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Posts posted by TheDude1980

  1. Hi, looking for another recommendation around £1000 mark. The one I ask about before sold out. Mainly play FM and want it to last a few years. Not at all an expert on these things though. I thought this one seemed decent 


    Or maybe this one 


    Not sure if I can get better value. Do you have any recommendations?

    Again, really appreciated 👍

  2. Hi, could I have some advice please? I've not upgraded for a while and I'm looking to get a machine that could comfortably manage 20+ leagues and a large database. Budget is anywhere around the £1000 mark but main thing is it can handle a decent set up. Also I don't play many other games so main thing is FM. 

    I have an extra 15% discount at John Lewis so thinking this one could be an option based on previous advice 


    Interested to get thoughts or if there's anything else there you would recommend? Or if paying a bit extra and playing this set-up if there's any better options at the moment?

    Really appreciate the advice! 

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