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Issue Comments posted by Branquinho1997

  1. Em 01/03/2024 em 23:29, \'Appy \'Ammer disse:

    I wouldn't be too surprised if this has not been fixed due to fears of litigation. It's the sort of thing I expect from football clubs these days when their "good" name is muddied in a computer game!

    if they are so affraid of litigation why keep the options available in the pre game editor?

    why dont they remove it or at least give us a explanation on why is taking so long to fix something that comes from fm 23....

  2. Em 01/03/2024 em 22:07, Roy Race 9 disse:

    like real life football a total joke FFP is a waste of time mate

    even if the set up was working[a team would get punished/relegated etc]

    seen several 'big clubs' get huge new loans/new sponsorships deals a day before FFP would kick in and so they dont fail the test

    I have used the IGE in a test to load debt onto a club given them -x amount balance etc etc day before FFP would kick in...they get bailed out as above:rolleyes:

    The most stupid thing is that the game acknowledges them breaching on ffp but doesnt apply the rules

    also stupid is they dont fix things that come from earlier versions of fm

  3. same here when removing all of them on united, names would switch to other board members, last one had to remove from the button, when i created a new person for chairperson and when i click on the person, simply a purple screen from the skin :(

  4. Em 21/05/2023 em 19:22, Kyle Brown disse:

    Really sorry there never was a response to this, one of those we missed at the time and it just got pushed further and further back.

    I can only apologise, but given that the saves are here already I'll mark this as ready to investigate for our QA team and we'll look to address this going forward. 

    Do you know if it will be fixed for 24?

  5. Em 21/05/2023 em 19:22, Kyle Brown disse:

    Really sorry there never was a response to this, one of those we missed at the time and it just got pushed further and further back.

    I can only apologise, but given that the saves are here already I'll mark this as ready to investigate for our QA team and we'll look to address this going forward. 

    Thank you very much, this is one of the things that took a lot of time to investigate and provide to you guys.

    Really hope this can get fixed as it will provide more realism for the future :D


  6. Btw forgot to mention that another thing is happening, if city wins or loses the UCL, the end up failing the FFP on premier league too but they still end up playing european competitions, screenshot below:


    19th june the news pop up that clubs are getting promoted to the prem will play with the top 5 stadiums



    25th of june and top 5 teams are not relegated below


    As you can see below, city also failed FFP but they end up going to the UCL...


    Will simulate until end of next season and start of new season to see if they are banned and relegated.

    Let me know what you guys find and lets hope you can fix this.

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