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Posts posted by agreed

  1. hello.

    so i started in the hungarian div 2 with kozarmisleny and i noticed my u19 team isn't part of the youth league. thought maybe after getting promoted and eventually making it into the europa conference league etc i'd get an invitation to join but i still haven't had anything and i'm in my 3rd season. there's actually 2 u19 leagues and they are seeded and unseeded (no idea how that works) but i've noticed both leagues are full of a mixture of teams, some top teams and some non league.

    is it just a case of waiting a few more years and crossing my fingers? or could it be a bug?


  2. this happens every year they release a patch, even if it's minor and they claim no ME changes. you have people claiming that tactics shouldn't be affected as no ME changes, but like yourself i always notice a difference in the tactics after every patch, and have done for as long as i can remember. it's like every time they update the game it indirectly affects the ME even they don't actually purposely change it

  3. @knap it could be helpful yeh. Although that was mainly just reducing training intensity rather than just simply resting like I'm doing now. Both methods got me out of the slump I just find the resting easier as the training intensity method you had to check back every few days and change it back to normal. Probably more beneficial to player growth that way though instead of resting, although my players have still been improving very well despite resting during busy periods 

  4. @Beekimov is it your first season in the prem? first season is rough when you gain promotions so fast. first season in prem i came 9th with 50 pts. just gotta hang in there somehow. i think that was using HGF pts104. season after i came 7th with 59 pts and qualified for the conference league. next season i finished 7th again on 66 pts but won the conference league. then 5th with 68 pts but won the europa league. then 3rd with 74 pts and reached CL semis. this was all with HGF pts 104.

    this season i was doing really well with the same tactic, but after the southampton game i switched to knaps latest WOF 107pts and have been flying. some of the losses were me playing my second team aswell, and in terms of squad ability i'm probably like top 6 or so, still have nowhere near the best team in the league






    however this all came about after hitting the classic mid season slump every season, i never really knew how to get out of it before. on previous versions i'd switch tactic for a bit but it didn't make any difference on this version, and even though my players weren't THAT tired as i rotate a lot, they were still below optimal and the form showed that every season -




    so what i did was any time you have a game in 3 days time, go into the rest tab in training and sort by condition, highlight any player who's about 75% condition or below and rest for 2 days (it will probably say 3 days as you have an automatic rest day after games anyway). this way come the following game everyone is almost fully fit again. if i have a game that's 4 days + away i don't do anything different, the fitness is usually ok by then anyway. might be a well known thing to be honest but i've only just discovered it and the difference in form is night and day



    edit - basically this - you can see i have sunderland in 3 days so as soon as i finish the game i just played today go straight into training > rest, i'm highlighting these players and resting for 2 days



  5. Think it happens every year doesn't it? I'm not saying it's right cos obviously they shouldn't do it but I think they probably do it out of curiosity more than anything to see how knaps tactics do in the tests, as they don't actually test knaps tactics over there if I remember correctly?

    As a side note - for some reason I never seem to have success with any of the highly rated tactics over there, not sure why. Knaps have always been the best for me :thup:

  6. @knap no i don't think i've tried them yet on this version. as i said the heartbreaker and hgf got to me to the prem so didn't feel the need to switch. i'm still punching above my weight at midtable i suppose just very inconsistent, and maybe my team just isn't very good!

    my physical comparisons aren't too bad tbf, just above average. 

    that would be awesome mate i'll send you a pm!

  7. i'm kinda stuck atm. managed to get gloucester from the VNN to the premier league in almost successive seasons using a combination of heartbreaker va, and the 2 high scoring HGF tactics. easy enough. now i know it does get harder when you're like 10 years into the game as the AI have ridiculously strong squads, but i dunno it's my 3rd season in the prem now and i've strengthed my team quite a bit. probably ranked around 10th best or so in the league? (according to the team comparison page) but just can't really kick on. been getting around 50-60 points every season. obviously tried the heartbreaker and hgf tactics that got me there but they just seem very inconsistent now. home games are a coin toss but away games are just almost an automatic loss. don't get me wrong i am still overachieving but just can't really kick on to where i want to be. it's probably due to all the top newgens/regens in the game but meh i dunno

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