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Posts posted by peteraiken

  1. 1 hour ago, Smurf said:

    Thanks very much for all your help Smurf, I'll have a think about these but I'm happy enough to splash a bit more for longevity alone. Here's to many happy years of football management!

    Thanks again, you were so helpful.

  2. On 20/01/2020 at 12:50, Smurf said:

    I don't want to deter from the PC Specialist one at all - if you can get it go for it.

    But this is still in clearance on the Box site and it's pretty good


    It's refurbished but it's down as Open Box only - so should be like brand new.

    So that open-box Acer Nitro 5 one actually isn't available anymore, but after chatting to some friends who know about this stuff, I've landed on this one -> https://www.box.co.uk/NH.Q5BEK.008-Acer-Nitro-5_2557788.html

    Note that RAM speed is not included in spec, but I emailed and found it is 2666MHz.

    I assume this one will be able to run FM very smoothly, very quickly and without any issue at the highest settings, but I wanted to make sure as it is just a bit over my budget. Any thoughts on this one, for either FM or other games as well?

  3. 56 minutes ago, Smurf said:

    I don't want to deter from the PC Specialist one at all - if you can get it go for it.

    But this is still in clearance on the Box site and it's pretty good


    It's refurbished but it's down as Open Box only - so should be like brand new.


    But by all means - PC specialist would be good.

    Ooh, sorry I missed this message. This looks very interesting, better graphics card, but smaller RAM and SSD memory. I'll do a quick "needs vs wants" comparison for myself and choose between these - thank you very much!

  4. 15 minutes ago, Smurf said:

    Depend on the game - most have a minimum spec involved so some require better graphics cards than others.


    It passes every "minimum" check I've tested for, and most of the "recommended" too, so given that I really just want to play FM I think this should do nicely for hopefully a good few years! Thank you both very much for your help, I really appreciate it.

    All the best!

  5. 1 hour ago, JordanMillward_1 said:

    Aye, the PC Specialist one would beat out the two you posted, and should last you the next few versions of the game at minimum, baring any huge changes to the minimum requirements. 

    Awesome, thank you so much! One more quick question, - the only thing I'm concerned about that one is the graphics card (GTX 1050 3GB). I assume this is great for FM, but in terms of other games, would this have a limit on the types of games I could play?

  6. 15 minutes ago, kevhamster said:

    The one in Curry's has the better CPU, but given you are looking to play a few games you may find the small storage restrictive.

    Both will run everything you've listed more than adequately, but I would go for the one at Box of the two, purely down to the larger amount of storage.

    Thanks for your reply, I was strongly leaning towards the Box one purely because of the storage. I actually went and customised one myself at PCSpecialist.com and have mildly blown my budget on these specs:


    I believe these to be better than both of those I initially posted, but it's about £150 over my budget, but if it would last me longer and cover a wider potential for gaming I'd probably be happy enough. Sorry to latch onto you for this since you just replied, but you seem to be knowledgeable so would you have any thoughts on this?

  7. Hey Smurf and gang, I've been playing FM for a few years but I keep dropping away from it because when I click any button or tab, it takes aaaggges to load, like over 10seconds to load my tactics screen, never mind trying to drag players around positions. It's virtually unplayable. I'm assuming this isn't FM's base performance and a laptop upgrade would eliminate that, so I'm looking for a laptop at around max £700. 

    Worth noting that I may choose to use this laptop for other games (such as Civ, The Sims, maybe some first person games that are PC exclusive if possible). I've looked at this one:


    after seeing it suggested a couple times. How would you imagine this running FM20 specifically, but also other games that would be more demanding? I would also use this for some probably light web browsing.

    I also saw you suggest this one a few times:


    but (maybe I'm new to this) I don't recognise the brand so I'm hesitant.

    Thanks for any and all help!

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