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Everything posted by Ron_Swanson

  1. March 2024 - Youth intake The actual intake looks way better than preview. Possibly golden generation, everyone rated as elite talent. Even one with 2* CA already, but he's AML and I have last years youngster Matthew Ross on that side whos doing excellent job with 12 goals and 10 assists in 31 games so I'll have to split playing time between those two somehow. Few more 1*CA's - plenty to choose from.
  2. There's no rush for promotion but if I'll get a chance to be near the top of the table I'll definetely go for it. My young team is not ready quite yet if we're talking about skill level but going up could be very benefitial. Higher match day income, playing against stronger teams can help improve players, possibly better staff willing to join - it's all worth.
  3. December 2023 - youth intake preview It doesn't look great, not at all. Maybe it's just my HoYD is very bad at judging potential but I can't get better one now.
  4. July - December 2023 A quick jump to the middle of the season. Very similar story - we're somewhere in the mid-table now, but we didn't have easy start, we were in the lower half for the entire time. My top talent Jason Powell broke his foot in the preseason games and missed over 3 months. Our FA Cup run ended one more round further than last year. We still play friendlies every week between league game so club's bank account grows slowly but steadily. All of my best players accepted new contracts until 2025 plus 2 year extension each so that's huge. We didn't get any facility investments - I try with training facilities but get denied every time due to financial situation so we need to save more money. But Junior Coaching and Youth Recruitment grew a little over time since last upgrade and now it looks way better than average tier 9 team - now we need time to improve all those youngsters.
  5. Thanks, I'm really enjoying this career so far. It's gonna be a long slog but I think it's more fun than starting in Vanarama North/South
  6. May - June 2023 A break before next season, so no games, everyone's on holiday. But few things worth mentioning happened. I got offered a new contract with a small wage raise which I happily accepted. I also completed another coaching course and now I have National A Licence. Rising manager attributes, results above expectations even got me some interest from other clubs from higher divisions (one offer was from League 2) but I don't go to interviews as my goal is to lead Worcester to greatness. And we made one more step to accomplish it - we category 4 youth rating. Our facilities made a big leap forward through this season. Now I'm saving money for better training facilities, it's gonna take some time, maybe over a year.
  7. April 2023 Final games of the season. We did a little better than previous months. 7th place in league is way beyond expectations as we were considered as a relegation candidate. A lot of players got some game time throughout the season, I still try to fill positions where I don't have a star player so there's rotation of youths. That's how the squad stats look like after last game
  8. March 2023 - youth intake Definetely not a good month, we lost most of our games but we're secure in mid table. Youth intake looks decent, everyone is a 4/5* potential (but are they really?) I'm pretty sure this group of youngsters is gonna have more quality than last years because our facilities are not garbage anymore so some of them will be used in first squad roation straight away.
  9. February 2023 Very sloppy form. Only one win and once again we couldn't beat local rivals - Worcester City. At least we have officialy avoided relegation. The squad is healthy and I even see a little improvement from some of our youngsters. This month also brings us more upgrades. First - youth recruitment - we had a little talk with the board but eventually they accepted. Then I thought why not try another one if they're so generous, and I got increse in junior coaching. Sweet. Future will definetelly look brighter.
  10. January 2023 Nothing interesting really happened. We add 6 points in league but lost in Midland League Cup 3rd round agaist team from lower division. Little dissapointing but this is the less atractive cup with very low prizes so I can live with that. Plus a nice moment when we beat Newcastle U23's where I had a chance to use my best lineup
  11. December 2022 I'm still happy with league results, we get some wins and we wander around playoff spots. More friendlies when we have some space in our schedule, as usual. This month my key players gained a lot of attention. There's more and more club chasing them but I keep rejecting offers as they are only for 0$ so it's not gonna be beneficient for us in any way. I triggered all contract extensions so we're good until june 2024. Youth intake preview came and I have mixed feelings. It's a 4* intake and only two positions have A grade. But I desperately need someone in the midfield and there's a chance we will get him this year. Also a striker would be nice. My current one, James Davies is performing really well with 13 goals in 19 games but I need some depth
  12. November 2022 Another decent month. We are establishing our position as a mid-table team. I think with form like that we don't have to worry about relegation. Few more friendlies, my youngsters even won against Tottenham U23's although Spurs were way better, but one lucky goal and we got it. Talking about finances, we are in red this month, but guess why? Yeah, the option to ask for youth facilities upgrade shown up again and this time the board said yes without hesitation. I'm looking forward to see what the intake preview will look like next month but I know we're not gonna benefit from these upgrades quite yet. It takes couple of years but it will look better and better.
  13. October 2022 We are back on a winning track. 4 games in a league and 4 wins. We played against teams from lower half of table so there was a good opportunity to break the bad run and we squeezed as much as we can from it. No current injuries, some young guys look really decent performance-wise. We had a free week since we're no longer in FA Vase and that means more friendlies - money and some playing time for my backup players. Finances are still stable, another month with profit. Another improvement to make a great youth academy. Junior coaching budget increase approved. I'm really happy with it
  14. September 2022 That's where the trouble begins. A horrible month for us. Two games per week every week where I got to use my best lineup came really bad. Due to lack of depth in our squad we had problems with fitness and even some injuries. But morale are still good, we don't lose hope. We lost in FA Cup vs Leek Town who play two divisions higher, we did our best but it was not enough. Also sep 14th was the derby match of Worcester which we lost too, but 501 spectators is our all time record attendance in league games. That's the worst so far, he will miss whole october But not everything went bad. I convinced the board to improve youth recruitment again, there's a chance we will get more talented youths. I've also tried with youth facilities but got denied. They said they rather want me to buy players who are already good for first team but we're not gonna do this. I'll try again in a few months. And the last thing. Another coaching course completed
  15. August 2022 The league started way better than I thought with four games without a loss. We're in a playoff spot, maybe the bookies were too harsh on us, lets see how long we can maintain this form. Also we won both preliminary rounds of FA Cup, it's already better than last season. The gate receipts from those cup games are really nice. Another month we make a profit as our expeditures are still very low except the "other"
  16. July 2022 Friendlies time, again Premier League U23's, heavy loses but at least the money is good so I don't mind. Nothing interesting happened. Income and expeditures are that high because of the costs of that friendlies but we still make a profit of around 5k for every match
  17. Season 22/23 start So we moved up to Midland League Premier Division and it looks it's not gonna be that easy like last year. We are predicted as a worst team here and the difference is quite big. The board expects us to fight bravely against relegation and to be competitive in cups, so at least there's no pressure for succes. Here's what the squad looks like. I still need to figure out what to do with central midfielders, they look worthless with that 1-2 grey stars CA, everyone will get a chance to prove themself. But the great news is we managed to sign a part-time contracts with all of our key players with 1 year optional contract extensions so they are staying with us for another two seasons. We still got a room in wage budget but there's no need to spend it all right now, we're good. From this point I'll try to do monthly updates.
  18. Season 21/22 review Great news! We won the division and gained a promotion. It's not a surprise because at the beginning of the season we were considered as second best team, so job done. Our squad still looks very uneven. There are some core players who play in every possible game, and there's a bunch of kids I'm trying to rotate. Few of them improved a little so it pays off. (Details in spoiler). Jordan Cox was superb with avg rating over 8 and Jordan Murphy also contributed a lot. They're all still quite young so I hope there will be plenty more of that kind of performances. Our results below. Slow start, but as the tactical familiarity increased the wins came. There were a friendly game mid-week between league matches to earn us some money and give some playing time to those youngsters who are not in league rotation now. As you can see in the finances it worked really well. The attendance though is very dissapointing. I bet it looks really awkward on our 12k stadium
  19. As I'm already in second season I'm gonna do a quick review of what happened in the first one. The worst thing is we lost 3 of our top players. Cooper left already in july, Mulders and Stratford stayed until new year but I couldn't convince them longer. That left us with a big hole in the central midfield as I didn't have any decent replacement. Youth intake looks promising but none of them is good enough to make a difference at this moment. We will have to wait couple of years and hope at least some of them improve. John Bell will jump straight away to starting lineup as I don't have better options for second DC. Also Pat Tuffy, Jack Young and Marcus Hailey will fight for two availaible spots in the middle of the pitch. It's gonna be very challenging Around november/december the board agreed to upgrade training facilities and youth recruitment but denied youth facilities. We used all of our money for that. In order to earn some I decided to arrange a lot of friendlies with U23 's of Premier League teams and by "a lot" I really mean it. Each of this friendlies gave us about 5k profit plus some earnings from FA Cup gates and we could afford it. And I got my first coaching badge
  20. Meet the team Manager, Tom Braider, local kid who played in youth teams, no coaching badges Squad - we have only a few good players, rest of them is just worthless in terms of current ability. Some youths with great potential, but at this level even the 5* PA could mean nothing, we will see. The worst thing is that they are on non-contracts so we can lose them at any time. Key players below
  21. Season 21/22 introduction We start with almost the worst possible facilities (except the stadium). So our priority is to upgrade them as soon as possible since we're going to use only what we can get from our academy, no transfers in. Upgrades cost money and we don't have that either. The stadium on the other hand is outstanding. The Sixways Stadium with the capacity of 12000, used mainly for rugby games. I don't think we can fill it up for a very long time
  22. Thanks, I've read HQ and Rules where the instructions said about hosting websites, but I guess it was just not updated
  23. Hello, this is the first time ever I decided to post about my FM adventures. But I think this could be interesting one. I really enjoy the youth academy challenge and I wanted to try it at level as low as possible. So, English tier 10 leagues, here I come. The club I chose - Worcester Raiders. Founded in 2001. This is their first season in tier 10, earlier they played in regional leagues, so they're pretty new team.
  24. Hi, I've never posted anything here but I'm considering to give it a try with my English tier 10 career. But I have a question about posting images. What's the best way to do it, what hosting sites do you use, and is there any free ones with no "few MB" limits?
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