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Issue Comments posted by Eckfahne

  1. Am 16.11.2021 um 22:37 schrieb Michael Sant:

    Hey @Eckfahne sorry to hear you had been experiencing these issues. All Other Gameplay has been one of our busier sections so replies on our side are slower than we'd like. However, we have had a new minor update and I'm wondering if you can confirm whether or not this issue is still present in the game for you? If so, then I can look to move this to live game issues section. 

    In addition to this, if it is still happening can you upload a save game that shows this is the case? A guide on how to upload files is available here:


    @Michael Sant No problem with the late response - I'm glad that my report didn't get burried and you take the time respond and investigate :)

    I checked my old save (started in beta) after the recent update and the problem with both the "offensive" and "defensive" team xG statitics persist (the xG value is compared to cumulated goals from certain set-pieces instead of total scored respectively conceded goals).

    Just to be entirely sure that this isn't because of continuing a game from the beta, I started a tiny fresh new game. No files. As you can see from the screenshots, it is still not displaying the total goals I would expect. I loaded up a save called xGTeamStatisticsCompareXGOnlyWithSetPeaceGoals.fm to SI cloud service - the save is the one the pics below are taken from.



  2. Am 6.11.2021 um 21:58 schrieb Michael Sant:

    Hey @Eckfahne the continue time-out is by design to push you through and while it won't push past certain items the things ultimately like team meetings for an introduction to your club is not one of these. You could possibly request a feature for it to be considered differently in the game but it is working correctly for its current design.

    Ok, I see. Thank you for taking the time to check and explain :)

  3. @Ben Kenney I can confirm the OP's issue, though I think it belongs probably rather in the "user interface issues" category.

    I uploaded a save called "TransferNegotiation-JumpingClause.fm" to SI cloud, where you can (hopefully) reproduce it from. Here are screenshots showing the problem, which seems to occur if you have multiple clauses for the same competetion - if you change the attached bonus in one clause, everytime the sequence in which the clauses are diaplyed is mixed up. This is visually and interface-wise very annoying, if you try to to set up a treaty with a lot of clauses (e.g. trying to create some "progressive bonus system" for a cup) - though it has no gameplay impact (which is why I think it is technically an UI issue):







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