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Posts posted by badgith

  1. 1 minute ago, Junkhead said:

    I didn't say you couldn't be rude. Just that it made you look a bit like a five year old.

    Be rude to me all you want, I'm not bothered. All I'm bothered about really is that you upload your saves where you have evidence that the game is too easy so the developers can have a look at it and improve the game for everyone.

    So I will tell why i'm not doing it, 1 reason only, I'm using my phone data and I don't want to put 200 mb on a upload, since eitheir way it would take forever with 3g connection, but still, I'm hoping I can do that, because I will be in a wifi one.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Junkhead said:

    You seem to still be struggling so I'm going to try to make it VERY simple for you.

    - No one wants the game to be too easy.

    - Some of us on this thread, you included, have lots of evidence to indicate that it is too easy. You even posted some really good examples from two of your saves.

    - Some other people on this thread, me included, haven't seen evidence personally that the game is too easy. In my case it's because I've not had long to play this version.

    - in response to you saying it was too easy, I suggested you uploaded your save for the game developer to review. You said no. You also made a feeble attempt at either abuse or banter, couldn't tell which, in respect of my user name which made you look like a bit of  balloon.

    - you now continue to argue it's too easy but refuse to upload evidence to the developer. You also seem annoyed at others because they haven't seen evidence in their own saves that it's too easy.


    Just upload your saves.

    It's not that anyone disbelieves you, or disagrees. We ALL want the game to be challenging.

    But this thread has been full of people for 48 hours who have either been found to have been using known exploits or refuse to upload their saves, which is frankly bizarre.


    So you can be rude and I can't? Next time you be carefull with your words and you avoid that someone gets rude with you, is that simple.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Junkhead said:

    Or you could upload a save and let the developer do the analysis and then improve the game.

    Your analysis will just be you banging on about your Porto and Curzon Ashton saves with no end in sight.

    I know more about those saves than I know about my own. Just upload them and post in the bugs forum instead of pointlessly spamming this thread.:rolleyes:

    Of course they are about this 2 because thats what I have played, how you expect me to argument without them? I will not be here saying "Its easy(hard) if you (don't) exploit AI" and discuss that, I want to talk about the problem, and thats on FM so I will be bringing my stats to the question because that way I can contribute, I can upload my save to the forum, but first I would want to be sure I'm the unique person feelling it or if on your saves it happens too, because thats the point of the conversation . Now I know where you got your nick.

  4. 3 minutes ago, vukigepard said:

    That's not the experience i am having in this fm, they do hit me on the counter and i am playing a top team. My results are exactly in line with real life. Fine tuning by nerfing the attack or buffing defence means thing like Messi not getting realistic numbers in this fm, like he didn't in previous versions. And when he doesn't, it just screams rng and that quality doesn't matter. Now it does. You having a set up that makes you Klopp on steroids is not something regular AI does, it's all you. You can fine tune the problem yourself if it bothers you.

    I showed some examples where gengenpress was not used, problem is on how AI teams attack, complicated to understand...give 2 cents and post you tactic and some game stats , I can do it, but I already explain, Ai doesnt even get 1 shot in some matchs....

  5. 7 minutes ago, Viking said:

    Obviously there's a part of the FM users finds the game incredible easy and a part that finds it incredible hard, and there's no easy way SI can satisfy both sides. Implementing difficulty levels would just be a step away from a realistic game and probably a nightmare for the devs and the QA. 

    Football is hard in real life ... Lets go futher, I start playing Gran Turismo, and because I'm a terrible driver I can't win, would it be ok to the developer to tune how cars handle, because most of the base can't get good results? What we are searching here is simulation, of course it will not be perfect, but atleast make it not fifa. Easy game will lead the game to a pretty bad state when its not early days, but we will see...

  6. Just now, Dagenham_Dave said:

    Point. Missed. Spectacularly. 

    As you, I see you speaking a lot in this forum, but you can't adress some problems we asked clearly ...

    Tell me is it normal that most of the matches the other team can't even shot? Sorry, but this screams a problem, if you can't see it, I hope you enjoy your 50€ on this game where you only can do 1 thing when you play with a brain which is winning.


  7. 15 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    The thing I don't understand is if the game is so incredibly easy, why is there a tactics forum on here at all? And further still, why would it be one of the busiest parts of the forum? But it is.  

    And why are there so many downloaded 'cheat tactics'? Surely if the game was as easy as everyone says, there wouldn't be any need for any of that?

    I play football manager since 2008 and what I can say is that, when I started with 12 years in FM I don't know how to set up a tactic, and it taked some time to learn how to do it and make sence, sometimes we more experienced players have a sence of being bad, but this isn't totally true since we already know some concepts from the years we played, but there are people playing for 2, 3 years ( maybe even less), who struggle and manage to overdue in tactics , or even use a combination of roles that make tatics really unbalanced, so I guess is totally normal that people use tactics forum, as to improve as to try some magic formula, but hold in mind that this a normal process when you start playing the game, even me that should know a lot I can do some bad decisions sometimes. So I guess is not hard for you to understand that a simulation game should require some learning, and the using of the forum is for that.

  8. Its defenitely a weekness on AI attacking, and I guess isn't duo to our tactic, but I guess the problem is how they play depending on your results/reputation.

    I would give a shoot that the problem is on the counter-attack tatics that AI progress to use when you are a more reputed team, or you are winning matches ( because this seems a factor to when IA decide how it will be playing against our team) . I was never talking about exploits , gengenpress feels right this year, even on my porto save I dont have any striker outrageous numbers, what I got was IA teams that can't create even 1 clear cut chance per game. On the UCL I got Chelsea on groups and managed to win 1 and draw the other, but I noticed Chelsea was able to do alot more to my team than the teams on LIga Nos ( and this take me to reputation problems, pared with a great form (leading us to 20 games winning in a row) , I have games where I creat 20 chances and they got nothing, AND NOTHING is 0 shots (that signs a problem) .

    On curzhon asthon I did the tactic of the print , and I still got some easy wins because even with AI creating alot more chances than on Porto save, their chances aren't good to give them a better xG that my team have on that match, and thats something I can't find a response, but hope SI guys that are professionals will adress that easily. But for sure this game is alot easier than fm20, atleast on the part of the adaptation to the tatic, while on past years save I would struglle to find the balance on my tatic, this year I just build a tatic with some plays on mind, and a way of defending and team replicate it really well, for exemple my BBW rarely gets cought out of position and while my WB / FB go up , normally he really good to track their runs, on the other side when my WB go up, normally he goes alone getting alot of time on the ball, and getting a perfect chance to a easy cross where my AP would be on the penalty spot, and my PF would be 1st post and the IW second post, this would take years to archieve on fm20, with players filling same position or even get really out of position, that rarely happen this year.

    I noticed that are a lot of us that thing game is fine this year, but it's clear that it isn't, at least if you have a good perception of what is football, observing a full match, where my BBM throw 2 passes that isolate my striker feels great but doesn't sound right at least if he does that everygame.

    I can be ponting things that are really unbalanced, but for me I would be already fine if IA could do the same aggainst us, but some stat on the code is making IA not getting that. I post the images from my save, to prove I don't play any marvellous tatic, the only individual instruction is Advance More Forward on the AP ( dont even know if it doesn't come already with the role) , and I'm getting a 3rd spot in a season that my best players get some long injuries, I should be struggling for real, at least on other fm i know for sure that I wouldn't be 3, at least in fm20 I played with the same team a couple saves, and I was Overarchiving that easy. (never got promoted first season, normally got playoffs with a lot better results on the second half of the season, duo to getting the team more used to the tatic.)  That saying I think something is wrong with the game, we all know game in some years come a litlle bit easier in the Beta, lets hope when 24 arrive, we can still overarchieve but with some effort, and not every season.



  9. 7 minutes ago, Junkhead said:

    Agreed. Can you link your thread in the bugs forum so we can have a read of what is happening?

    As I said is pointless to do it, I'm not the first, neither the second with the problem, I even saw some threads about this being ignored on the bugs section. 


    Why would they need my save if I started 2 in very different circumstances, with 2 different tactics, and I overarchieved in the 2? 


    I buy this game for more than 10 years, this is not a bug, this is doing the game easy, so why would I report it as a bug if seems more like an approach from SI? 

  10. 31 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    This is the answer I expected. 

    It is normal you expected it, what would change if we put our saves here on the forum, if even miles arrive to a stream and start smashing, because he stopped the no brain tactic that the guys were using on the showdown. 

    They don't need our saves to see that game is to easy, I don't even know how there is people argumenting the opposite, because for me is so clear that IA is not attacking in most of the games, that if you play something that create xG you will be winning. 


    I have a cup match on curzhon asthon, I was Winning by 3, and it taked to the ia 85 minutes to try to do something, and I was not playing with a exploit, because there is no need of it on this fm. You gonna win because or something is broken in the game, or they trying to make it soft for casuals. It really hurts to see people arguing counter this, when more than 20 people provided information showing that we do not get a challenge, even changing things, if you know how to set up a tactic, it's win win win, and say wtv you want but fm isn't that, I'm all in for immersion, even restrict myself with rules, so I'm not expecting to go 6th tier and play defensive with a team set to relegation (even in real life) and still be leading the league. 


    I don't even get the ones that say "dont play high line or smthg along this lines" , how I'm I supposed to react to a 2-0 from the opposition? Si need to fix it, we already have 1 year of op gengenpress, I guess they don't need our saves, they know the problem, miles was the ultimate proof . 

  11. I will give my opinion on this, since I already gave it on some posts.


    As normally since fm08 I would start my first save on my team FC Porto, normally I would be winning title and getting knocked out of champions in groups if the group we get were hard, or getting 1st round but losing it. This year, I would go to quarters, only losing to Juventos ( even played better but got fm'ed) , for me this is normal, what isn' normal is the way games are happening, and attencin on porto, doing the same they try to implement in real life, I was playing high line, high press and high tempo, with short passes. Get to the second season and after 10 win without 1 goal conceded, come to the forum to see if it was only me that was finding game really really easy ( because if you play  like me since fm08 you notice the difference) , and in fact there was already a post where I posted after, talking about this ( the one SI closed it) . But as I was reading I was showned that my formation was probably op ( it might be, but no excuse for the game to be so unbalance between teams from the same league ).


    So I started my second save, on the 6th tier with Curzhon Asthon, style llm, masked on attributes, I would say with the rules that Lollujo uses, even me not following any youtubers on dayly basis, find super interesting the way he do it, so I really use them for myself to, hired 3 guys indicated by scouts, not even starters on the team, and did a 4-5-1 or 4-3-3 as you prefer to call it, deep defense, not countering when losing the ball, the counter attack mentality , with a lot of press on or half of the field, and guess what, I'm smashing, with a team that should go 19th ( if i dont go wrong or 2 positions) , I'm 2nd on january and ofc I'm not feeling like playing till the game comes out on the 24th expecting some fix from SI.


    I love the way they did the game this year, but for it to get better I can't win everytime I have a plan and I do things with the team as I would do if I was their real manager to overarchieve , and this isn't talking about being easy, but about being free, I will not have the pain to try to explain to someone that is doing bad this fm that the game is a lot easier, because when you do things bad, really bad, and counter the sence of football you shouldnt be winning and thats what happen, but if you have experience, and know how to put your ideia on the game ME, you will not struglle to win, and this SHOULDN'T be the case.


    Sorry for the bad English, but I guess is possible to understand.

  12. 3 minutes ago, godlessshoes said:

    Cool, so just me not winning then?


    Although I normally use the assistant and preset tactics and this year I'm doing everything down to player instructions myself.


    I also chose Southend who have a transfer embargo for the first two windows and a but of a threadbare squad made of loanees

    Was predicted 23rd finished 18th and I'm only just starting season two after some good recruitment. But I can't get my strikers into double figures.

    Are you doing the basis to do a tatic? Complex is bad, 3-3-4 3-4-3 4-3-3 thats defence function, support function, attack funcion , this would be the most important basics to do a good tatic, try to not overcomplicate with alot of instruction, if you need a player to do something always prefer the function that do it.

  13. I have 2 saves at the moment , Porto and Curzhon Asthon if I dont spell it wrong .

    With Porto I played till the 2 month of second season, winned the title, only 1 lose, wich is not that odd on the liga nos, but only conceded 19 goals, I was playing the normal gengenpress that Porto tries to play in reality, should be conceding alot more since I dont have that Speed to play the high line I played, Diogo Leite only have 12 pace, Mbemba have 15, but there are alot of strikers in this league faster than that.

    My opinion is that the ME is weak, don't exploit to well the higher line that make the game easy.


    On the second save I play with a conference team, only played 1 game into the pre-season, already managed to win some strange friendlys, here on the other hand i'm not going with the already last year succefull high press, still need to play more matches to say that the game in this save will be easy, but till the moment everything points in that direction.


    I would prefer 20 lose game streak (till you show some regularity with a good plan) , than 25 games win streak as I did with Porto, because no felling of archiviment, normally I find sucess in every fm, but there are always seasons of struglle, I should be noticing this since I changed a lot my team with porto, but 7 first games of the league, and I have 7 clean-***** ( btw GK rating are broken - since marchesin didnt even get bronze on best keeper) , I'm not complaining because it's a beta, but on the 24th I need a challenge because how you guys expect me to get addicted to this game, if I'm not being fmded , need to increase the risk to get the reward, gl guys mine this pearl.





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