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The Instructor

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Posts posted by The Instructor

  1. On 24/12/2019 at 22:32, Experienced Defender said:

    As soon as I see so many instructions in a tactic, I am pretty much sure something's wrong with it.

    And not only that there is an overkill of instructions, but the tactic overall looks contradictory. 

    The most likely reason why your players "ignore your instructions" and play via flanks (much) more than through the middle (despite being told the opposite) is that - there is no space in the middle to play. 

    From your tactic it's impossible to understand what style of football you want to play. So that's the first thing you need to define before me or anyone could give you more meaningful advice. And take your team's reputation and players' quality into account when making tactical decisions.

    Thanks for your reply

    Originally I tried creating my own tactics without success so i plumped for a default tactic. All those that are highlighted are automatically chosen.

    If they are overkill as you say which I fully understand what you are saying, then why does the game make it default?

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