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Posts posted by RossJM12

  1. 6 hours ago, HUNT3R said:

    Are you looking at the right page when you're in a match? Because the default will be to show OIs for specific players. You need to click to show OIs by position.

    Just to answer the post above first... I am assigned to do OIs, not my coaches.


    And I am on the correct screen in match. If what you're saying is correct, literally the only thing I can think of is that I play with the text and image setting as "zoomed in" and that it has eliminated the option to switch to "position" when in match, because I see no option to switch to "position" when on the OI screen in a match.


    I wil have to give it a try when I am next on FM because the zoomed in option sometimes does get rid of things it can't fit on the screen. Its the only thing I can think of qhich could be why I aren't seeing the option to switch to "position" when I get into a match.

  2. 2 hours ago, HUNT3R said:

    You can though? Just go to tactics, opposition instruction and switch to position? It's always been this way. You're setting up for the position rather than a player because you don't know who will be selected.

    I know you can do that, but when you set for example every position to press always, it doesn't automatically assign to the opposition when you get into a match. You always have to set all your OIs up again

  3. Is it just me that gets quite frustrated with opposition instructions in every iteration of the game? Somebody please correct me if I am wrong on this and I hope I am wrong, but I don't understand why it isn't possible to set up opposition instructions in the tactics section for specific positions and then have it automatically apply in game to the opponent. 


    it just makes it so much easier to click the apply assistance advice button and just forget about them because it is a pain having to apply the instructions in every game, especially when you use a lot.


    I just don't see the point in having the opposition instructions menu there outside of the game when it doesn't transfer into a match.


    And on a side note the colouring of the opposition instructions is so faint that at times it is very difficult to tell between the green and amber without turning the brightness of the PC right up.


    As I said I hope I am wrong about opposition instructions and just completely missing the option, but on every version of the game I have played it has been the same.

  4. I've noticed on the set pieces section today that all the positioning / roles of my players are suddenly muddled up from what I had set a couple days earlier. For example I went into my wide attacking free kicks and my centre-backs were suddenly set to stay back, even though I had set up the routine previously and their roles were offensive ones. There are more instances like this such as my striker all of a sudden being set to lurkin on the edge of the area when I previously didn't have that as an instruction for him on any set piece. I do use quick pic occasionally for my team selection but as far as I am aware it doesn't affect this kind of stuff.


    Furthermore, I play with the zoomed in setting instead of standard and on the set pieces screen some of the players on the diagram aren't anywhere near where they should be, for example players set to lurk outside the area are shown almost halfway inside it and in a few set pieces, primarily free kicks, the "taker" isn't where he should be, it looks quite messy, it wasn't an issue before I switched to zoomed in today.

    Hopefully this is helpful and these things can be worked on in due course 

  5. Really enjoying the game so far, and the improvements to the dark skin only furthered that enjoyment the other day! I've mainly been scouting for players during the beta and getting all my tactics and stuff decided for my main save so I can hit the groud running (hopefully). That might not sound like much but I'm a low sighted player so it takes a while. I just have a few things I've noticed and points I would like to raise...


    1. I noticed yesterday that in the set piece takers section, there were names of random staff members from all around the world listed there when I first entered the menu, which was so random. These staff members ranged from the Serbia manager to the assistant manager of Trammere which, considering I'm in charge of Leeds, was weird. 


    2. I have the colour setting for attributes of 15+ to be in a reddish colour, but I've noticed occasionally that I won't even be able to see one of the numbers, or it'll be significantly darker than what it should be and barely visible. 


    3. I was a little surprised that Kalvin Phillips' potential ability shows that hewon't grow any more. His current and potential ability both show "very good" which was a little odd considering he is only 22 and started the irl season in the best form he has ever been in. I've tested it with all my coaches' opinions and scouted him as Real Madrid and it is all the same. 


    4. The improvements to the dark skin are great, but I think it still needs to go further. I don't know if I'm speaking for everyone when I say this, but I use the dark skin because I want as little bright colour as possible. I want a skin where the backgroud is always dark with light text. The top of the player profile screen is one of the areas for improvement in the dark skin in m opinion. 

  6. Hi

    I guess the only complaint I have so far is that the dark skin isn't very dark... there is still lenty of bright white on every screen. Admitedly it is the colours of the team I am managing, but I thought using the dark skin would at least get rid of some of it, especially in the inbox. It is just something that bugs me because I have light sensitive eyes so bright stuff is a big no for me!

    Otherwise loving the game so far, can't wait to start my main save when the game officially releases!

  7. It saddens me to read about people having to stop playing FM because of sight loss. Even more so considering I'm registered as severely sight impaired and can sympathise with those struggling to play the game and I can imagine the disappointment of those who having to stop playing it. Thankfully, the condition I have is static at the moment but will get worse with age of course (like anybody's vision does) and I would be distraught if I had to stop playing FM because of my sight loss. At 21, I have a lot of FM years in front of me I hope, but I'm still passionate about making things more accessible for people with sight loss of any severity, for those older who have to stop playing and for the future players who will discover the game in years to come. 


    My condition is Cone-rod Dystrophy and it pretty much effects all aspects of my vision, but I struggle most with things like brightness, detail, reading and recognising things, to name a few (there are many more, like I say pretty much every aspect of vision is a struggle). So I think I can give good feedback on how FM could be made more accessible for sight impaired players, particularly while in a match. I know feature suggestions are supposed to be in the dedicated thread, but I'm posting this here because it is a topic I'm passionate about and I've likely missed the deadline for feature suggestions for FM 19 so I'll hold fire on posting in that thread until FM 20 is in the works. In no particular order, I have a few little things that would greatly improve the experience for me and I hope others...


    1. One of the most disappointing things about this year's game was the omission of graphics filters and the environmental edit options. As a sight impaired user, one of the best things about FM in my opinion was that I could toggle things like whether I could see weather effects, the sky, or the stadium and that I could select a filter which made the pitch, players and ball easier to see. I always used one of the high contrast filters or one of the dark filters. These options were fantastic and I'm sure many sight impaired users appreciated them a great deal, I certainly did! 


    2. The ball NEEDS to stand out more. It is something players with normal sight have even complained about, so I can imagine it is much worse for the players who can't see very well, it is an issue for me frequently. In my particular case, as I struggle with any sort of brightness, I prefer small bright things to stand out on a darker backgroud which in this case means I would love it if the ball contrasted the pitch more, hence why I always used the high contrast and dark filters in FM 17. 


    3. When the ability to adjust the zoom of the in game camera was announced on FM TV I was incredibly excited to use it, but sadly it didn't live up to the hype my head built up. After trying every camera on full zoom I settled on the standard director camera because it's default view was the easiest for me to deal with but by no means great. When adjusting the zoom level on the other camera settings, zooming out isn't a problem! You can zoom out to a level where the players all look like tiny dots, so why can't we zoom in so that they all look like the BFG?  In my opinion, on any camera the maximum zoom is the same as the standard version of that particular camera mode on the previous games, so therefore this year's newly implemented zoom adjustment feature seems to only give you the option to zoom out really. 


    4. I've read a few of the posts in this topic, and I understand why some feel it would be difficult to include audio commentary as an option for those with low or no sight. Off the topic of my head the only way I feel like audio commentary could be brought into the game is if only the name of the player on the ball is read and when the ball touches a different player. It's a difficult one so I won't expand much on it. 


    4. I think the whole layout of the in-match menus and visuals could be drastically improved to make things easier to see. Again I'll go back to FM 17, where notifications for goals, red cards, yellow cards and injuries etc would flash up is a decent sized box at the bottom of the screen. It was difficult to read, but the symbols for whatever had happened (a red / yellow card for example) were something I could make out, and whenever I needed to read who the player was who had been carded or scored I only had to go really close and squint to read it, or pause and use the Windows magnifier to zoom in. In this year's game, the notifications bar a the top doesn't even pop up half of the time, even though I have notifications ticked on for all the things I've mentioned above. Furthermore it is very small. The text in game is generally tiny, I don't know why there couldn't be an option to increase the size of things such as the players names when they're on the ball, the teams and score in the top left and the text commentary. 


    At the moment these are the only things I can think of that would make a big difference, certainly for sight impaired and severely sight impaired players, to me the menus outside of the match are generally alright. Yes it would be amazing to have screen reader technology, but I doubt Steam will make it compatible with their games any time soon and on FM, when using the dark theme, in Window mode, with the Windows magnifier I do manage to get through things eventually, even though it can cause a lot of strain and take ages. I have massive sympathy for those of you who have had to stop playing the game, I can only hope that one day support for blind people (or those with severe enough sight loss that they can't play games such as FM which I could be one day) comes to most games on the market and in turn FM. I'm at least thankful that FM is a game I use offline so I can take it as my own pace and don't need to see things quickly, because when it comes to things like shooter games, I'm pretty useless at them!!!!!! 

  8. don't know if this is the right place for this but I'm just wondering how / why the Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 Pro (see link below) isn't apparently compatible with FMT 18 android, or whether it is compatible but has been missed. I'm currently looking into getting a new tablet and one of my hope is to get one that can play the game. The Yoga Tab 3 Pro is pretty much the same as the Yoga Tab 3 Plus (WHICH IS COMPATIBLE) but more powerful! So I'm just curious as to how the Tab 3 Pro isn't compatible? 



  9. After now playing for a few days, I have a clearer idea of what is pleasing me and what is disappointing me about this year's game. I'll start with the disappointments because if these things be corrected with a simple patch then it would make the game pretty much perfect in my eyes...

    - during the beta I was sad to find the absence of the setting to change the filter of the in game graphics (etc Increase Contrast) and whether you can see things such as sky / weather effects. I I thought that these things may just have been absent because it was just a beta, but I was very let down to find they weren't in the full game. They were great little personal tweaks you could make to the visuals.

    - even though there are height and zoom settings this year, the camera options feel very limited. Its ironic that there are zoom settings but at its highest level on 'Director' or 'TV' it doesn't seem as zoomed in as the 'Close' option in previous games. There needs to be more camera choices like before, and more wiggle room on particularly zoom.

    - my match feed isn't popping up anywhere on the screen during a match, despite my repeated checks of my settings.

    - it takes way too many clicks to do things in match.


    I'm liking....

    - new tactical options, particularly the ability to mark a specific position.

    - the next opposition scout report, it's great seeing potential roles.

    - the between highlights screen in game.

    - dynamics

    - injury risk page.

    And much more!

    Like I said I'm hopeful that the things I mentioned towards the top can be patched in.

  10. 3 hours ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    I actually can't believe they've not addressed that since the beta. The rain effects are horrible, and it slows down the 3D engine on my laptop, I always used to turn this setting off as it adds nothing to the game - it even stays blue skies and sunny when it's raining! I almost exclusively use 2D now because of this, which is fine as i prefer that anyway, but the 3D graphics are much improved this year. No idea why there's not settings like there was before. 

    I can only hope they do something about it, it was very disappointing to discover the absence of these options

  11. Really liking the game so far, but my main and only disappointments are... 

    - the option to change the in game graphics filter is no longer there. As a sight impaired user I always used to like the fact that I could change the filter, I always used one of the high contrast settings.

    - the option to toggle whether you can see weather effects / sky / stadium etc no longer seems to be there.

    - the new options to change the zoom and height of the camera in game were something I thought would be a great addition to the game. The height setting is pleasant to use, however I think the zoom option should be renamed the 'zoom out' option, because I'm finding that the default setting for each (or most) of the camera settings is at the maximum zoom option, which to me doesn't seem to be any closer at all than in any previous game.


    If I am mistaken on any of these things please let me know.

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