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Posts posted by Jonathon1990

  1. 7 分钟前, Experienced Defender说:

    First, you cannot rely exclusively on mentality. There are other tactical settings that need to be taken into account as well.

    Second, you should not play against each opponent in the same way. You can use the same formation (or switch between a couple of them), but certain instructions, roles and duties need to be adjusted and adapted. Pay attention to whether you are the favorite or underdog in a particular match, then whether you play at home or away. Also look at the odds. Do not disregard scout reports of your next opponent. Plus, analyze each opponent - go to their schedule section, choose a match they played against an opponent similar to you, look at highlights to see how they tend to play, where their strengths and weaknesses are, how they both score and concede. Then analyze their passing combinations, clear-cut and half chances, mistakes, shots, interceptions, action zones...

    Last but not least,, when deciding on a general style of football you want your team to play (not the mentality, but the overall tactical approach), be careful not to ask your players to do things they aren't capable of (look at their attributes) or willing to (PPMs). For example, when you want to put a player on attack duty, the first thing to watch is his Off The Ball. If he's a winger for example, he'll also need good acceleration, dribbling, crossing... and at least decent balance and first touch. Make sure your roles and duties are well-balanced across the formation, providing enough defensive cover at any given moment. 

    There is a lot more, but these are basics IMO.

    The main reason for my preference of changing mentality during the match is that mentality can have a comprehensive influence on my team (passing directness, widtn, close down, etc.). For me the most difficult thing is always understanding highlights and make tweaks accordingly. Thanks for your explanation. It helps a lot.

  2. I always start a game with standard mentality. I have found that change the mentality during the game can really make a huge difference. For example, when the opponent is dominating the highlights, sometimes I drop the mentality and hit them on counter really effective but sometimes it just makes things worse. And the same goes for increase it to control or attack. It feels like gambling. How can I judge whether I am playing with the correct mentality based on match events?

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