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Marc Vaughan

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Posts posted by Marc Vaughan

  1. 4 hours ago, 1ht1baron said:

    I think the only drawback of this game is the lack of multiplayer mode. Are you considering adding the multiplayer mode to the game? It shouldn't be too difficult to add multiplayer mode with game center for IOS. 

    At present we aren't thinking about adding multi-player to FMM, this would be VERY complicated to undertake and from past experience very few people would actually use it (around 0.5% of people ever used the multi-player mode in FMH PSP which was the last time this codebase had multi-player).

  2. 3 hours ago, passenger58 said:

    I bow to your superior FMM knowledge, Marc, but I'm not sure that is right. 

    If I'm playing as Athletic Bilbao and select the 'Basque' nationality, I get international players for Spain, France, etc, listed. 

    Or are they coded differently? 

    Yeah Basque is a 'special case' which exists because there are Basque only teams in some regions, suffice to say 'it's complicated' (but there isn't a Basque national team in FIFA competitions so Basque will always be a second nationality and never have international caps).

  3. I'll have to double check the code - but I expect its because 'nationality' is generally used when you're managing an international side and looking for players who you can call up.

    This means that second nationality is only of interest before a player 'declares' - ie. plays a full international match for a team.

    (as such its not a bug but by design as otherwise it'll drive you made when you filter for players you can call up - only to discover that actually a load of them aren't eligible for your team)

  4. 12 hours ago, Zoot said:

    I would like to know will the reserve teams suffer from same bugs like in 2020 game. Like in Spain my B team is in second league but my players there are non stop in off season/need to play games to advance/ and they dont get better even they play in second league all games of the season. But they advance great if i send them in 4th league on loan and they play like 15 games in total.

    I'll check the first point - I 'think' it's fixed, but I've done a lot of changes and don't want to promise anything without verifying.


    Also will clubs be able to have all types of coaches or they are still limited to 4 max coz that is apsurd that a world class team cant have all type of coaches.

    The coach restriction at clubs is intentional I'm afraid and is done for gameplay reasons - in real-life every club tends to be associated with a specific style and strength ... ie. they're best at bringing through players of type 'x' ... but they might have a weak point in that they don't tend to bring through defenders or whatever.

    The number of coaches allows you to be very strong/near perfect in most areas but there will always be a choice of exactly where to specialise and what sort of team you want to have.

    If you want to be strong but bland across the board I'd recommend going with 'Gold' General coaches as they're jack of all trades - if you want to be specialised then pick the areas where you want to be truly 'the best possible' and have Gold coaches in those areas.

    You can obviously 'enhance' your coaching options/flexibility if you yourself are active as a coach ..


    Will you implement the yesterday rule in english championship, league 1 and 2 about 5 substitutions per game?

    We try and ensure that things are as realistic as possible - however where a change was done really late in real-life it is likely that it might not get into the game until an update (we're literally days from release now and any changes done at this stage could break the games stability).

  5. 10 hours ago, JohnyBruce said:

    Great read, some good questions and interesting answers. I have one - so you know how the German national team doesn’t exist in the game (players wise I mean) ...well, what leaves me a little confused is and I’ve not brought it up before, is this German unmanned national team often wins its games against a variety of teams both poor and very good - how statistically is this possible (what’s being processed in the match) if you have 22 German players with quite literally zero stats up against, well, any team WITH stats?

    Where teams don't have players through no fault of their own (ie. inactive league or whatever) we grade their 'virtual' players differently to those found in teams which 'should' have players.

    Virtual players come in two strands:

    (1) If your team is 'active' then your virtual players are 'graded' as being untried youth team players (and thus fairly rubbish in the main, although a very few might have some potential).
    (2) If your team is 'inactive' (ie. German national team) then we try and make the virtual players equivalent to what the real-life players would be in terms of ability and performance. This is important in keep the game balance/realism and ensuring that results don't simply skew towards active leagues.

  6. 10 hours ago, Swagata1998 said:

    you have told me the same answer in the previous version also. Can you give us small details in which places tweaks can we expect and features?

    One of the reasons I give that 'vague' answer is that a lot of the changes I do 'ad-hoc' as I play/tinker and they're just small things I haven't noted down individually - you'll find various new news strings, profile strings for players, there are some new media items etc. ... but I'm afraid I don't have a full list, nor do I really think it's helpful to provide one in all honesty.

    It's the overall feel of the game and how enjoyable it is that matters not how many 'features' a version might have added.

  7. 34 minutes ago, corinthiano said:

    I did actually notice that recently - took over the Saudi Arabia national team and for the first couple of years regens would appear at a wide range of clubs - I thought that was really good! Only thing I would potentially change is where they appear - all of them appeared in European clubs  vs. Saudi or even Asian teams (I only had Asian leagues loaded). Ideally you would want these regens appearing in the local clubs but I appreciate that may be harder to do.

    Yeah the problem with having them in local teams is that they might just 'dangle' and be unused, there are a finite number of players in the game and I also need to ensure that clubs stay populated (in order to remain competitive in their leagues) ... as with everything as devices get more powerful we'll have more flexibility on the number of players active and what can be done in this regard.

  8. 11 hours ago, ElliottMS said:

    The other, unrelated thing, I'd like to see is an improvement in the way the game allocates regens per nationality. I like playing as national teams with small pools of players of around 100 or less, at the moment have a game where I am managing Jamaica. What I clearly see is that when a player retires, a regen of the same position replaces them like for like. For example, Andre Blake (main Jamaican goalie) has retired. His regen has turned up at Milan, and after a year has already surpassed my next goalkeeper who replaced Blake. Jamaica will basically always have Blake's regens as number 1.

    After a while it just feels like you're using the same set of players. This has always been the case in the versions I've played, I remember a career on cm 01/02  as New Zealand where Wynton Rufer's regen appeared as a quality player in a piddly new zealand team and he was good enough to help me win not just the OFC cup but the confederations cup too.

    Actually this hasn't been the case for quite a few years in FMM, as part of some tweaks I did a while back we allow far more national teams to be manageable and then if you take a nations job it will redirect some suitable retirements towards that nation to ensure its as playable as possible.

    So in your case if you're managing Jamaica you'll find that the player pool should expand somewhat (until it hits a healthy amount of players) over time as you play onward.

    In all honesty this seems to me a lot like people shouting that they've signed Messi's regen just because he's Argentinian and plays in the same kind of positions .. I will double check things tho.

  9. 1 hour ago, passenger58 said:

    There is certainly some degree of logging because if I'm playing as Real Betis (for example), a few seasons into the game, just before the Sevilla derby, a news item will tell me that Betis are unbeaten in the last five meetings (example again). 

    We do what we can with regards to storage so the current season's fixtures are available and used and specific important things (such as derbies) have additional data stored upon them because in real-life (and in the game) those matches have more pressure and interest upon them.


    Just wondering if there have been any updates to the Scouting Agency functionality in the 2021 version.

    There haven;'t been - but feel free to make suggestions and I'll consider them going forward.

  10. 5 hours ago, Alper Kocman said:
    If we only see the match scores, can't you create a menu without putting the match details? Because seeing the past matches is very enjoyable in terms of following the competition even if you don't have a claim at that time.

    Ok to 'show the match scores' we would need to store every single match which is played in FMM during your game (in case you move clubs or play an obscure team in a continental cup etc.) - this can amount to QUITE a few by the end of a career.

    Because it's late and I'm too tired to code let me expand on this ...


    In the Premiership there are 380 matches each season, within England there are 4 professional divisions and 3 semi-professional divisions simulated, for sake of simplicity we'll presume an average of 400 matches per division per season which gives.

    400 (number matches) x 7 (number divisions) x 30 (number seasons) = 84,000 matches

    That's quite a large number you say ... but we aren't finished yet ...

    You can have up to 4 nations selected to that means four times the fun:

    84,000 (matches) x 4 nations = 336,000 matches

    In addition to that there are matches for friendlies (lots of them there are 3,500 clubs all playing them each season), international matches (tournaments and friendlies) and continental and domestic cups.

    In sum total the number of matches simulated during a career can easily top 500,000 matches (consider for a moment that the Champions League and FA Cup contain more matches than most divisions once you take into account qualifiers and such).

    This is what I mean when I indicate that there are processing and space issues - storing that much data and trawling it in memory may be prohibitive on some devices. In addition to that searching through that many matches to create the table (even with data organisation) may feel sluggish on older devices.

    As mentioned in the future it might be possible, but its not something you'll see this year (sorry).

  11. 11 hours ago, Papacino said:

    Also, I feel it’s far too easy to accelerate the financial power of sides by selling players for big fees and then tweaking budgets to dramatically increase your wage budget allowing you to shop in a much more expensive market. I think the impact of increasing wage budget when reducing transfer budget should be reduced. In real life if Southampton sell a few players for £40m over the years it doesn’t mean they start building a squad with Man United level wages but in the game it’s not far off that impact. 

    That is a fair comment - I'll have a think about ways to mitigate against that somewhat ... muhahaha .... (mean laughter trails off into the darkness ;) )

  12. 43 minutes ago, Engjell7 said:

    Seriosly really was hard work to add Option Of Talking On Media Before Every Matched Started...Im 100% that not will cost anything that Every Match Be in Conference Of Media 

    There will never be pre-match press conferences before every match in Football Manager Mobile - that would slow down the gameplay too much and can get very repetitive imho, as such I don't think that style of play suits the mobile game.

    It is possible that at some point in the future (FMM22, 23, whatever) we might have such things for important matches - but if that happens then they will work differently to the PC title (in a similar manner to how the dynamics in FMM is designed to be more intuitive and easier to understand than the PC products arguably is).

  13. 2 hours ago, MrManagerMan said:

    I play all three versions and these new features for FMM look great. Last years game I thought was excellent. These features have again taken it up a notch - Hopefully whilst still remaining quick to play. 

    As is always the case with the mobile game - all the features are designed to not slow the game down and allow for speedy play, you CAN browse its depth if you want to and perhaps gain a slight advantage from doing so ... but its not needed in order to enjoy the product.

    (and most of the features are designed to be 'brought' to you when its appropriate to do so, ie. interaction via. news items etc.)

  14. 5 minutes ago, Hildor said:

    Interesting. Will the language skills affect the country you get job offers from? Will we be able to choose the spoken languages in manager profile? 

    At present no - the human manager is presumed to be multilingual and it doesn't adversely affect your job offers etc.

    (this is purely because it'd be frustrating otherwise and I could see it being a 'pain' trying to input languages at game startup on small screen devices etc. ... players will start with their expected known languages however and learn them going forward)

  15. 2 minutes ago, passenger58 said:

    Are there any plans to introduce a new unlockable that would allow us to disable the mandatory Minimum Fee Release Clause in Spain?

    While I get that it is imitating real life, I'm not a big fan of this rule and would like the option of disabling it the way that things like transfer windows and work permit restrictions can be disabled via unlockables. 


    Not at present - not least because ... err ... up until now no one had suggested it ;)

    (I'll add it to my list of things to consider for the future, it's on page 82 :D )

  16. 9 minutes ago, casperzwaart100 said:

    Did there anything change about the filosophy's of the team, for example Wolves with Portuguese players and Ajax with young players?

    At present no - although the manager in charge of a team will obviously be biased by his knowledge and nationality (so an Italian manager may sign more Italian players etc.).

    Language skills are present in FMM for the first time this year also which obviously affects such things also (its an important part of the squad dynamics as its harder to be friends with someone if you can't speak to them after all ;) ).

  17. 1 minute ago, truereddevil92 said:

    Really excited about all the new features but slightly disappointed that you can't select more than 4 playable nations at the start.

    There are lots of technical reasons why we're restricted to 4 nations at present - as older devices 'age out' it is possible this might increase in the future*, but we obviously want as many people as possible to be able to play the game.

    *ie. not this years game, but perhaps a future version.

  18. 3 hours ago, TheHurricane said:

    Will the new tactical and set peace features only be in the EME or will they be available to use the OME as well.

    Also can you hand control of arranging pre-season friendlies over to your assistant if you dont wish to be prompted to set them up at the start of each season.

    New UI is present on all match engines - however the detailed instructions are EME only.

    The friendlies will pre-arrange same as always - just now you can cancel and arrange different ones if you prefer.

    The idea of ALL features in the mobile game are to NOT slow down the gameplay, but to add options and enjoyment for people who are interested in them.

  19. This is intentional in the mobile game I'm afraid - simply put a manager in real-life doesn't set hot-dog prices etc. ... they're given budgets to work within.

    (at some point in the future if enough people request it, then I am open to expanding this out and giving more information in this regard - but it'd be a long-term thing for various reasons ... (1) I'd want it to have a sensible effect in game (ie. I'd probably want to expand how facilities etc. work), (2) There are a lot of nations in the game and balancing and tuning this sort of thing takes ages as it is, let alone when you can see individual ticket prices etc.)

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