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Posts posted by Sandeman

  1. None of the ''additional focus'' areas for individual training seem to include ''Crossing''. Is this a bug or am I missing something?


    Almost every single player that's put on individual training complains about ''Feels that the assigned training is not going to produce.... etc.'''. Both youngsters and senior members do this. It's really annoying since certain attributes need vital boosting. I assume this is a bug or are all my players whiney turds?

    Coaches regularly feed back that a player should no longer do a certain individual training since ''it's not a weakness in his game anymore'' or something like that. Which is ridiculous, especially if, for example, you have a 18-year old defender with a strength attribute of 8. If you change it to something else the same notifications happen. This happens to a lot of players. So none of my average players have any weaknesses in their game?

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