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Posts posted by MikeDuff1980

  1. Not been on the forums for years having gave up the game . Purchased the new mobile version and have been loving it . Couple of things that could be improved . Hall of fame is pointless , I’ve won the league 5 times in a row Champions League 5 times , League and Fa cup 5 times , basically everything and yet still I’ve got managers without jobs above me having not won a thing . Annoying 😆 . Would be good to go back and see the commentary, always enjoyed that on the old games . I’ve been Manager of Derby from the start and never had one job offer having won all of the above 🤔 . Way too many injuries in a season too . Apart from all that , it’s good fun for what is a bite size version of the full Game . 
    Please sort the Hall of Fame out though 👍🏽 
     Ahh one more thing , more in depth records and player history please . Lightweight on stats . I.E most games and goals for club aren’t available to see 🤔

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