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Everything posted by Staf9

  1. thats heartbreaking. while it does happen IRL its just so frustrating when you dominate that much
  2. if i was that far into a save i'd keep it going. generally for me the first save on Fm is always the best one. you make mistakes, figure out how to fix tactical problems, make bad buys as well.
  3. i'm the same. Beta is great for getting a look around but i can never start a proper save on it.
  4. i was thinking that Gomez might be the perfect back up RB. gives you the HG player and can cover CB then. think i'll spend season 1 training him solely as RB.
  5. just got the offer for Van Dijk. 90m (70 of it upfront). rejected it as there's no way i'm selling him.
  6. i generally start with the window closed so i can only buy from January on but it might be a tough decision this time due to the money going from the SAudi clubs. 30m for Matip and potentially 70 for thiago is too good to turn down
  7. i dont think i'd sell Virgil early in the game. at the moment i plan i trying to get a decent fee for Joel and Kostas and target 1 of Jorrel Hato or Hincapie who can cover CB/LB in an inverted role and but Anel Ahmedhodzic as back up CB. after that my main target is getting Evan Ferguson in so i'll push to sell Jota for big money.
  8. anyone looking a good back up CB and that cover LB and DM check out Jose Marsa with FC Andorra. really good stats and decent enough potential to be a good level PL CB
  9. i always wait for full release to start a save. just use Beta to see about player shortlists, tactics and now the new set piece creator. looks really good. squad wise so far i think Quansah and Chambers look useful enough to be good squad options especially to boost HG status.
  10. well from what i've played on the game it looks very good. ME looks a lot better now. i always like playing the update to date version. new start types are good as well for being able to do something different
  11. yeah the game looks really good. new positional play is really smooth so far which should help the tactics to fit better. no players running into the same space squad wise we look well balanced, both Doak and Bajcetic look very good. Harvey is now a natural CM instead of an AMR
  12. oh yeah, easy to pull the covid card now. have plenty of pictures of positives tests on the phone
  13. same here. will be fun to try and get them back in Serie A and then into europe. should be tough enough as the rep will be lower and it'll be difficult to get players in as finances are poor at the club
  14. think that will play better now that they have improved the positional play. you wont have 2 players sitting in the same 5 yard space. so you can use a winger cutting in but if the Mezz is already there the W stays wide. the rotations in postions look really good from the few vids i've watched
  15. Scalvini will probably excel in the libero role. almost tempted to try and back 3 with him central in that role and no DM to allow him to step up more often
  16. exactly, this thread is what builds the excitement and helps pass the time waiting on the beta.
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