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Posts posted by Elemke

  1. 18 minutes ago, sporadicsmiles said:

    Are you trying to use the 19.3 database? I have not updated the file for this yet, it is on my to do list for the next version (well, the main to do list for the next version).

    Although, I downloaded the file and ran it on my work PC, and everything worked normally for me. You have some screenshots you can share?

    I have tried with the old database. So where you select the editor data files, you just select AfEx Tunesia? I did not test it, but If I select that for some reason I can't have the sudenese league. (I know right.) Probably it is me, now I need to wait until everyone updates their league so I can have everything fresh and working. EDIT: When you update it to 19.3 can you just enable all leagues so I don't need several different updates to enable the 10-12 biggest leagues in Africa pls? thx a lot mate!

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