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Posts posted by mrdanbartlett

  1. 42 minutes ago, kevhamster said:

    Your game database will carry across in its entirety from FM23 - so player historys, CA/PA etc.  So, your all the players and staff in your FM23 world will enter FM24 in the exact state they were at the point you saved the game last in FM23.

    As I understand, the only thing that won't carry across is the match highlights, goals etc.  So you won't able to load any matches played in FM23 to see the goals etc, once the save has been loaded into FM24.

    Thank you, very helpful - and makes alot of sense.  I was in a Wrexham save, early in League 1 ........might as well start over as at least its 1 less promotion to catch up on now :D

  2. Interesting topic, my questions would be:


    - I assume player stats remain as per fm23, so one benefit of a new save might be better player stats (i.e many Ipswich players seemed low and now they are proving to be a decent championship side they might be increased for fm24)

    - Assume the above is for ALL players, not just your own team.  Again it would be a save keeps stats from the old game, which might not be ideal I guess but would also be odd if they suddenly changed alot mid-save

    - Stadium expansion potential might be tweked in Fm24, but will it remain the Fm23 fixed numbers?

    - Sponsorship, I assume this would again carry from ther Fm23 save, but IMO when I played as Wrexham the commerical side seemed well under priced in FM23 so might be higher in Fm24, another reason for a new save.


    I guess it gives players a nice option for sure, I really like this feature.  Think I'll try and do a new save though due to the above points.  


  3. Hello all,


    Firstly sorry to be that person who creates a thread for this, but I've googled it and just cannot find any answer........

    Managing in the Greek B division on FM18 (just love this FM version) - I signed some players but under the squad registration (on registration deadline day) it states in red 'Una' but when I click it then says 'Unavailable - Isn't going to be registered', I can select him as 'in' but he cannot play in games.


    How odd, never seen this before and I've been playing CM/FM almost 20 years?   Player is EU (Danish) and I actually have another Greek player with the same issue so it's not a work permit or nationality problem.  


    I'm sure someone will know the answer :)


    Thanks and hope everyone is well. 

  4. It's a funny one as I imagine you want to close this career and start on an Fm18 one at somepoint, i.e stop playing FM17.

    Yet if you started at Chelsea (in some time travel based story) for FM18 it wouldn't be as fun as you're already at the top etc.


    Hmmmmmmm cannot wait to see how this plays out!  It has to be Matt Heart, but I'm trying to think what words his Dad would have passed on to him..... 

  5. Had a little time on the Beta, seems some good improvements but agree with some of the comments on this thread re the fact things seem to take more clicks/be more complex to get to.

    One thing I usually do is go through all the national u19 sides looking for cheap youngsters, however it seems VERY slow to do this, each click  takes 5 seconds to take affect when browsing through the sides via the up/down arrow (nation to nation alphabetically), is this the same for anyone else?

    Laptop is ok spec, i7, 12gb RAM, SSD, 2 years old.


    Overall it just seems a bit slow/clunky, and I'm not a big fan of the fact the players in the scouting section take up more space due to the extra info, but I think I can fiddle with the vie settings to fix that a little.


    Will give it some more time to adjust into it, its a good thing that this year feels like they have put some effort into new features. 

  6. Hmm, very interesting, it defo needs a revamp so glad they have worked on it this year.


    I hope it makes things less complex/less time consuming, I found squad building too easy in previous FM's, but it requires alot of time consuming work.  Would be nice this year if you can find suitable targets quicker, but there are less off them (if that makes sense!).  Before I had to keep scouting a large number of players picked out from largre reports to try and finally find some good ones.

    Also as someone above has said I'm very interested to see how this pans out for lower league management.

    Can't wait to try it out!  

  7. Great thread!


    I usually work hard on the scouting side too, and in a similar way to how you do it.  Ideally I tend to have a scout on permanent duty for the main leagues in the big EU countries (plus Arg and Bra) - plus the same for the reserves/u23, and u18 leagues within those countries.   Then I have a few more doing the u19 international tournaments etc.

    I set it to min 3.5 star potential, however I never set any other requirements (for attributes or such).

    I then assign scouts to scout the players who look promising.

    However my question is......when a scout is scouting a league the report he returns pretty much looks the same each time, why do they not start to develop a better knowledge of the players in the league they are scouting?  

    If I was to set more detailed requirements would that start to happen?  

    Hope that makes sense!

  8. Really pleased with the look of Dynamics, I think it might take a while before it's polished but it's a great step forward and I think will make FM more realistic as squad building will be harder now. 

    Last FM's it felt too easy to get players in and constantly improve the squad with little issues, now I think it will be tougher as you'll need to manage the squad cohesion better.


    Nothing but positive from me for FM18, can't wait.  This is the only computer game I ever play.

  9. Gosh, amazing updates recently, as soon as I saw that Hart was stating I just knew it was written in the stars for him to score!  


    This is such an amazing conclusion to the thread, with FM18 on the horizon I suspect this might be the last season, seems it's meant to be for you to win the league this year.


    I think you won't get any offers from other clubs now, FM seems to have a failure to do that when you get to this level, on my Leeds save you'd imagine most top clubs in Europe would want me, and even though I'm on a v low wage (I always set it low to save the club money!) I've not had a single offer in 5 years (and many trophies later).

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