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Posts posted by ferrarinseb

  1. Things should be looked at next Version:

    1) Players ability to pass the ball with their weakerfoot. It just feels too easy for them to use both feet even though one is their weakerfoot.  (e.g: RCB can pass with left foot easily, LB can cross perfectly with Right foot despite their Opposite foot is Weaker foot).

    2) The Technical ability of Player should dictate the pass ability right now every team with Back 4 or 5 in Defensive / Very Defensive Mentalities can out pass the entire team and Pressing them makes no difference. 

    3) Feels that game prefers Tackling than Pressing the player with the ball.

    4) The Players just doesn't turn enough and most of time they recieve the ball with their backs on to Goal. 

    Overall FM 20 is Ok. I hope Pressing can be improved because right now if AI goes too defensive no matter what kind of Press(split block/ Max Press) we do it just feels that AI can keep the ball between the defenders which i believe can open up more of the game potential. 

  2. The Problem with ME is that, It just can't / couldn't replicate some movement with intelligence when the ball reaches final third. 

    this is like a issue one connects with another then another and so on. 

    The Points i'm making is based on my experineces on FM 20 and a very less but enough to be frustrated with FM 19 time.

    A) Your Wide forwards often stick to their Couner part Defenders(i.e AMR with LB and AML with RB) which makes it work if they are not narrow but given they (LB and RB) stick narrow. It doesn't help to stretch wide for Opposition Area in terms of over load. In Counter attacking phase we have space to operate but in Posession phase its the Job to create this space which the ME doesn't allow  or replicate. We don't see a Wide forward hugging the line until he get the ball either into feet or into space behind RB/LB in an attempt to stretch the defense. 

    B) This connected with the Free space left wide for Exploiting the Wide players left which are the wing backs who see the space and run into it

    C) A and B scenario's caused the Players in middle who see space wide just circulating the ball out wide in order to progress the ball forward. 

    Now to the Striker. The Biggest Gripe of all. Its the Area where we feel often striker should come deep / Go forward depending on duty. But he doesn't do any of this. The reason could be connected to A and B as well.

    Bottom line is If we look entire game via Stats its absolutely doing every thing as it should but how its achieving is the Problem some thing we don't have or atleast not as much as we do have like in  FM 19 and 20 in the Prior Version i.e Pre FM 18. 


  3. I won't say i'm not disappointed but i'm certainly not surprised given most of issues are following from FM 19.  i just want to ask SI devs only one thing. Is ME became too much of hard task to manage given how the ME became stale for the last 2 versions. Do you believe for 2021 in terms of changing things in ME side in particular of Attack movement/ Central forward passing / Defenders passing ball between themselves with out no pressure on lower mentalities can be fixed completely or atleast improved considerably than previous 2 versions(FM 19 and 20). 

    This forum might be minority but many of my fellow users put many hours of their time to log these bugs becuase of their passion and pursuit of the betterment for the game they love so much and possibly for most of them this is the only game they play. The one thing that worries me is that " what if these guys who put hours to spot the bugs and upload them left or dwindle" . Given the current situation i believe it will hurt the game quality on the long run rather than the short run if the above scenario happens.

  4. Open a Locked thread updated by SI Devs which has list of issues fixed in their POV and Possibly Issues they feel are still there after release of game and subsequent Patches. This will give Players to see what they fixed and focus on what has to be fixed, What ever the view point from SI (be it can be fixed or might not be possible for a fix in the time frame) just tell it as it is.  

  5. 4 minutes ago, Neil Brock said:

    Reality of the match engine and the development relies very much on the word balance. This crosses a huge amount of things, not just match stats and results, but how the games look and feel. 

    There's a huge amount to consider - consider the match engine something like a Rubix's cube. You may be able to code something in such a way that from one perspective it looks absolutely perfect, but the rest of the cube will still remain jumbled. The match engine is like this in such a way that every change can have a knock-on elsewhere. Even the slightest tweak to a tiny area has repercussions.  

    What our test teams (both internally and externally) do is constantly play matches leading to analysing and investigating the match across multiple aspects. The match stats is definitely a drive towards realism, but it isn't the sole component. I'd like to challenge someone to list all the statistic components of a football match that need to be aligned with real life to get a perfect match engine. Looking at the statistics we analyse using our match stats test I stopped counting how many categories there were at 150, and there were plenty more after that :D  And I'm sure there's many others we could include beyond this. 

    Now to clarify this isn't trying to excuse anything, we have extremely high standards as a company for the work we do. Anyone has seen Miles after he's found a major bug can attest to that :D I'm just trying to give an indication to the scale of the task and the lengths we already go to in order to try and create something that is replicating something extremely complex in real life. Some issues we can make slight tweaks to and have a fair idea of the potential knock-ons, but large scale changes will always require a huge amount of time and analysis.  

    I appreciate your effort given the complexity @Neil Brock . You and your colleagues are really working hard to deliver the best possible ME you can. I also hope you keep communication with fans like this 

    But the fact is that in the Rubix cube  we aren't demanding the perfect combination as well. It's just that we feel basic things are also giving the frustrated feeling like lack of striker movement or Central Midfield Forward ball passing or Deep Sitting teams who has less technical ability can pass the ball like Prime barca for 90 mins every single match. These are basic things which is what frustrating for many. Last year it was more or less the same and it felt like step down from FM 18 in my perspective. The buck stops at the whistle but in this game we look at the what happens betweens the whistles and if we can't see what we want despite trying it gives the vibes of "Should i do it time and time again".  Many hoped this year can be better and it was improved as well but it was still behind the expectations of many.

    The Final point is at the end of the day This is a game and we want fun. if the fun factor is missing it just becomes chore. I hope you won't push the fun into chore. I trust SI given how you made me a fan of the game since 2016 (Fm 16). I hope you figure out to bring the best of this Rubix cube. 



  6. 17 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    It's going to throw people a bit too, as they won't realise its different. Dunno if its possible but it would be good to find out which stats match Opta's definitions and which dont

    I agree, Until i saw the Board vision which states they are Very disappointed with lack of posession style play,I didn't notice it at all. It may be hard to change but i think we should be similar to how Opta calculates Posession rather than Chess Clock version we have now. Would love to hear from Dev's why they left Posession calculation as it was now instead of changing it to reflect real life

  7. 27 minutes ago, BigV said:

    I can vouch for that, uping the tempo massively changes the way you play in terms of speed of the game (as it should) and as adaptive dependant on your familiarity bar result. Possession stats usually lower when high tempo by either losing the ball and/or amount of time on the ball so is it possible that possession stat isn't based on passing? 

    On another note why is that? if im correct that it. Surely it's a missleading stat to those that don't know it (me and countless others) but also game wise when analysing the point you need more possession to get the better chances (lets say below 40% possession). 

     @themadsheep2001  and @BigV


    I asked the same question a while ago which got answered 




    I believe that's a bit odd as we want posession calculated like real life

  8. 41 minutes ago, tajj7 said:

    I don't think it is, due to the problem I highlighted about defensive teams somehow retaining huge amounts of possession and very high pass success rates against high press teams, that should be good at it.

    If I look real life, as a Southampton fan, I know what a good pressing system can do and it creates chances, a lot of our goals this year have been from a high press, we create chances from the press and transitions high up the pitch.

    In game, this barely happens, I see the odd turnover, but most of the time I watch teams that are average at best at passing just pinging the ball around easily to bypass my press. 

    If an average team like Southampton, with the right players, doing well can created several chances a game from pure pressing, you should be able to replicate this in game, and we should see teams who try to pass it around struggle on the back foot and have a poor pass completion rate and we should see chances directly created from turnovers high up the pitch, but in my experience we don't. 

    Hence why I showed that screenshot of Sporting, my Milan team were much superior to that Sporting team, we were heavy favourites and I had players well suited to a high press, but that relatively average Sporting team, despite being pinned back in their own half for most of the game, knocked around passes like they were Barcelona. 

    Liverpool this year set a record for most completed passes in a PL game at 874, yet this much worse Sporting team, against a superior team that was pressing them high managed 625 completed passes at a success rate of 90% ? 

    Which is a higher number of passes than most PL teams average this season. 

    Something is clearly wrong there and shows pressing is not working as it should be IMO. 

    Well i agree, if they gone defensive or Very Defensive the AI defenders keep the ball with themselves and no matter what we try at them they can keep the ball accumulating more Posession as well. 

    However SI replied that they are looking to improve pressing.


  9. I feel that 3 things are messing the ME in the current condition.

    1. Free Kicks and Penalties are down to players trying to win the ball by slide tackling.  the Game gives us the feed back of inch perfect tackle and this is what goes wrong. Most of Dangerous Set pieces (goal scoring ones) are down to this going wrong , Should it happen yes, But i feel these are more in number than what it should happen and unfortunately the too much tackling to win the bal back is what giving AI to score goals (AI or Human). (This is my personal observation so far and if i have more time i would try to see more to confirm. But the full match gives a perfect idea as when ever i see my or AI player on wide flanks in the final third, if the Opposition player tries slide tackle either the cross doesn't happen or a Foul will happen)

    2. Players can't recognize the space ahead of their team mates and thus not able to see central space which connected with Defending AI too narrow leaving loads of space on flanks. 

    3. Players are under too much pressure in too many instances, I have Prevent Short distribution with a 4-1-2-3 Split press with front 5 pressing the AI. Despite my players is not being close to either of Defender or GK they are just kicking the ball for throw in's effectively handing us the Posession.  With more testing i believe we can see situations like this where players get pressured despite not having or not needed to. 

    In isolation i feel this can be fixed but given the Connectivity with one to other let alone having alot of more connections which makes it hard to fix these things. I hope SI figures a way out of this current ME issues. 


  10. Just now, Muja said:

    I've just bought the in-game editor, fiddling with it now... are you more experienced with it? Is there a way to, for example, reduce by 5 the sitting back and width stats for ALL managers in-game without doing it manually for each one of them?

    Not experienced alot. Just tried to fiddle with things to see what happens. Not Possible to Edit all Managers at a time with IGE. You can edit one at a time which is very time consuming though. If you want to talk more about it DM so that we can discuss with out side tracking the feedback thread. 

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