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Posts posted by Forberg

  1. 6 hours ago, Jake Choi said:

    건의 주셔서 감사드립니다. 정확한 이슈의 원인을 알려면 보다 다양한 정보가 필요하지만, 관전 시 경기가 버벅이는 부분에 대해서 관련 팀에 전달해보도록 하겠습니다. 추후 해당 이슈에 대해 자세한 정보나 설명이 필요할 때 요청 드릴 수 있도록 하겠습니다. 감사합니다.

    감사합니다. 필요한 정보가 있다면 보내드리겠습니다

  2. When I make a tatic 


    I want to use 'Personal Selection'


    For example if Aubameyang go to AML he would play as Inside Foward, and if Saka go to AML he would play as Inverted Winger


    Every thing okay when I make Tatic. The personal setting for players seem right. (original - Winger, but only different for Aubameyang, Saka) 


    If there is no match, the roll change as I change players.


    However, the problem happens when it comes to match day. 


    If I put Aubameyang at last match and if I don't touch any line-up, then at the match day, every player's roll change to Inside Foward. 


    Not only every player's roll change to Inside Foward, but also, the tatic it self change Winger to Inside Foward, which is Aubameyang's personal setting in Tatic


    please Fix this bug.



  3. On 04/12/2020 at 12:18, Jake Choi said:

    @Forberg 안녕하세요, 혹시 해당 현상을 겪으신게 위에 보내주신 경기 한번이었나요 아니면 이후 계속해서 보고서를 확인할 수 없으셨나요? 혹은 이후로도 간헐적으로 발생을 하셨을까요?

    발생하는 경우들을 파악했어요

    한번 진행 = 진행하기 버튼을 누른 경우

    1. 경기 종료 후 기자회견이 끝나지 않은 경우 = 무조건 발생

    2. 경기 종료 후 기자회견이 끝나도 한번 진행이 되지 않은 경우 = 무조건 발생

    3. 경기 종류 후 기자회견이 끝나고 한번 진행시 = 정상적으로 나옴

    4. 경기 종료 후 기자회견이 없는 경우, 진행하기 버튼을 안 누를시 = 무조건 발생

    5. 경기 종료 후 기자회견이 없는 경우, 진행하기 버튼을 누를시 = 정상적으로 나옴

  4. Hi.


    I just finished a game and I found a rare bug. (Maybe not rare)


    I am playing Arsenal, and opponent was Liverpool. 


    My final score was 1-0 and won. 


    However at the end of the game, Diogo Jota seemed to be injured, which I thought my player was injured by Jota, and I press Okay to Chief coach advice. 


    After that I went into Liverpool locker room and I have to do team meeting, which was supposed to be done by Klopp (Lol). After that I did my team locker room meeting too.


    Please fix this bug.



  5. Hi

    I am not sure whether you know this problem but I am having a slight problem.


    I manage one country.

    Find a player to pick (eg. Lionel Messi in Argentina)

    Call up the player or put him in the backup list (is it right? I am not sure is this correct in english lol)


    -----------------No problem--------------------------

    but, when I make changes to player, than suddenly the player not only drop from the call up list but also from the back up list.


    For example, if I change  Leo Messi CA/PA to 200/200, then Leo Messi just dropped from the call up list.


    Also not just the player dropped but also the AI will 'think' that I dropped him and get angry about it. 


    It also happened after all the call up is done, and cannot be changed unless the injury happen before the match.



    I find out that Position change (like midfielder 18 to 20) or ability change (Off the ball 16->19) does not dropped the player 


    but CA change dropped the player.


    Plz fix this problem

  6. What I want in FM2021


    1. More detailed attacking/defensive tatic

    For example, when you see Big team such as Munich, you can see that they move with some kind of pratcied movement. However, in fm2020 or less, we can only choose how the player will mover throughout the game. Really need these kind of detailed tatics.


    2. More 'playable role' for players.

    when we choose Winger, their are some restriction, in movement, but these day more players are becoming 'new type' of player. Really need for player to create new kind of role.


    If possible please add at fm2021



  7. 25 minutes ago, Jimmy Wong said:

    Can you upload the save to SI Cloud and let us know the name of the save, please?

    SI Cloud: https://oc.sigames.com/owncloud/index.php/s/Kzvhd0MdU3v4Nv4


    Since the upload is very slow, you can download here




    the save file name is 'Fm20-First.fm'





    Since my maximum number of posts is full... Thank you for your support @Kyle Brown Hope it fix at next update

  8. 1 minute ago, Tony Garvey said:

    Hi @Forberg

    Thanks for providing your crash dump. Are you running a custom database, or any other custom assets, by any chance?

    1 hour ago, Forberg said:

    Thanks. Hope SI staffs find the problem for me.

    I ain't sure but I guess not. Definitely no custom assets like face or logo graphics. 

  9. 34 minutes ago, FrazT said:

    The SI staff can look at the dump file and the only issue that I can see from the dxdiag report is that the page file is enormous indication that there are multiple programmes that are running and these may be conflicting with the game and these are not leaving very much RAM for the game to use. Have a look at all the apps that are running in the background and at start up and close down all but the essential ones.  This may not be the cause of the crash but it will help with the overall efficiency of the machine anyway when it is cleared.

    After I tried again, it happened again.


    Could you recommend any other solutions?


    Here's DxDiag and dmp file after I tried after closing all the other apps

    DxDiag.txt FM 2020 v20.4.2.1438909 (2020.09.22 16.32.53).dmp

  10. 28 minutes ago, FrazT said:

    The SI staff can look at the dump file and the only issue that I can see from the dxdiag report is that the page file is enormous indication that there are multiple programmes that are running and these may be conflicting with the game and these are not leaving very much RAM for the game to use. Have a look at all the apps that are running in the background and at start up and close down all but the essential ones.  This may not be the cause of the crash but it will help with the overall efficiency of the machine anyway when it is cleared.

    I will try once again after closing all the other apps.  If it happens one more time I will post again. Thanks for your help

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