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Ron Wandle

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Posts posted by Ron Wandle

  1. Okay. If I'm changing the Upcoming Match sessions to fit the upcoming match, then I might change the other schedules anyway. I might make three training schedules for when the season is in progress - one balanced, one for matches I'm strong favourite for, and one for matches I'm strong underdog for.

    Some sessions that might change include:


    Match Preparation: Teamwork
    Tactical: Tactical
    Attacking: Attacking
    Defending: Defending


    Match Preparation: Attacking Movement
    Tactical: Attacking Shadow Play
    Attacking: Attacking Patient
    Defending: Defending Engaged


    Match Preparation: Defensive Shape
    Tactical: Defensive Shadow Play
    Attacking: Attacking Direct
    Defending: Defending Disengaged

  2. 13 minutes ago, b2khn said:

    I don't think there is partial progress on Attributes. Attributes ranging from 1-200 go up in steps of 2 or multiple of 2. So if you have longshot of 134 and the attributes goes up by 2 it comes out as 14.

    For an attribute to go up, it has be included in a trainingsession, either directly or via indiv. attributes pos/rol/dut. But there is no guarantee, it will only apply a chance <1 and also restrictions like ca/pa.

    So does that mean changing something like Attacking Patient and Attacking Direct to cater for the Upcoming Match is a good idea or a bad idea?

  3. 11 hours ago, phnompenhandy said:

    How they work and how they're supposed to work may not be entirely identical. I'll just refer you to this earlier discussion. We're not allowed to mention the name any more


    Thanks. Seems to be a complicated issue without an answer that is easy to grasp.

    I see that all the Set Piece category of schedules are also labelled as being for the Upcoming Match.

    This page discusses the temporary boost schedules:


    So I get the impression that training schedules that are not labelled as for the Upcoming Match are about long-term player development. So training Attacking Patient before a home game against weaker opposition and training Attacking Direct before an away game against stronger opposition is unlikely to have an effect. 

    However, there's a small chance that they could have an effect that might make it worth doing. If a player was 99.9% along the way to increasing, say, the Long Shots attribute, then training Attacking Direct, which includes Long Shots training, might make it "pop" to the next level that week, while it would not "pop" if training Attacking Patient that week, since it doesn't include Long Shots training. Over the long term, this would produce a marginal gain.

    Is this correct?

  4. 1 hour ago, phnompenhandy said:

    Players are supposed to get a wee boost according to the routines practised. I'm in pre-season at the mo so can't see the pop ups. Maybe read up on threads about training in the stickies above.

    I had a read, but so far I haven't seen explanation about how temporary attribute boosts work. Are they invisible boosts to player stats that are hidden from the human player?

  5. I've made a customizable training template which tries to cover all bases. The idea is to have one of the schedules from each category in each slot. It has three free slots for Rest, which will make players happy. With a happy squad, extra sessions can be scheduled in these slots. I wasn't sure whether to include Transition as its own category, or whether to put it in with one of the others.


  6. Which training routines should be changed to fit the upcoming match?

    The Match Preparation category of Training routines has three that say they're for "Upcoming Match" - Teamwork, Defensive Shape, Attacking Movement.

    These could be adjusted for the opposition in the upcoming match. If one anticipated being the inferior side, one could choose Teamwork, if playing a pressing game and aggressively winning back the ball, or choose Defensive Shape, if playing a defensive game based on holding the shape and being hard to break through. If one anticipated being the superior side, one could choose the Attacking Movement schedule.

    As far as I can see, only these three schedules say they are for the Upcoming Match.

    Are there any other training schedules that have a short-term impact on the upcoming match, or are the rest long-term slow-burners, giving small benefit that take weeks to take effect?

  7. 2 hours ago, XaW said:

    Preferences, search for zoom


    I changed it to 95%, and now I have six panels in the Touchline Tablet.

    I don't know why it briefly gave me six panels before. It may have been after changing the Preferences from Windowed back to 1920x1080 screen resolution. I think the game should automatically show six panels, without having to change the zoom.

  8. 19 minutes ago, XaW said:

    You can drag the panels back and forth to create more or less as you want.

    It is based on the view you use, so it might be a max number of panels on certain zooms and resolutions.


    I normally have three views, with a lot of unused space. I can't see a way to make it six, although it does seem to be feasible.


    Also, is there a way to access this view during play? It is normally only visible in between highlights.

  9. I got relegated and sacked, but was "magically" instantly rehired. About a third of my squad want to leave, but I've put my foot down and rejected all bids for them. I have almost daily team meetings in which half the squad complain at me. All the players that loved me last season now hate me. During matches, most of the team are complacent or disinterested and they perform below par.

    I'm sticking with my guns, though, and hoping to get re-promoted this season. I tied the players down with long contracts and huge release clauses, so they aren't going anywhere.

    What about you?

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