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Posts posted by Codename47

  1. Just need clarification whether the following still occurs 'under the hood' in the match engine OR whether it is now separate i.e. Mentalities, Defensive Line, LOE.

    So, in the previous versions of FM, if you'd changed your mentality from say Attacking to Counter, your DL would also change to a 'deeper' setting.

    However, now and from reading I am not 100% sure whether this is still the case or not as DL and the new addition of LOW being introduced whether the mentality is just the risk setting and the DL and LOE now adjusts how high/low your DL is and the LOE sets the engagement?

    Many thanks.

  2. 5 hours ago, jc577 said:

    I've been re-watching a lot of city's goals from last season, and there's a couple of observations to point out. 

    Firstly, the combinations on the left are a lot more prominent than on the right. Silva/Sane work a lot closer in tandem that Sterling/De Bruyne for example and play is concentrated down this flank a lot more also. You need to get the pair working close together. Another thing I've noticed is that Sane is quite aggressive with his runs in-behind, being played through on goal by through balls from Silva after quick one-twos, or lofted/diagonal balls from De Bruyne. I'd give him the WM-A role with Stay wider, dribble more and maybe cross more often, but I'm not sure on this. 

    The Silva/De Bruyne tandem is hard to pinpoint. Silva is definitely more aggressive than De Bruyne, he likes to get in the box more often and is much higher up in the half-space. I think De Bruyne has more license to roam about the pitch, and isn't just limited to the HS, but still occupies it when needed. I'd go with Mez-S for Silva - could argue attack duty might be necessary, but he is City's primary controller imo so an attack duty might be too aggressive. De Bruyne I'd go with CM-S, with pi's of: roam from position, move into channels, and maybe more risky passes so he looks for those killer balls to Sane/Sterling (not sure if he has the ppm.) 

    Sterling's role is the hardest to get. He's always either attacking the back post or making runs centrally into the box, and his role is more focused on off-the-ball runs rather than running with the ball, which is the opposite of Sane's role. He definitely has license to leave the flank, so I'd go WM-A with the PIs: Stay wider (for build-up purposes), roam from position, and get him to learn the trait 'moves into channels' if he doesn't have it. 

    There's so much more I could write but it's almost half 4 and i've got an exam in the morning :D

    Very interesting read here:


  3. I have loaded up FM19 (my last FM was 2016).

    Regarding mentoring.  I just watched a video tutorial.

    My save is Tottenham and I decided to create a mentoring group.  I promoted Kyle Walker-Peters, Oliver Skipp and Tashan Oakley-Boothe to the Senior Squad.

    However, when I go to add my players in, I cannot see the above three players in the list of selection ?

    But, when I ''ask assistant to assign'' it assigns Danny Rose, Skipp, Walker-Peters and Davinson-Sanchez !

    Incidentally, the tuturial video showed the OP promoting a 17 year old Man U player (Angel Gomes) and his was ok.

    Please assist, many thanks.

    PS - I should tell you that it is my very first day of the save, would this matter, maybe I need to click on continue then do it again ???

  4. Apologies if this has been asked before, but I honestly couldn't find a topic with a proper answer.

    It's regarding creating a player on the FM editor and assigning his hidden attribute stats.

    Most are straight forward i.e. 0-20, 20 being the best and 0 the worst, e.g. Professionalism = 20, he will be a top professional.

    However, what about 'Pressure'.  I am not 100% if to assign 0 or 20, and whether '20' will mean he can handle pressure or if '20' means he can't handle pressure?

    Same goes with Injury Proneness and Temperament as above?

    Hope this makes sense.

  5. Ok, understood, I don't doubt you one bit Rashidi in terms of how the game is set up, but I was always under the impression that playing 'structured' (same/similar as 'Rigid' / 'Disciplined'), would limit the team/player attitude to risk?

    (I haven't played FM17/18 btw, last one was FM16 - unless it has changed)

  6. Just a few questions....

    (1) If I set up player OI before a game to CD always on my opponents, how would this affect Team Instructions/touchline shout if I then decide to use the 'stand-off' my opponent later on in the game for example if I am 1-0 up.

    Would I then have to delete all the OI for CD as it would be counter productive? (i.e telling them to CD always in OI but then saying 'stand-off via shouts/team instructions)

    (2) I find that if I have set up OI on my opponent players before kick off but then during the game I decide to change to one of my other formations, this deletes the opponents OI I set up originally before the game and I have to set them up again.

    Does anyone else find this?

    (3) When I scout the opposition before a match, I notice that it doesn't actually scout the players, some are fog of war, so I scout them individually myself in good time.

    Does anyone else do this or am I alone?

    (4) Using the TC to create my formation is usually done based on a full strength side with no injuries/suspensions etc.

    So, if key players are out injured, suspended, etc, do you just prior to KO (in-game) change role/duties?

    (i.e if the FB is attacking but you only have a FB who is only good on support)

    This has been bothering me for years and years and I've been too lazy to ask. Some are questions and some are to pick the brains of others. Cheers.

  7. From my understanding of tactics and to get better away results, we look at our opponents pitch size before we play them.

    So, if they have a LONG pitch, is it a good idea to push up and/or set passing to direct perhaps?

    NARROW pitch - play wide to get/use more space?

    WIDE pitch - play narrow and hold defensive shape?

    Would you agree in principle, all things being equal of course?

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