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Posts posted by zio_cantante

  1. Thanks to everyone for the answers! Probably I wans't able to describe my problem accurately, so lately i will let images speak for me. However, i have tried some of your suggestions.


    Il 14/1/2018 in 23:57 , Torskus77 ha scritto:

    Basically, your defence has no protection. A DLP isn't going to hold it all together, especially Control Mentality on Very fluid.  Every player you have bar two center backs and the DLP joins the transition when you win the ball back, then I guess you are being left totally exposed. 

    Yes probably if I saw that formation posted by another person i would have the same doubts. But i can assure you that i've never seen big problems regarding too many players forward (at least not yet :), i've only played about 15 matches with this system). I mean, sometimes we are caught out of position but it's just few times, and it's a risk that i have to run playing in this way. Probably the high press and the good offside trap (even if not selected as TI) are helping a lot.


    Il 15/1/2018 in 05:19 , Redfern ha scritto:

    I have found that small changes can make a big difference. My first season with Everton I conceded 67 goals in the premier league :eek:, luckily I scored a bucket load...

    Second season I started experimenting with my 2 central defenders, and found that having both set to defensive centre back (d) has brought me untold defensive joy. I've even kept some clean sheets and scraped games 1-0 which I never did in season 1.

    The other thing I found was setting a couple of players to 'stay back if needed' on offensive  corners and freekicks stopped me conceding goals on the counter when playing control or attacking mentality, and I play fairly wide which helps to have bodies out on the flanks stopping crosses coming in


    Il 15/1/2018 in 12:14 , Rashidi ha scritto:

    Change the FB to a WB on defend and change the FB on the left flank to an IWB(D) and see how you do.

    I was not likely to use defensive centre backs because they don't match how i want to play, due to direct passes. However i've tried them for some matches and both my cbs played greatly. I still can't explain that because i have always thought that cb roles differed only for on the ball behavior. May be that i have just been lucky in this last matches, i really don't know!

    Regarding the fullbacks i've tried for a some minutes the IWB but I really don't like how it plays, so I returned my old the FB(A). On the right the change was great, the defend duty helped a lot, freeing the left cb to go wider if necessary. I think i'll try a WB(D), to make him work a little more like Hysaj in real life.

    2 ore fa, Keyzer Soze ha scritto:

    This is something that i always struggle a bit in FM: what set of PI's we should use to get a solid defense.

    For example, because i usually use the TI to press more, i tend to tell my central defenders to press less, so that they stick more to the position. Also because of that i've stop using the mark tighter PI in my central defenders, but use on my fullbacks.

    Just curious on how you set your defenders. Do you use any PI's?

    The only PI's i use (if you are asking to me :D) is "much less closing down" for my cbs, as without that PI they were going too much around the pitch.


    Now i would have liked to post a video to show better where my concerns are but i can't export them, so i'll go with some screenshots:

    Here is the issue i had when i was using tight marking TI. It's an away CL match against Celtic. We have a great numerical advantage in the box  (8 vs 4) but 3(!) of my defenders ar marking the ball carrier (you see that better in the second screenshot). The red circle is where one of my three players should have been in order to intercept the pass (i'm not a paint master :D). Add to that that my n17 is the CC(A) and he's not the best defensively, so their n18 can score an easy tap in. But in my opinion the greatest problem here is the 3vs1 that leaved that space in front of the goal.


    Now the issue that i have without that TI. It's an away match against Crotone. Again you can see that i have a great numerical advantage (4vs1 in the centre of the box), and this time my defenders seem to just not care about the opposing striker (expecially n62 who is very close to him). So the result is their striker free to head and obviously to score.


    Now i know that they are just 2 examples and so may be that are just player mistakes, but i feel that there is some reason behind, because of the almost opposite behavior between mark tighter being selected or not.

    Again, thanks in advance!

  2. Hi all,

    i'm currently finding a lot of trouble defending from crosses. I don't think that the problem is in the overall tatcic (even if there is also room to improve :)) and i'll explain you why: the problem is not that i have no cover because too many players are high up the pitch, nor the excessive freedom left to opposing crossers. The problem is that, despite an advantage in numbers in the penalty area, opposing forwards most of the times find a way to score or at least to test my gk. The instruction that confuses me most is the TI "use tighter marking". I initially used that TI in order to have a better pressing in the opposing third, and in that sense it worked well. But, as a drawback, when whe were forced to defend i found often two or even three of my defenders marking the same opponent, obviously leaving another striker completely free to shot. So i've dropped off that TI, and the results are different but not better: now seems that my defenders just "admire" the ball crossed, not caring abaut opposing strikers that have space and time to attack the ball.


    Here is the tactic, however as i said before i'm having major problems only with that particular aspect and with the overall tactic i'm currently quite happy. Because of the control mentality and the high closing down in t wuold have been ok if most problems were from balls over the top, but these goals conceded from crosses leave me not happy at all. The only relevant PI here is  "much less closing down" for CBs.

    An other thing, as you may assume, i'm managing Napoli so, while not obviously the best in the world, my defenders aren't bad at all.

    I would really appreciate any help so thanks in advance!

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