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Posts posted by WorcesterLegend

  1. got a long rest from the game, and trying to get back to it and learning the new functions.

    i do remember back in the day that the way you created your save could make or break how easy or hard the leagues/transfers could be, so i wanted to ask, how many leagues you feel its too much? and how bad leagues that i put as non playable are?

    because i wanted to try a very low end league first, so was thinking i could probably reach CL qualifiers early in the save, but would the teams from nation like denmark or belarus be too weak if they are not playable? i don't exactly want an unrealistic equal match of a estonian team vs belarus' champion

    want to keep the the number of leagues a bit low since my pc had issues with saves with too many leagues back in the day, and this being a newer instalation of the game, it may be more demanding for my pc, so want to try at a low count first

  2. That is exactly what im looking for,  i was playing in gibraltar earlier and got that same mail.

    What i want is know who got out of UK in a save, since that actually affects some registrations rules for foreigners since say, wales now is not treated as non foreigner like pre brexit or a scenario where wales doesn't go out of UK

  3. hace 2 horas, FrazT dijo:

    Assuming that your question is which nations leave the EU- as far as I am aware, the UK as a whole will leave so that will include England, Scotland, Wales and N Ireland

    Im a actually looking how to know who leaved UK in my save, in order to know what nations can i get u18 player from after brexit

  4. So i have an old save from fm17 that im playing again, found a promising 15 yo forward with a nice stat spread and very high PA in scotland

    I know that england teams can get UK players before 18yo like they were the same nation or EU, but since this save is at 2063 is obviously way past the brexit outcome

    I identified that this save has a normal brexit (registration with 17 non England trained players limit) 

    Problem is, idk what nations leaved the UK, is there a way to identify this? As i don't want to sign this guy just so he gets stuck on a mid table scotland team with bad training grounds for 3 seasons

  5. hace 4 horas, Fmfan00 dijo:

    I’m not sure if I post this in the database section or here since it’s a general question.. anyone know a low ranked country that has many games in their season? Looking to do a save and I know England could potentially have like 38-42 games and that’s what I’m looking for but a non strong country doesn’t matter in the country if it’s a non well known country or not? Is there somewhere I can find out what the ranks of the countries are and how many games they play IRL so u know which to go for?

    Well, low ranked leagues normally have little quantity of teams in the top flight so at most you'll get a 10ish teams playing 4 times in a season (croatian league like) or league changing to champions/relegation split (like scotland) for a 38 game season just look at the rules of any league with 20 teams and see if they play 2 games against each team but then again, most low ranked leagues have a low amount of teams in the top league so looking for one that plays more than twice against each team would be better

  6. While looking for 5 star coaches since 3 of my coaches got taken away from me in favor of a manager spot in a lower league i kind of had this idea.

    It is possible to identify future 5 star coaches? As in have national badge but very good stats for that badge? I could sign them and pay their badges and have them in my u18-23 as workload reducers and after they get the stats needed i could promote them to first team coach

    Until now i have found only one, one that somehow sticked with me since L2 football and now is a 5 star tactics coach

  7. Well, the game is rather vague as to how that work, heck i have never knew who pays the transportation of a player once is getting a transfer to another team, im guessing the buying team, but trials for people abroad are 0 or almost 0 the only one i have read about was the history of how messi got to la macia, and even then in FM standards he was in a youth intake

  8. Remember that FM in the end is a business, thats why japanese game makers lowers the difficulty of their games for the american/european releases, same thing happens with FM right now, most of the "elite" of this game is either hooked up with the game or bored and just plays a few seasons per new game to see whats new and if by chance is more difficult, they are looking for more sales, so they have to go looking for the casual player, if the game is too difficult (is overwhelming for new player to learn all the stuff anyway, my brother had a go to fm and tried to use the same tactic he uses in fifa/pes, a 4-1-2-3 with 2 amc and a mc...that didn't end well for him) they will not comeback for the next release

  9. hace 13 horas, blahblab dijo:

    Just had my top of the league team beaten 7 times in a row away at liverpool

    Playing away is always difficult even irl, and against a top team is even harder


    hace 13 horas, blahblab dijo:

    What's really obvious is that we've had way more shots in all but 1 game. Way more. They're not outside the box shots either, they're in front of goal

    How may were on target? How many where one on one against the goalie? How many where blocked by one of the 20+ legs on the box?

    The other teams is just defending against the leader of the league, they are, as the football community say, parking the bus, something that gave chelsea his CL a lot of seasons back you just need a tactic that can break those parking the bus tactics

    Edit: there is no tactic that will work 100% of the times so start accepting that a unbeaten season  in fm is as hard as irl

  10. i delegate general training, i don't feel like doing a schedule really, i also delegate Friendlies, i do propose them since i don't want to play a pre season game against an Welsh league team, and that way i can play against Japanese, chinese, usa and top teams like irl.

    i also "delegate" transfers to my DoF but i used in other way, he sometimes makes offers for unhappy, promising players with good CA at leagues lower than mine, say Turkey, Russia and Ukraine leagues ,that way i got my First World Class player back in FM17 and FM18

    other than that i do all other stuff myself, rarely when i want to start the new season asap i put staff contracts to DoF so i don't have to make 15+ offers to people that i only replace when they are poached by other teams

  11. larger database (read load lots of players) and 1 or 2 league can end up with teams rarely buying players from other teams since there will be better players in lower leagues/free agency lowering transfers fees in the process.

    having less player can make the price of the players skyrocketing to Neymar's fee since good players will be rare, i prefer going for the less players since i prefer seeing teams moving a lot in the transfer windows

    is up to u and what league are u playing, if u will play as united a good setup would be a medium-small database, adding all top 7 leagues, some good youth nations like netherlands, belgium, turkey, Croatia, etc. add brazil and argetina is a must, maybe add colombia in there, mexico, Japan and South Korea are good options too, remember to add nations that are near your nation too, like for england you could add scotland and both irelands, maybe Wales

    this are recomendations, i like to add say bolivian and venezuelan leagues just for the lols to see if those two can somehow qualify to world cup or generate a decent regen

  12. hace 9 horas, DavyDepuydt1 dijo:

    I believe it has it's place in a simulation game, just like the elections of  which country will host the world cup in 2034 we know there will be a world cup, we just don't know in what country, so the game simulates the process of selecting a country and giving you a news item about it. I love this with Brexit to, we know it will happen (or not, like in game is also a possible outcome) and the game simulates it...


    They could go even further and make other countries quit EU, and new ones join.
    They could include countries being acknowledged by FIFA who are not in future seasons, ...
    they could include scandals breaking out where teams cease to exist ...
    they could include competition formulas changing, where the number of teams in a league is suddenly changed or relegation/promotion is no longer possible

    That would all be acceptable as part of a simulation game, and from all those scenario's, brexit is by far one of the most acceptable to be in it at this point in time

    gotta love how argentina's premier league just got like 3 or 4 changes in format in this 2 decades, i gotta say that this could make the game more interesting, like the EFL suddenly changing the format of the EFL cup or that only british goalkeepers can play in the  leagues, or a limit like serie A, and that those rules change in a 5-10 year basis to make long term saves more lively and less "more of the same"

  13. Heh at least you aren't stuck in 1 as me, anyway, thats one of the hardest stats to increase, you habe to be a mourinho like manager and on top of that be a ogre in like all, want a new contract? NO!, you played at 6.7? 2 WEEKS FINE!, you want to play for barcelona? GO TRAIN WITH THE YOUNG GUYS!! You promised to be in champions league next season? IT WAS A LIE!


    After all of that and after half of the squad make pressure and you are now unemployed, congratulations! You have increased your level of discipline by 1 point c:


    ...or at least that the only way i have seem on the forums, i don' have the balls to try that and get sacked and throw 20 seasons to the trash

  14. I guess that system use something similar to the euro coefficient stuff, where the 1st season is erased after the 6th season begins, maybe some stuff he has done in the pass was removed and after winning tbe league again he got to the top, i have a player that is fan favorite and he jumps from there to icon every year until he was sit as an icon for 2 straight years only to drop to fav after leaving the team after a sub par performance

  15. well, i always start my main save of the 2 year i have played as a latin/british since my name fit that very well, but if im managing in say spain i will give the manager a spanish name like "Alejandro Gutierrez" or "Jose Maria Ordaz" for weird spelling nation i normally google common names for that nation, thats how the estonian Razvan Tamm was born

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