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Posts posted by staclarapa

  1. I think the game would be more interesting if SI can put randomness to the referee decision to add more controversy and drama and unlucky/luckiness feeling just like real life. let say refreee decision only 95% accurate, the 5% will be a room for error e.g. the offside goal will stand, player get unfair red card, unrightful penalty, etc

  2. 13 hours ago, niklas88 said:

    I agree with your idea but not with everything you suggest.
    Why should a player lose 6 passing and 2 vision as he gets older?
    Maybe lose some passing as he gets really old and weaker but the mental attributes should only get better as they age.

    As it is now, all physicals plummet for most players when they're past 32.
    Alomst no players left older than 35 after a couple of seasons.
    Pace, acceleration and agility should be the what mainly declines as they age but not as fast as it currently does.

    Strength, especially, should stay mainly the same. No reason why my 12+ strength CD should fall to 5-6 strength when he's 35-36.
    This, coupled with the importance of speed in the ME makes older players mostly unusable unfortunately.

    The figures are just example and it will be calculated within the engine + some random factors. And read my linked research paper that conclude the cognitive ability of athlete decline as they get older, your brain will work slower as you get older right?

  3. aging player will decline A LOT on physical stats and very little on technical and mental. And from what I observed in real life, it is supposed to be more balanced between all stats (but still physical will decline more). Aging players in real life pass their peak not only because of their physical decline, but also because they play worse. In fm you will see player with 3 stamina and 5 pace but still have 19 passing and 18 vision , I'd like to see the numbers maybe become 7 stamina, 9 pace, 13 passing and 16 vision.


    Elite tennis players have been getting older. A 2012 study calculated that the average age of top male tennis players increased at about 0.34 years per season over the past two decades, rising from an average age of 26.2 years to 27.9 years.

    How, exactly, are today’s athletes prolonging their careers? Kalen and his team speculate that a combination of factors are at play. “Several factors may have contributed to recent “aging” of the top players,” state Kalen and his collaborators. “One of the factors is likely the increased investments of soccer clubs on support functions to monitor, increase and sustain the players’ performance; including modern training facilities, strength and conditioning departments and dietists.”

    research that shows football players are older: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00076/full

    research that shows aging player will have decreased cognitive performance: https://academic.oup.com/neurosurgery/article-abstract/47/3/651/2748597


    So my suggestion is please adjust the decline rate and make facilities and physicians affect the decline rate


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