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Russell Hammant

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Posts posted by Russell Hammant

  1. Hi @djmartincape
    The player relationships issue is a U.I issue (the relationship won't change in the background, it's just how it's showing, if you reload the save it'll update) - could you post that bug with an example here https://community.sigames.com/forums/forum/824-user-interface/ 

    When you say about the positions in teamtalks, those refer to positions in the form table - do you have any specific examples that you could provide? Details on how to do this below


  2. Hi @Dankku& @alwaysbebrian

    Thank's for raising this, it's something we're aware of and looking at with the 'will find loan move to assist player development' promise - do you have any saves with specific examples of these in contract requests before you offer the contract? If so could you upload it to the cloud so I can take a look? Details on how to provide saves below

    Many thanks

  3. Hi all,

    This seems to have become a couple of different issues in the same post 

     @PL Tuck - you're saying none of your players have a relationship with you at all on the 'overview - happiness' page after 2 seasons? Can you upload a save so I can take a look at this please (details at bottom of this post)

     @mbahn- you have 2 issues, the first I think you're saying is the same as Tucks, no relationships showing on 'overview - happiness'? (chats are working fine, as you say they do impact on morale). Your second issue about rarely communicates is a UI issue, please log that one here -  https://community.sigames.com/forum/824-user-interface/ likewise @drittbil your issue also sounds UI as you're saying it's just that one screen it doesn't show correctly on (the discussion popout)?

    @gholliday87- is the issue you're having that you're favoured personnel but no relationship showing on happiness page as well?


  4. Hi @Funcut

    The initial issue is the players just not agreeing with you (have you sold some senior players and using youngsters to replace them?), it's during the unhappy meeting you can say you're happy with the depth of the squad and see if they'll back down. With the issue moving from player to player - just because one of the unhappy players becomes happy it doesn't mean all the players are going to be happy, some of them will still feel there's not enough depth in the squad and they will come to you saying 'I'm unhappy with this'


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