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Marc Vaughan

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Everything posted by Marc Vaughan

  1. I'm afraid not at present - you'll have to start from new.
  2. We don't announce timelines or plans for updates - simply because sometimes something comes up which causes us to do a minor update to address a feature, there will be a transfer window update in due course, but as to when and if it'll be the next one I can't commit to (sorry).
  3. Information on how to send saves can be found in the 'how to' section for your OS here - https://support.sega.com/hc/en-gb/sections/9803989579665-Football-Manager-2023-Mobile
  4. I'm considering adding the stat side of things back somewhere so people can view this sort of thing ... it'll likely be in a future version, but a few people have mentioned missing it.
  5. I'll check later today (its 6am here presently) - it might do, but I'm not 100% certain.
  6. Inside forwards - send me your save and I'll take a look at your setup and see if I can work out whats up and tune if needed, my better ones generally can get 10-20 goals a season which seems about right (I don't have a truly world class player in that position, but do have some decent options - ie. Mitomaesque). With regards to the human manager age, that shouldn't be visible and has no effect in game (apart from a single news item string) - I've set it down and the visible age on the coach profile will vanish next update ... reason for it being so high, errr I've gotten older and used my date of birth as the default for most dates in the game, sorry ... grins with embarrassment
  7. Should still be present - you have to enable it in the starting configuration section of the preferences - which is only available BEFORE you load a save game which might be why you didn't find it?
  8. A goalkeeper coach will obviously help the player develop slightly faster, however he will still develop without one ... if he has REALLY exceptional ability (ie. world class) then he might not be able to reach the highest possible peak without specialist coaching however (there will be a warning on his training profile if that happens).
  9. Transfer list them to encourage them to leave and offer them out, worst comes to worst release them on a free transfer. Ronaldo isn't one of them is he? - players who are considered disruptive or poor performer can be awkward to shift ... especially if they're on high wages ...
  10. If you want to go 'attacking' then I'd suggest you give your wide players more support by using wingbacks ... otherwise as mentioned I'd use counter attacking or similar to try and draw the opposition out from defense a little more (basically do you want to overpower (ie. attack) or use guile (counter attack) ). Other things to consider - your high defensive line is probably why you've getting 'sprung' now and again - look for overlap really cries out for wingbacks as otherwise its less likely to be active often. Details of how to upload saves can be found here -
  11. If you can send in your save game then I'd be happy to take a look - its very hard to figure something like that out from a brief paragraph - especially as you're now 5 years in the future, if Jesus has had injuries then the player aged 30 might not be the same player he is today etc. My guess from what you've indicated is that you're now the 'dominant' team in the league (?) and smaller teams are sitting back and hitting you on the break, that combined with what sounds like attacking tactics (ie. you're being caught offside a lot) means that sometimes you're sucker punched ... it is VERY difficult to be consistent against teams who play defensively (ask Graeme Potter )... I'd recommend when that happens sit back a little more, play counter attacking and draw them out from their defense rather than attacking and piling on top of them etc. (but each to their own and there are no perfect solutions in soccer)
  12. The best way to clear up this is to have the team perform well and drag a few decent performances out of the player, alternatives is to ensure you stick up for him if the media attack him and to praise him privately ... and obviously bribes in the form of new contracts generally help These won't always work straight away, especially if the person has a problem personality - best of luck
  13. Do you have any of the save games available to send in - it doesn't sound like its the interim manager feature which is the issue but the reputation that your player has, I'd like to check and fix this if possible (i've had a few reports of issues with manager reputation not scaling up correctly sometimes and it'd be great to be able to fix this if possible).
  14. I'm afraid I'm just a developer and that sort of thing isn't something I'd be involved with (sorry) - I'm afraid it is very unlikely though as the potential risks of distributing in that manner would far outweigh the potential benefits for the studio (sorry).
  15. I'm afraid Montenegro hasn't got paid Apps on GooglePlay, I'm afraid its nothing specific to FMM - but more the way the store is setup there (you'd have to take it up with Google themselves, sorry).
  16. Would you mind indicating which store you purchased the device from (iOS or GooglePlay) and which device you're using. Also just in case you weren't aware - once you've started a game using fake names its 'stuck' like that and you need to start a new game without fake names to use real-names (ie. you can't switch between the two after a game is generated, fake names doesn't mean just 'names' it also randomizes all player data etc.).
  17. Just to mention I've a prototype fix for this in now here, it'll need have QA-testing and won't be in an update until after Xmas (sorry for the delay but these things take time and the 'stores' processing for releases slows down during this period of the year) - thanks to all for reporting the issue, if we don't know they exist they're far harder to fix
  18. I've made a note of this as something to look into - please send in a save with some examples so we can know roughly what you're trying to do (and make sure there aren't other reasons for this not being considered - ie. if a player already plays in 5 positions, retraining for a sixth won't appeal to him tbh).
  19. I'm afraid I'm not involved in the research at all and can't comment upon that - from a 'game' perspective we load the players and then retain the ones who are 'best' as far as possible - for reserve players they are often fairly devoid of research when very young so sometimes this leads to 'luck' selecting specific players within the game. You are obviously welcome to contract the research team and offer your assistance to them if you think specific data is incorrect or can be improved, otherwise please by all means just report this specific instance via. the bugs forum and it'll be looked at in due course. There will be a data update when the transfer window updates and I'll try and ensure he's in then.
  20. The mobile game has limited space for players within teams - so sometimes players have to be 'cut' from the database because of that if they have more players on their books than the game allows (the mobile game allows 40 players per squad, so for most teams 80 players if the league is active, 40 if not) ... generally the game will try and ensure that not all spaces are used at the game start because otherwise that can impede transfers (ie. if a club has 80 players it can't sign anyone).
  21. Got a tweak which will go in for the next update (post-xmas) that will allow players lower in the inactive pyramid to be more proactive for loan offers that might make you feel happier in this regard. (with regards to junior affiliates - I'm not certain that semi-pro clubs generally have many irl so I'm not planning on changing that in itself at present - but if lots of people want it, or people can prove they do exist I'm open to adjusting this also)
  22. We are always looking to improve and expand the game - however in the short-term it is unlikely that we'd include a brand new nations leagues. The reason behind this is simply that adding a new league into the game is quite an intensive thing to do - we have to model the following aspects: League and domestic cup competitions (all rules, awards, disciplinary approaches including any bespoke options unique to that system). Model the financial aspects of the league in question (ie. club finances, likely contracts including wages and durations etc.). Model the transfer movements and infuences for the situations in question (for instance some countries while discrete might more commonly trade players with certain other leagues due to geographical closeness or other ties to that region - for instance players move freely within the UK despite the disparate nature of the leagues within that region).
  23. The next update shouldn't be long now - but we don't release actual 'dates' because that side of thing isn't fully under our control (ie. we submit to the platform holders who have to approve the release).
  24. Please check in the games settings/preferences - there is a option in there which disabled header sorting that you might have accidentally enabled? (its intended for very old devices where sorting a long list might pause for a couple of seconds).
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