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Posts posted by rp1966

  1. 2 hours ago, Rodrigogc said:

    It's mind boggling that international management has been left aside when it comes to priorities by SI. I've been playing FM since FM06 and never seen any improvement in this area. They add on face paint but managing a national team is still as boring as it's ever been. 

    International management is quite limited just by its nature (long gaps between matches; not wanting to spend your time actually watch players in games like a real international manager would).  The most common complaint has always been the lack of control over training at tournaments so that you can rest players between games.

    However, one area of improvement I'd really like to see is international management exclusive set of screens for identifying eligible players of appropriate calibre; moving the ones you want into the pool' and then on into the squad. I'd like this in three columns with a filter above all players and above pool. With drag and drop between columns.


  2. 15 minutes ago, Litmanen 10 said:

    Okay. I have clocked about three seasons in total and seen 0 for and against. The AI matches seem to produce some so it might just be bad luck. 

    I'm now in 2030, so a few more seasons of watching the ME for me.  Still would have expected at least a couple of DFKs (for or against) in your 3 seasons.  Maybe there's something about the way you play that doesn't create/concede that many freekicks.

  3. 1 hour ago, Litmanen 10 said:


    I haven't seen a single goal from a direct free kick or a real long range goals from 30 yards out but this has also been the case in FM quite often. 



    I find that a bit surprising - I've seen plenty of direct free kick goals managing Sapporo, Kaiserslautern and now at Lazio (both for and against).  The most predictable and commonly scored one seems to be just outside the area on the right hand side taken by a right footer - you can tell when it's going to happen as the wall always looks slightly too far left. Ball is pinged into the top right corner and scored 60-70% of the time*.  Those really long range shots seem quite rare, but then they are IRL, too.  See plenty in the 20-25yd range.

    * the other outcomes being hitting the corner of post and crossbar, or the GK flying like superman right into the very corner to turn it round the post.


    EDIT:  Just remembered I was watching Loki Doki yesterday and he had a DFK scored against him with a low kick through the wall - now those really are rare!


  4. 1 hour ago, Mst82 said:

    This is always a good laugh, isn't it?

    When the AI walks through your press and tight defence to score immediately after you've grafted to take the lead. Mint. 


    Happens a lot. I suspect there's some complacency/determination fiddling going on so that they make a reality of the "you're at your most vulnerable after you've scored" footballing cliché.  SI do seem to love coding probabilities that reflect clichés.


  5. I think the biggest reason that SI wouldn't allow modding of the match engine is nothing to do with code complexity - it's all about business. The ME is the area of difference that people most care about when comparing versions.  Free up that to modding and SI have a greatly reduced ability to tweak the ME and market it as something 'new and improved' for a new edition of the game. Any ME changes would have to be beyond the scope of the modders to have any impact.

    Then there's also the fact that it would lift the curtain on how the ME works. Remember that after the Korean mods to the JSON file, SI chose to lock it down and remove the ability to edit it.



  6. 6 minutes ago, NineCloudNine said:

    For all my grouching I do understand that conversational logic is not easy to program.

    However, it is a glaring omission that we cannot use the actual reason the player asked to leave as an explanation for why they were sold.

    Whoever designs the response trees for interactions seems to have the objective of upsetting the balance in your team.  Every interaction wants to either generate strife or force you into promises (which will likely cause strife down the line).  Much like the transfer system I think it is an area SI feel they can game things to help the 'AI'.

    I'd go further and say that nowadays only the ME is treated as 'simulation' - everything outside that is fair game for manipulation to try to erode the human advantage. I think that's why those elements are so frustrating and out of line with what we see IRL.


  7. 9 minutes ago, Lempicka said:

    Anyone else seeing fouls in the penalty area that don't seem to match the animation? I'm seeing perfectly timed tackles on screen being given as penalties.



    ... and the reverse.  Seeing a lot of things that look like they should be penalties accompanied by the 'great intervention' commentary and also something totally innocuous will happen and the VAR box pops up to give a penalty.  On those ones it doesn't help that you don't get a replay of the actual penalty incident.  But it does seem that there's a bit  of a mismatch happening between penalty incidents and the animations we see. 

  8. 24 minutes ago, isoche said:

    I know thats a familiar complaint but as long as its not fixed, people will continue to complain.. Of course some will say they dont experience it. I dont experince in some leagues or some matches too, and not in every career.

    But in my current career in France as Lyon, i started to win against everyone like 4-0, 5-0, im literally putting my tactic defensive after scoring 1 or 2 goals so that i dont score more every match.. Because its very unrealistic when you score 20-25 goals in 5 matches. Even if you have a really good squad (well not PSG level) and even if you have a gegenpress tactic... When will this fixed? Why are people being ignored? I dont think there is a need to upload the save. I'm playing a gegenpress football but this cant justify it. Do we really have to wait until new match engine?

    The trouble with this complaint is that the ME's main problem is that it creates far too many chances* and that is, given the length of time it's been a problem, a very difficult thing to resolve. So every time there's a groundswell of 'too many goals' complaints all SI do is nerf attacking play and the ME becomes dull and sterile. The FM 24 ME has already taken a step in that direction - the play in the final third is nowhere near and fluid as varied now as during the beta. Another nerf would kill it completely, leaving it like the awful FM20 engine.


    * not enough breakdowns of play in midfield or on the edge of the area, far too many defenders putting it out for a corner instead of getting control of the ball etc.  Basically real games are much more in the midfield than any FM ME which sees too many attacks complete without mistake or interception.

  9. I play on 3D and comprehensive highlights (TV as main camera and vertical scroll for replays). I almost always choose a team that is mid-table in whatever league I want to play in - I like to have a comfortable first season where I can shape the team to my liking without worrying about promotion or relegation. As far as transfers go I always set no transfers in first window and I take a slow evolving approach to recruitment - I'll only bring in 2-3 first-teamers per season unless forced to buy more because of unavoidable sales.  Regardless of where I start I generally end up as a journey man as I find it difficult to resist job offers unless I have grown especially attached to my squad at a particular club.  For scouting I always use the scouts - no player search or trawling international squads for me.  



  10. 3 minutes ago, John Joe O'toole said:

    I hope not, id prefer it to be two separate games as I wouldn't want my save to be slowed down by woman's teams/leagues in the game as I have no interest in playing those leagues. Unless there is a way of de-selecting them? 

    I would expect the league selection to work as it does now, but instead of selecting England and the leagues within the country you want active, you will now select England (men) or England (women) and the corresponding leagues to be active in your save. But that would obviously sit within one database so you can mix and match countries and leagues as you see fit.


  11. 13 hours ago, janrzm said:

    For me the ME has reverted back to being FM23'ish. I realise the original release wasn't perfect but it was certainly prettier, less robotic IMO.



    I'd agree with that.  Compared to the initial ME (which I acknowledge often generated too many goals) the attacking play doesn't feel as natural and fluid.  Variety is down and if you watch games on comprehensive, too many good chances seem to end in unlikely misses or overly effective defensive actions (not quite the super-keeper or teleporting blocking defenders of some  older editions, but heading that way) - It just feels a little obviously nerfed.  I know that's a very subjective thing based on the feel of play in the match visualiser, but the initial ME didn't have that feeling.  I think matchday feel and realistic play-by-play outcomes were sacrificed for more realistic scorelines at the macro/statistical level/

  12. 3 hours ago, rdbayly said:

    A new graphics engine and UI if I recall correctly? FM24 will be the 'last of its kind' - which can be interpreted in an number of ways. The ME will be an updated version of what we currently have. I have both high hopes and huge concerns with what we might end up with. The level of challenge is diminishing year on year and I don't see this changing at all. As long as overly aggressive systems aren't punished, overachieving will be part of FM's DNA.  

    Yes, I would expect the ME to be another evolution of the existing one - whether Unity has some tricks (better distribution between CPU cores?) that will enable them to increase the depth of the calculations I don't know, but there's a huge amount of embedded knowledge in the current engine so I'd expect it to continue.  Match graphics should certainly receive a significant boost, though that relies on SI having employed the services of better 3D modellers and animators.  UI is where I think we'll see a distinct break from the FM18-24 look and feel. Will also be interesting to see if they take a different approach to newgen/staff faces.


  13. 37 minutes ago, JohnnybiscuitLegs said:

    Hi, not sure if this is in the right place or whatever, but wanted to raise something that has been irritating me for several FM games.

    The touchline tablet for some reason goes transparent every time the ball is on the right size of the screen, making it unreadable and essentially useless, why is this?

    There is literally an option to remove it if you so wish to watch the game, however the whole point of bringing the tablet up is so that you can actually use and read the information displayed.

    Does anybody know of a fix for this?

    Please see attached photo.Screenshot2024-01-12142806.thumb.png.a77f239edf36e91eaebf11ecc79b21e4.png

    It's been mentioned plenty of times before.  It's a really awful UI design decision.  I would expect that people have reported it as being a bug in the past, but I'm not sure SI consider it one - as I say, it appears to just be a stupid design decision that they've double-downed on.  I think you'll find some skins have a 'tablet' that stays solid colours regardless of ball position.

    Not that anything in FM24 matters any more as it's the end of the line for this game engine.  


  14. 28 minutes ago, diLLa88 said:

    Makes sense.

    This does however not consider that State A could be heavily influenced negatively against the player due to previous overperformance to make the game more "challenging", where no matter how much you change it to State B or C with tactical adjustment it will still be a loss for you because it's just so much skewed towards a positive AI result changes cannot heavily impact it anymore.

    Not saying it's that case, but it does sometimes feel that no matter what you do a result is set in stone which is what the previous comments refer to.

    Last year (FM23) someone making that argument threw a save file at the forum from immediately before a match.  The player in question had replayed the match tens of times and always lost.  He challenged anyone to get a win.  A few people downloaded the file and had a go, and although no-one managed the win, a couple of those who downloaded got a draw.  Better tacticians may well have got a win, but the point is that even a match that seems to have a result set in stone probably hasn't unless there is a serious mismatch in the team's abilities or negatives from morale, pressure, complacency, tiredness, home advantage etc outweigh what can be done via tactical changes, timely substitutions etc.


  15. 41 minutes ago, Zoolok42 said:

    FM is already a subscription in everything but the name, it has been that for years. You pay 60 euros per year (or whatever) for 12 months of patches and 1-2 database updates. Patches are bugfixes with a minor new feature every now and then. I am not sure how this isn't already seen as a subscription model, because they sell basically the same game every year. You would have to go a few years in the past to notice any major differences between FM 24 and an older FM.

    An opposite example would be Civilization, for instance, because the differences between Civilization 4, 5, and 6 are enormous, it's a totally different game, on the same topic, and they come out every 5-6 years, not every year at the same time, like FM does. Essentially, every game that comes out every year at the same time with minor differences is a subscription game, regardless of how they want to call it.

    Not really, as with subscription if you stop paying the subscription you lose access to the game. Annual releases are different as you can always stop and then continue to play any version you own until your hardware/OS no longer supports it.


  16. 40 minutes ago, whatsupdoc said:

    Yes to the set pieces. Everyone is reporting this. Seeing a throw in highlight is scarier than anything other than a penalty. 

    I've been struggling with creation from midfielders. Most of my goals coming from crosses regardless of tactics. Through balls are rarely played and runs in behind especially from IFs are hard to achieve. 

    I play on comprehensive.  One of the reasons for the lack of play building through midfield that I'm seeing could be the very high tendency of forwards to be offside whenever a through ball is attempted from central midfield.  Seems that play is far less likely to break down when the ball goes via the wings.

  17. 11 minutes ago, whatsupdoc said:

    Example of attributes not mattering enough:

    Put my 17 year old back-up keeper in the AF role for a couple of games:


    Note the 1 off the ball, 3 first touch etc etc.

    First game in the league cup we won 5-0, he scored and finished on a 7.6 rating:



    Second game away to Arsenal we lost 5-2 but he scores and rates 7.1.



    Next game at home to Liverpool, Van Dijk is no match for him as he scores for the third game running and we run out 3-2 winners: 



    Conversion rate of 43% from 0.23 XG/shot.



    Role >>>>> Attributes.  Been that way ever since roles were introduced.  Basically the game is mostly role-Lego.  Players don't matter nearly as much as they ought to.

    Add it to the catalogue of things everyone wants to see improved in FM25 (like that's really going to happen).

    The thing is for all it's faults FM is still a compelling and enjoyable game. Sometimes you just need to suspend disbelief a little and avoid doing things like this that expose the game's shortcomings.


  18. Just now, Batuhan86 said:

    Very random but how do you show this scoring analysis screen? Is it under datahub?

    Data Hub ->  Team -> Analyst Report (your team needs to have analysts to see any data).  There's then 3 sections on the left hand side that act like buttons (even though they look like info panels) - one for formations; one for scoring (the one you want) and one for conceding.


  19. 51 minutes ago, Rodrigogc said:

    Has anyone seen placed shots ? Apart from when a player is running toward the goalkeeper with no opposition, I NEVER see any placed shots. I'd say 80%~90% goals scored coming from powerful shots.

    One or two ...


    I rarely find my players are running at the goalkeeper with no opposition as I play with work ball into box and generally I'm pressing the opposition back, so there's always defenders around when the shots are taken.


  20. 10 hours ago, chris72 said:

    does anyone else feel like the game is scripted? like the result is already made before the game has even kicked off 


    If the game was really that scripted save-scumming would be ineffective as the outcomes would already have been decided.

    Start of game - pkm generated by the ME holding details for full match

    45 mins - neither you or AI make a half-time change so match visualiser continues to show original pkm

    60 mins - you make a sub.  New pkm generated for minutes 60 to 90

    65 mins - AI makes tactical change and substitutions. New pkm generated for minutes 65-90

    70 mins - You make a tactical change to counter the AI. New pkm generated for minutes 70 -90.



    It's possible that relative team strength, morale, complacency and match pressure can make a general result almost inevitable, but that's not the same as scripting the outcomes.

  21. 8 hours ago, Leon_fogo said:

    I'm finding the game a little boring.

    Many balls hit the post, no goals from direct free kicks, plays and goals resulting from passing errors, almost no goals from long distance. ME has a lot of good things but after the hot fix patch it seems to have become more robotic... I'm always reporting my impressions and eagerly awaiting the Christmas patch lol

    This bicycle goal posted above is sensational, the game could have had more goals like this

    For me there's definitely too many shots hitting the woodwork. DFK goals happen, but they are much rarer IRL than people think - I think I see enough in game to be realistic. Long distance shots, I don't have a problem with - I've got one midfield player who literally only ever scores long rangers - 5 or 6 a season and I concede my fair share, too.

    As for being more robotic - I not sure that's how I'd describe it, but I think when they reduced the number of goals, the changes they made did seem to reduce variety in the play noticeably. The moves that happen in my tactic seem to be more predictable and repetitive than the ME during the beta.  I still think it's better than FM23, but I feel we lost more than just the super-high scorelines.


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