on xcloud just approx. 10 minutes earlier. Is there anyway to restore that save, cuz it contains vital progress for my team :)

  9. 2 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    An update was just released for Game Pass, can you check if this is still the case?

    Sorry for hijacking. But I just recently made a save on xcloud that wont load. I tried to load it now, about 2 hours later, after update of the game. And it won't load. I can load a game saved on xcloud just approx. 10 minutes earlier. Is there anyway to restore that save, cuz it contains vital progress for my team :)

  10. Yes, I'm still having problems both when trying to load a game and when trying to create a new manager since the old data was removed after I deleted cache. I have posted my dxdiag once and I always keep my drivers up to date, so no need for that. And it's not that difficult what I mean by getting thrown back to windows. The game crashes, but I get no error message or even a crashfile. I filmed it, hope you can see.

    And just to remind you, I use two computers and I have the same issue on both. And both are updated with latest versions of graphics and also of the xbox app.

  11. October 2nd was last thing heard on this. And still no solution. I keep reading other posts with similar problems and the info provided is still the same you gave me, that isn't working.

    All that has happened with my PC's and game is that it's been completely wiped. I've had both mail conversation and info on here. And it has resulted in me having to cleanly install Windows because that was your solution after everything I tried failed. Apart from actually getting the game to start. But still issue with crashing. Then after struggling through half a season, being top of the table, I get the instruction to delete cache files. And that results in my saved games being deleted and my manager profile. And I still can't play the game. Now I can't even start a new game because it throws me out back to Windows when trying to create new manager. 

    Seriously, what is happening?? Or is all focus on the new release? Is there even any point of getting the 2020 version? Feels unsafe, even if I've never had problems before.

  12. Deleted those folders, even if they weren't located where the clip instructed it to be, maybe because it's a game pass version. But anyway I found cache and preference folders connectedt to Sports Interactive. That resulted in me not having the option to load last saved game anymore and the I still get thrown out straight to Windows after trying to load a game via the menu. I don't even see any games there, the short time I'm in that menu. So now I won't be able to play the game at all,.

  13. On 10/09/2019 at 15:19, Jimmy Wong said:

    There is a new update for the Game Pass version which should have fixed the load game button freeze issue. Can everyone on this thread please give it a try and let us know if this has been solved, please?

    Thanks alot.

    I have now tried the game again and I still can't load a game from the menu where I should be able to choose local or cloud. As soon as I come in to that menu I get thrown out back to Windows. I have tried disabling my Ethernet and WiFi, tried it all. I get same problem on both of my computer's and I'm getting pretty frustrated that I can't play the only game I signed and payed up for the game pass for pc thing.

  14. On 05/08/2019 at 09:23, Jimmy Wong said:

    If you are having issue with crashes in game randomly, can I suggest you to lower the in-game graphics quality and also make sure that you are using the latest graphics driver, please?


    I've got the latest drivers, I set my graphics lower and this time at least the game ran good until it was time for autosave. Saved and then threw me out to windows. Same as it done all the time. So  maybe the graphic setting was better for no random crash, but still doesnt help the save/load crashes

  15. On 22/07/2019 at 12:27, Jimmy Wong said:

    We are looking into this "load game" issue. Can we confirm this is the issue that you're having, please? If it is, do you save your game on the Cloud or local?

    I started with using Cloud save, to be able to load the game on my other PC as well. But I have also made 1 or 2 saves locally after that. And it still crashes. My game also crashes when saving or sometimes just clicking around in the game. As I posted in my own post on this issue.


    *Edit. I tried the workaround posted by mitchx  ,disabled my network connection and hit the load button, but was thrown out to windows  at once.

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