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Everything posted by XaW

  1. I'd report that as potential bug personally. Might just be an oversight, but it's good to report anything, especially in the beta.
  2. Only the one you are actively managing in is full detail if I remember correctly. Some of the big tournaments like CL and the World cup has the last rounds as full, but mostly it's none to speed things up I think.
  3. @luka_zg/ @SeaCarrot - I've removed your messages as we can't discuss circumventing licencing here.
  4. We missed you buddy, especially @Johnny Ace! Hope you give it another go in FM23 and let us follow your epic tales with the never say die spirit we've all come to know and love!
  5. Yeah, please create a new one whenever the beta drops (or now, if you have the time and just edit stuff if something has changed?), I'll be digging into this again as soon as the beta is here!
  6. Love those two things, as they are stuff I've been asking for! For me this is also a highlight: Playing a youth challenge with a team that doesn't start with a youth team was a bit of a pain since it could be created, but would never enter the league. Love this change.
  7. Just noticed something that has quite the impact for this challenge in the latest post on FMFC in regards to FM23: https://fmfc.footballmanager.com/blog/more-new-features-elevate-your-fm23-experience (emphasizes are mine) Hopefully, this is not just England, but all countries, and this will really help out in those leagues where our youth teams have been playing friendlies for countless seasons and never entered the youth leagues! Love this if it works as I hope!
  8. If you have edited files, sometimes the seasons fail to reset (usually errors in the file), and it sometimes resolves itself and works normally from there on.
  9. Alright lads, easy with the tagging of staff. What if you distract them from the "approve for Beta" meeting? I'd never forgive you!
  10. Wear the badge of the gamer with pride. When our daughter gets older both my wife and I will show her the joys of gaming as we both share an interest for it. Why should this form of entertainment be any less than showing your kid the joy of films, reading, art, or sports? All of these are things that people enjoy and spend their spare time doing, and gaming is the same. Been gaming since the late 80s and don't see any reason to stop any time soon. Of course, time becomes an issue when one chooses to take the responsibilities of the adult world, such as having a child, but the joy is still there when time allows. Having a hobby as gaming has nothing to do with being a "man-child". As long as you are there for your family what you spend your free time on is your choice alone. I know I spend my time on FM (and here being a forum police) without any concerns about my adult status!
  11. No, but and AF-A or a DLF-S gives you a mostly bland role either on the last line or in the buildup. Also PF-S is quite a bland role. My point was there are quite a few semi-bland roles that should be easy enough to turn into almost whatever you want (within reason of course!). I think more freedom in the tactical department is a good thing, but I also don't want too much game breaking stuff, at least if playing versus is going to be any fun at all.
  12. It depends. I often start my save in the beta and if I enjoy it I play it far into the cycle. A few years there has been issues, but very rarely I've had to abandon saves due to it. Most has been abandoned because I fancy something new.
  13. You pretty much have this in the basic roles. CM-S is a brilliant role for it for example.
  14. A final post of mine in terms of the graphical discussion before I leave you to it. Remember that SI doesn't have licenses for the appearance of most players. So even with massively good graphics they are not able to show players who are identifiable in the match anyway. This might be at least partially why those who show players from older FIFA games or such would be disappointed no matter what SI would do. Would you enjoy it if the graphics were drastically improved, but the player faces was anonymously bland due to licences? For what it's worth, I do think that what could and probably should be improved in the match is the surrounding stuff, stadiums and fans and the areas around could do with a facelift.
  15. Just to be clear, I haven't thought of you as anything but constructive, even if we disagree! These types of feedback is always welcomed by SI, so me disagreeing with you in the topic does not mean you are wrong. If I were to put on my moderator hat (if someone would step over the line of what is acceptable), I'd be very clear about it, especially in a thread were I am engaged in the topic,
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