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Posts posted by ow25

  1. 14 hours ago, kevhamster said:

    This is hard to beat in terms of value for money - excellent CPU, the graphics card is more than enough to play full 3D if you want to and a good amount of storage with the 512GB SSD.  Plus, it's well within your budget as well: 


    And, I'd always be wary of taking advice from the people selling the products as you never know what they're being pushed to sell.

    Mate, thanks so much. Saved me hours of searching and trying to understand jargon that I will never fully get my head around! 

  2. Hi guys, I want to buy a new laptop as the current one is getting on a bit now. My budget is approx £750 but I could stretch to £1k if necessary. I'll mainly be using the laptop for Football Manager and surfing the internet / watching youtube. I don't know much about laptops unfortunately which is why I'm here asking for advice because the last time I bought a laptop I asked the sales guys at the store what they would recommend and I'm not really pleased with the results. In terms of what I'd like the laptop to be able to do; If I could run a good amount of leagues (7-15 leagues from about 5 different countries) with a quick processing speed that would be great, graphics aren't all that important as I will probably use 2D graphics with maybe 3D replays, and a big screen (currently have 15.6inch) would be lovely. Cheers for the help - looking through the thread you guys seem to be absolute lifesavers for a lot of us!

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