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Posts posted by maxisignorelli

  1. For those who want to use this in FM Touch 2020 in iOS you have to do the following:

    Download from this link skins: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ytg68z675wv55rn/fmt19ios_patch4graphics_v0.1.zip/file

    Unzip folders. Your folders must be named "skins" and inside that folder you must have all the skins folders (i.e. "fmc dark tablet 1", "fm dark tablet 2", etc...)

    Pick any skin folder you want. Double click on it. Open "skin_config" file. Go to the bottom line.  

    When it says : "<string id="required_version" value="19.0.0" />" change the 19.0.0 for 20.1.4. Save the file.

    Copy the skin folder to your iPad.

    Then you will be able to change skin and reload all the graphics folder

  2. hace 4 horas, into pitch black dijo:

    Vars doesn't work like that in real life as it does in the video, well not straight away. The refs in the studio (or wherever they're hiding) will look at video replays to see if it's a penalty, it's only if they can't decide either way, they'll advise the on field ref of that and he will go over and look at the monitor to have the final say after looking at the replays himself. 

    A ref has never ran straight to a monitor at the side of pitch before the studio refs have advised him to.

    You are right. but how would you recreate that moment in the game? Even watching on TV you cannot listen what the refs in the studio says to the ref in the pitch, so there are a lot of times they talk and you don't even know.

    It's just a game, and it's a very good feature to make the game more realistic, take it that way.

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