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Issue Comments posted by Nørbæk

  1. Hmmmm, I concede on issue 2.

    You're right. Could've sworn that I didn't holiday past the date but I must've done so and just wondered why there never was a news item on the squad numbers that had been submitted by the AI (which I do find strange, but a minor issue).

  2. 22 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello @Nørbæk

    I loaded up your save game, for me the inbox message allowing me to select new squad numbers for the season appeared on Aug 14th. 

    This inbox message won't generate if you go on holiday past the date it appears, perhaps this is why you haven't spotted it?

    That's is very strange. I didn't holiday past the date because I assumed the same thing. It did not appear for me.

    Either way, issue 1 is still a problem.

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