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Posts posted by BigTed88

  1. On 26/09/2023 at 01:59, the_hoyle said:

    You change the client object browser file from a skin that allows backgrounds to make them appear.

    I have uploaded the one I use

    client object browser.xml 17.05 kB · 3 downloads

    Hey mate, apologies for the late reply. Actually been getting some game time in. 

    Yeah I figured that from reading and playing around. I gave it ago but really liked the clean look I had going with the skin previously, so reverted back. I only wanted trophy backgrounds for the competition screens and a few others like league screens, I didn't want it to be over saturated everywhere, i.e stadium and staff backgrounds etc and felt that took away from the clean look I have going.

    Example would have been the La Liga trophy/ champions league or Badge in the background of the below screens, while retaining the club screen image as is without any background. 

    I have been learning quite a lot playing around but overall pretty happy at the moment. Got me thinking though, hopefully all this will still be available when FM25 comes around with the new engine etc.




  2. haha I promised myself a night of playing tonight but then found the background thread,  so that ended up out the window :lol:.

    I do have a quick question, but gathering from what I can piece together it appears to be against the rules and for fair enough reasons but premier league etc stadium/pitch advertising boards? Are these a pretty much left base or is this not so much a skin question?

    Edit: Never mind, I have read back through this thread and it appears this skin doesn't support the custom back grounds for stadiums/ competitions etc. 

    Still much love for the support lads. 

  3. Thankyou brother. 

    Huge call on the sublime software, that made things heaps easier.

    I've also flicked a donation over for the skin. I appreciate the help. I think this editing stuff may be a slippery slope though. I seem to be spending more time messing with that than playing the game.  

    Looks much cleaner.


  4. Hey Guys, I have recently been getting back into FM after a couple of years break and have spent a the last few days re-learning how to add face-packs, logos etc again so I'm a bit rusty. I have found the tato skin to be pretty game changing, my favorite by far and super immersive. 

    I started messing with the main menu file a bit to change the background picture and remove banners etc, it sounds stupid but I play these games for a bit of escape and find the What's new and Sign up now banners a bit distracting. I'm planning on waiting until FM25 for my next purchase so would like to get FM23 100% to my likening if possible, and am wondering if I can remove these?

    I have managed to remove the paypal donation banner which is ironic because I would like to buy the creator of this skin a coffee, If someone could be kind enough to flick me that link please as I couldn't see it on the front page of this thread?

    An additional request would be to somehow add a Notepad panel to my Home page bottom left corner as I like to keep an eye on youth intake dates around the world being the dirty vulture I am. This isn't the end of the world if not possible it would just be a QOL improvement for myself. 

    Thanks in advance for any help and again please let me know where to donate. 

    image.png.181af19dc6bbf60b3721cbf611f8900b.png image.png.6e853f21a8a718521d4b826f4f231620.png


  5. Hi Guys, I've spent the last couple of days falling deep into a rabbit hole of getting FM edited to exactly as I'd like it to look after taking a couple of years break from the game. 

    The final couple of things I’d like to edit out are:

    • The 'what's new' and 'sign up now' banners from the main menu panel if this is possible, I am using the tato23 skin but not sure if I am able to edit out the highlighted sections in one of the config files to make it look cleaner?
    • I'd also like to mod in official advertising boards but from what I have read I don't think this is possible due to licensing reasons which is ok if that's the case.

    Big thanks to the community for all the hard work, I'm super happy with all options available out there, it makes the game so much more immersive. 


  6. Finding the loads times between days very long with the same 10 leagues I used in FM17.

    I don't use player search and rely on my scouts, I can't figure out how to remove my scouts assignments. He seems to just go where he wants? He is scouting teams in Serbia when I am asking for Austrlaian teams. Its almost seems more restrictive than FM17. Any advice?

    Had the game freeze when pausing a match and changing subs on the tactics screen twice.


    16GB Ram

    SSD Installation.

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