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Posts posted by DrazdaCZ

  1. 3 minutes ago, rushdengooner said:

    Pokud jde o pozadí, líbí se mi letošní vzor/papír, ale jaký soubor ovládá barvu?

    Podotýkám, že se aktuálně mění v souladu s primární barvou klubu. Můžete ji změnit na sekundární nebo jinou barvu (všimněte si, že výchozí vzhled je fialový)?


    It's not bad, it's nice, but I use the background of the stadium and the players, so I would need to have a transparent background

  2. 8 hours ago, Ayal said:

    What do you mean? All I did was add this bit of code to the bottom of that xml file just above the </panel> line:

    <widget id="PenD" class="match_penalty_shootout_display" hidden="true">
        <animation class="slide_in_top_animation" duration="0.6" tween="ease_out" />
        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" />
        <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" />


    Thank you

  3. 4 hours ago, Ayal said:

    To se mi nakonec podařilo opravit. Zřejmě to nebyl chybějící "panel pro zobrazení penaltového rozstřelu v zápase.xml", co chybělo, byl kousek kódu, díky kterému se panel penaltového rozstřelu zobrazí v "panelu zápasové konzole.xml". Z nějakého důvodu se původní výrobce skinů rozhodl ji odstranit, takže jsem ji jen znovu přidal a vrátila se grafika penaltového rozstřelu základní hry.

    Would it be possible to attach a panel? I've been looking for this for a long time

  4. On 7. 12. 2022 at 0:22, bluestillidie00 said:

    Věřím, že odpovídá panelu konzoly, upravte to

    <widget class="match_caption_panel" id="MCap">
        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="bottom" inset="55" />
        <layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="horizontální"/>
        <record id= "object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" />

    Čím vyšší je vložená hodnota, tím více by to mělo tlačit věci nahoru

    I'm having problems with it, I can't change it in any of the files

    match caption panel small.xml match caption panel.xml match caption subs container.xml

  5. 3 hours ago, snowofman said:

    nebo si můžete najít ten, který se vám líbí, a půjčit si ho z jiného vzhledu a nezapomeňte uvést autora:)

    I've already looked at others and I didn't really like one of them compared to what's here

  6. 4 hours ago, Rivanov said:


    <!-- image properties -->
    	<!-- image borders -->
    	<!-- these determine how many pixels any content is inset from each side of the image -->
    	<!-- (for example, in the case of a button, the content would be the text label) -->
    	<record id="image_borders" left="1" right="1" top="1" bottom="1"/>
    	<!-- image slices determine the points at which the image will be sliced to enable scaling -->
    	<!-- the image will only slice in the directions slicing values are provided for-->
    	<record id="image_slices" left="8" right="8" top="8" bottom="8"/>
    	<colour id="red_replacement" name="bg"/>
    	<boolean id="blurred" value="true"/>

    Try setting <boolean id="blurred" value="false"/>


    /edit: Can confirm this works. 🙂

    Thank you very much, that's exactly it

  7. 7 hours ago, nicholas.shen said:

    In panels\client_object\client object browser.xml

    Add the transparency value into the background box. Lower number means more transparent.

      Reveal hidden contents


        <!-- Background Box -->
        <widget class="bordered_box" appearance="fme/boxes/background/paper" transparency="0.7">


    Thank you, but I still need help so that the background is not blurry, I keep using the skin without an update, it disappointed me there

  8. 2 hours ago, Tyburn said:

    It’s not a simple copy and paste.

    It’s more than one panel and it’s not an easy solution. You need to find the dynamic_images file that controls that box then mess around with the code (generally at the top) to add the stadium code to show the correct stadium.

    Look for stadium code elsewhere in the game and have a play around.

    I found it quite picky at times as to what code is “read” on a panel by panel basis.

    A few skins released have this feature. I’d suggest looking at those. But the dynamic_images folder is where you’ll find the code.

    Thank you, I did it, but I have a problem with one panel that drives me crazy, and that is when I use it, it shows me on the home page that there is an unknown stadium, and when I don't use it, I don't see images of the stadium in the news, but the name of the field on the home picture works for me, so there must be an error somewhere that I can't figure out





    competition news image panel.xml

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