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Posts posted by PhillWHU86

  1. 26 minutes ago, mattgranger said:

    Hi @PhillWHU86thanks for the comments, very helpful.

    1) Will get Ben Clarkson added in as U23 physio

    2) Zavon Hines is an U14 coach for West Ham, hence why he is not on the game currently. If he moves to U18 or higher, we can add him back into the game

    3) I haven't been able to find any info on Konchesky still being our loan manager. His LinkedIn doesn't seem to have been updated for a while. As far as I am aware he is Assistant Manager/Player at Billericay so unsure if that would leave him any time to also be our loan manager

    4) Will look into Jack Collison for you, I did action that move to Atlanta, he's listed as U18 coach for Atalanta's academy. It might be that you need the larger database or load the MLS to see him?

    5) Antonio's position has now been set to 20 for striker, so this should be his natural position when the game is released. 


    Top man!

  2. Hi @mattgranger

    A few West Ham things I'd flagged up. Some you may be able to change ahead of release, some not, but here goes.


    1) Ben Clarkson (Southend United Head Physio) now works for West Ham Academy u23's down as a physio.

    2) Zavon Hines works for West Ham U18's as a coach still. He was on FM20 but isn't on FM21.

    3) Unconfirmed, but I believe Paul Konchesky still has some responsibilities as our loan manager, despite also being Assistant Manager at Billericay. Are dual roles/clubs allowed?

    4) Can Jack Collison (former WHU player and youth coach) be put on the game at Atlanta United?

    5) As per a couple of peoples comments, Michail Antonio more than does a job as a Pressing Forward currently, BUT I think it should be recognised as his primary position now.


    All of the above things are something I'll change when the editor is live anyway, but thought I'd share.

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