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Posts posted by andresimoes8

  1. Em 25/01/2021 em 10:52, sporadicsmiles disse:

    More updates.

    I have finished updating Sudan, and that means I just have to wait for the DB update, which will provide updates for the rest of the leagues and I can update the file to accommodate these, remove duplicates, and make sure the final rosters are as correct as possible. So we are on track for a release around the same time as the winter transfer update. I do not know exactly when, I will still need to make changes to the file, but hopefully it will not be a huge amount of work to do there. 

    I am going to start updating the league systems and testing these to make sure everything is working properly. I can imagine I will provide an update to this once I get feedback too, to make sure everything is accurate in terms of league rules (there are always people who know these structures in more detail than me who always provide me great feedback). 

    I am extremely busy with work at the moment as well, so I have no got a huge amount of time to do edits. Much of my work is at a computer these days, rather than in the lab, so editing on FM is not the same change of pace it used to be. It is nice to take a break from the computer after a day of work than than sit at it. Nevertheless it is still likely I will get the time to add Cameroon before the full release. I do not know how well the current DB is for Cameroon, so if it is already quite good it will be relatively easy to do. 

    After that, it is going to be time to take stock of where this file goes next. It is starting to become a mammoth job to update it properly, and the work load gets higher with every nation or league that is included. My aim is still to cover the major leagues in Africa. Nations that regularly provide top class players who end up in Europe, who are always competitive at World Cups, ANC, and whose teams regularly participate in the latter stages of the African Champion's League (although that is already pretty much done). 

    The nations I think we are still missing are:

    • Ivory Coast
    • Senegal
    • Mali
    • Zimbabwe

    The first three are countries that are included for obvious reasons - good players, competitive teams. Zimbabwe would be an expansion into Southern Africa. I would also like to expand into Eastern Africa with at least one country. Kenya or Ethiopia perhaps, or Uganda is this counts as East Africa. 

    The other nations that are also on my radar.

    • Angola
    • Zambia
    • Guinea
    • Libya (that would be all of the Mediterranean countries added then).

    And of course it will depend what people want to see included. I doubt this file is ever going to contain players for all African nations, this is simply an impossible task. So I think the future expansion direction of the file will depend on what people are interested in seeing, and we can decide that together. The other option, of course, is to add more breadth by looking at adding some of the second divisions in the nations we have pyramids rather than single leagues in each country. That depends on the structures though. For example I am not hugely enthusiastic with dealing with leagues that have 36 teams in them (I'm looking at you, Algeria).

    Great effort! Can't wait to try your update.

    Angola seems like a good shot, strong connection with Portugal, every year many players go to Portuguese second and third tier, and if they are really good even first tier.

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