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Dance Seth Dance

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Posts posted by Dance Seth Dance

  1. On 06/11/2022 at 03:29, FrazT said:

    If the problems that you mention were game issues specifically, then the forums would be full of users raising these concerns.  A lot of users have noted that they consider the game to be too easy, so it is a balancing act for the developers.

    Without being able to pinpoint any specific issue from your post, it would be worthwhile to raise a thread in the tactics forum and lay out your team, player and tactics instructions and the guys in there can have a look and make some suggestions that may help

    Please also do not use language that is against the forum rules in your posts- if the software comes up with a *, then it is not allowed and you should be capable of getting your point across without using unacceptable language.

    Yeah I'm not saying they're bugs or whatever, but it makes me wonder if there's some sort of human manager modifier because things are so extreme in stats for humans players compared to ai. Well when you have a winning tactic and you save that then yeah the game gets very easy, but until you find a working tactic you will just be fired trying to test them out.

    My question is how can I be underperforming on xg such an insane amount? -15.05 is crazy, then add that to my underperformance xga. Just don't really get how this can consistently happen over all tactics and saves.

    Yeah mb

    On 06/11/2022 at 09:52, Dagenham_Dave said:


    Clearly doing it wrong then :rolleyes:

    Doing what wrong? I tried 3 different tactics and they all gave me the exact same matches

    23 hours ago, sporadicsmiles said:

    It is absolutely something you are doing tactically. In fact I can predict what your XG graph will look like from these numbers. You have a steady stream of very small xG increases, like small steps, rather than big jumps. This represents creating a lot of very poor chances. So the xG will add up, but the chance of scoring each individual chance is low, so you always end up underachieving. It is always better to create fewer, higher quality chances. If you are seeing large chunks of xG increase and getting this, your players are not performing well. So the chances you create are not suited to them (lots of headers for players bad at heading, lots of 1v1s for players with terrible composure, etc). 

    Well I had work ball into box in my first season so I'm not shooting from range, I also 90% of the time am watching highlights of my players being 1 on 1 kicking it right at the keeper, or just straight wide. In my second season I specifically went with a direct counter attack and again, again I'm the second worst for underachieving. First season I had tiki taka for first half of the season, went with gegenpress second half of the season. 3 tactics same outcomes every time. Yeah I do specifically make it easier for my strikers to score, none of them are good aerially so cross are low, and I have inverted wingers telling them to pass it inwards rather than crossing it. All these things I know, yet when I'm against AI teams their 8 composure 9 finishing strikers score 1 on 1 chances.

    23 hours ago, sporadicsmiles said:

    This suggests you are giving up a lot of high xG chances to the opposition. No chance has an xG of 1, but if you keep giving up big chances, you are going to concede a lot of goals. Again, this points to something tactical in the way you defend. If I were to guess, taking these two points together. You are playing too high and too aggressive, and not leaving enough cover and keep getting hit by quick attacks by the opposition before you can get players back in position properly. Too many players forward limits their space, making it hard for you to create chances. While you gift the opposition tonnes of space. Just a guess, mind, only you can tell us what is happening. Look at the xG graph next time for some matches, and even post some of them so we can have a look. I'd be amazed if I guessed wrong here. 

    Again, I get the same results across all tactics. Second season I'm actually running counter attack, so I'm sat back and don't play high at all. Yeah well that's why I'm confused, everything you're saying makes sense, and I've been through it all myself but I don't get results even whilst changing my tactics completely. I've played fm forever and typically been fine, and no doubt I'll eventually figure some tactics that work here and be fine, but it's frustrating how I'm such an extremity. -15.05xg is crazy, the fact I conceded 9 more goals than my xga making me the #1 is crazy, then add in my goalkeeper who is the second best player in the league being so low of expected saves that he can't make the top 20.

    23 hours ago, sporadicsmiles said:

    If you keep forcing your keeper to face extremely good chances for the opposition, they are going to do badly. Unless the keeper is making errors leading to goals directly, he is only as good as the defence you stick in front of him. Relying on a keeper to make save after save after save of really good chances is a terrible defensive strategy. The aim of your defence is to make the keeper do as little as possible, and those things he has to do be as easy for him as possible. The keeper is a last resort, not the main part of the defence. This couples directly to point 2. 

    If you want to fix this, you need to be willing to take a look at the way your team is set up, and to admit that you can improve your approach to the game.

    That's the problem, he doesn't. This is why the xga is not super high, and my gk has a crazy minus on expected saves because he's letting in really easy shots. But this happens no matter which tactic and keeper it feels like. In the last few fm's I'm not sure I've signed a single top goalkeeper that actually stands out and performs like they're a top keeper. Yeah my defence in front of him were all 3-4.5 stars, even the backup is decent. 

    Yeah I've changed my tactics relentlessly, I try to do diff tactics every new save but these things seem to be consistent over all tactics and saves for me. Always underperform xg to the point of being top 3 every time. Always concede a lot of goals from poor shots. Goalkeeper is almost always in a negative for expected saves. It makes me think there is some sort of human 

    So I just had a look at a bunch of this season's stats.

    I have some of the lowest for opposition final third passes, opposition passes per defensive action, passes completed against, and I'm middle of the pack for shots allowed. This is all very interesting because somehow I'm still 2nd for most shots on target against me, so is the opposition just doing 1 pass through my entire team having insanely accurate shots and scoring? Very odd. I have a low line of engagement and defence.

    It's a shame that I can't see my first season stats where everything was 10x worse


  2. So, in every FM no matter which tactics I use, I (and my friend) typically end up with the same things across all saves.

    1. Always, ALWAYS underachieve on xg. Usually I will always be underscoring xg. This game it's no different, in fact it's way way worse


    This was 1 game before the end of the season, and it ended up -15.05. Obviously you're thinking "well it must be your players tactics", yet this is commonplace across all my saves, all my teams, all my tactics. Just finished my second season and with a totally new team and tactic, I've once again underperformed xg and am second worse in the table in that regard. 

    2. Always conceding more than the xg. It's insane how many times I've had to watch my team ship 3 goals to 1xg this game. There is nothing more infuriating than watching your team go through on goal just to smash it wide, then see them run down the other end and score a screamer from outside the box. This season, 52.9xga, actually conceded? 64. You think I have a bad goalkeeper/defence then? 

    3. Goalkeepers are utterly pointless and do nothing. A good 4 star experienced keeper is no better than a 2 star newgen. Every now and then I think of putting a lot into my GK because I WANT to actually stop conceding horrible training ground goals all the time. So this season I signed Gazzaniga in Dutch second division, he's 4 stars. He's second in key players. He then has a save percentage of 70. Expected 85. He's so far down on saved goals prevented that he can't make the top 20, my keeper last season also could not make the top 20. My keepers in all saves typically rarely make the top 20. I genuinely do not get good goalkeepers. I'm actually gonna wait for the editor and do a test, giving 20 stats all around to a GK and put him in my team. I bet even with that he will still stand out and perform like a top keeper. Every save where my first team goalkeeper flops, I just put in a youth player who's 2 stars, and their save %s are usually around the same, if not better. So what is the point in having "good" goalkeepers, you may as well just get the cheapest as they have no impact it's pure coin flip.

    These problems existed on fm22 as well, just nowhere near as badly as they are showing up on 23 right now. No matter which tactic I use, no matter which players, it's always the same underachieve on xg, lose to teams that have a 3rd of my xg, watch my 4 star gk/striker play like they're 1 star *******, and watch their 2 star ******* players play like prime Kahn/Messi. How is it possible that these same problems can exist across both games, and across any and all tactics? This makes me think that the match engine knows when it's a human player and it goes to ****, cause none of it makes sense to me.

    Also maybe a bug but my team went 1st season without a red card, 2nd season 18 games without a red card, then I got 10 in my next 18 games with a streak of 6 in 6 games straight at one point.



  3. Seems to be a huge problem on this game where It's not possible to get over 7 rating for most of your players no matter how they actually do? In my first season I finished second in the table, only my wingsback and cf managed to get over 7. Even despite my cf scoring 20 in 26 games, he got a 7.10. I looked around in my league, and only 2 of the top 8 teams managed to get a cb over a 7 rating, with one of the cbs scoring 8 goals and assisting 6, which is why he has it. So my second year in I'm having more trouble than the first, but I can't figure out who's at fault because the ratings are so inconsistent and bad in this game. There have been matches I've played against the top teams, conceded 1 goal and my cb's get a 6.0 rating, which is ****ing crazy you'd assume they would have shat the bed for a rating like that. I think there was a game I didn't concede any goals, and both cb's got a 6.2. And again this season, only my wingbacks and cf has an above 7 rating.  Cf ofc has 24 goals in 31 games and only has a 7.05. I have a cm with 8 goals and 8 assists in 36 and gets a 6.9 for it. A winger of mine has 5 goals and 7 assists in 30, 6.65 average rating for that. I checked their stats to see what my cb's are doing wrong. Most of them have a 100% pass completion, 100% tackle rate, and at max 1 mistake leading to goals. 


    So instead of asking if they're going to sort this out (cause they obviously aren't or they woulda done it already), how are we supposed to now judge if someone is doing well when they stats are all looking good, but they get terrible ratings?

  4. So I'll start by saying I've played FM for a long time now, and spend a lot of time on every iteration, I usually do decently well in most saves. This current game I've done 2 saves totalling 17 seasons, and I'm now at the point I want some answers for things that just don't make sense to me.


    So, firstly, is xg actually just broken, or a useless stat? Many matches I have the higher xg, yet I lose. My last two games I conceded 4 goals each, with an xg of 0.88, and 1.01. I conceded 2 goals with a 0.08 xg. 


    Secondly, I am for some reason countered by mirror match ups. I run a 4-2-3-1 wide formation, and get slapped by any other team running the exact same formation. I've ran 3 different tactics with the same formation and get the same results. How is that possible that I can lose so hard to the formation I'm running? Oh, and how do you beat 3 cb formations? I've played about 15-20 teams using it, and I've not won once against it. I realise irl teams overload the wings, and focus their play there, but that doesn't work for me. I got so mad I copied their formation to use against them, and they still whooped me.


    Thirdly, I cannot read the average ratings on FM21. I have players who score and assist goals, but still get bad average ratings, what am I missing here? Muller here is one example, how does he get a 6.91 league average rating whilst having 16 goals? He was 3rd or 4th top goal scorer that year in the league. I remember the xg he had as well, it was lower than his actual goals, or at least around the same.



    Another one here that had a 6.66 which is pretty damn bad over a whole season, yet managed 10 goals from the wing.



    My fourth point is, how can you even find out what's going wrong when you start losing? The team analysis page is basically captain obvious, you concede most of your goals from inside the box, like yeah, I wouldn't expect anything less. They say you're conceding too many from through balls, okay, I play gegenpress, and I have cb's with 17/18 pace and acceleration, so why are they still getting beaten by balls over the top? Okay, I play more narrow forcing them outside, okay now I concede too many from the wings. How do you genuinely find out what's going wrong? 


    And as a last question, why does a team suddenly start playing awful out of nowhere when you don't even make any changes to your tactics? I'm talking team going from best form in the league to straight up worst


  5. Once again goalkeepers struggle to get 7+ ratings. I've had games where I don't concede and my gk ends up with a 6.3. How is that actually possible?


    0 free kicks scored in two whole season of my save.


    So, am I misunderstanding xG here. Because I have the much higher xG in most games vs my opponents, and yet I keep losing. All my opposition teams keep having 4 shots, 3 on target 3 goals, 0.5 xG. Then there's me with 15 shots, 10 on target, 1.5xG and 0 goals. If it's a one off, it'd be fine, but this happens a LOT for me. What does this mean, exactly? I have a better striker/wingers than the team I face. All my players just miss sitters one after the one, whilst the other team gets the ball once and just walks through my team and scores. Also, my defence actually get my highest ratings. All my defenders have an ave rating of 7+. So if they're not playing ****, why do I keep conceding every attack?

  6. Is there any way to delete b teams, under 23's etc? 


    My team at the end of the season randomly decided to make a B team, Under 23's, Under 19's, and Under 19's B. On top of that, half of my players in the under 19's randomly got transfer listed and none of them will sign new contracts because of it. I'm in control of all transfers/contracts for my team. I move them to the first team and I still don't have any options to take them off the transfer list. 


    Also, I was Japan manager, and I wasn't able to go into staff tab. Every-time I pressed it, I ended up taking me to the squad tab. Is that some sort of problem with fact they're not licensed?

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