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Posts posted by BobDor

  1. I am managing Ynishir in the Welsh second division and in my first friendly against the under 19s only the first 7 subs were shown while the number of allowed once was 15 and I also did assign 15. I was quite confused by this, does anybody know why this could be? Because normally in earlier FMs it would show all subs. Is it because I was playing the under 19s maybe? I think that should not matter.

    Not sure if this is a bug or supposed to be like this.

  2. Hi there,

    I had a question about player regens.

    So, I want to do a journeyman save in Europe, so I will only train clubs in Europe. But, I would like to get regens/newgens from countries such as Argentina, Brazil and Mexico. My question is if I should load these leagues as playable (while I would not be employed in those countries), or is loading players from North America and South America with the custom database setting and a large database size enough?

    So, I am not sure how the newgens are generated if that happens if the player is loaded or we need the leagues to be really loaded and simulated (playable). So curious if I have to select the leagues or not.

  3. Hi there,

    When you create a new save, out of the selected nations you can choose a start date.

    I think that it would be a nice idea to remove the restriction of having to select a start date from one of the selected nations, perhaps it would be a nice idea to add a calendar in which you can choose which date you want to start in the year with the new save. This would be ideal for a journeyman for example, where you would be able to select a custom date to start your save at.


    Edit: This would also allow for choosing the start date of leagues you did not load, due to performance reasons

  4. The board approved my request for improving youth facilities. However the email I get seems to contain a mistake: the start date (30/4/2023) seems to be earlier than the completion date (8/10/2022). I would think this should be the other way around. See the screenshot.


  5. Hi there,

    I encountered a bug where I already attended a job interview, but later was invited again for the job interview with the same club. You can see in the first image that I attended and the double invitation in the second image.

    When I clicked 'attend interview' for the second interview invite, it brought me to the club info screen of that club.

    I had to reject the second invite in order to continue my game.



  6. Hi there,

    I had a question. I am planning to start a new journeyman save in Europe. How I did it in the past was make every league within Europe playable and all leagues in the other continents view only and with a large size of a databse.

    Now I was wondering what the best set-up would be for my new journeyman save. As the save is based on managing clubs in Europe, I would think it is logical to make all leagues in Europe playable. However I am not sure what to do with the other leagues in the world; would the best be for example to keep these view only, or not select them at all both performance wise and for overall game experience? Any suggestion regarding the game set-up would help me!

  7. Hi there,

    I had a question. I have a negative scouting budget (because I scouted some players out of the scope). My question is what for effects this would have on the club and my job?

    I understood that when you are over your wage budget, your wage budget next season may become smaller. Is the same for scouting budget, that next season your scouting budget is lower?

  8. I encountered a problem when editing my manager.

    When I go to 'my profile' and click the pencil icon to edit my manager I see him not as I created him (dark skin tone) (see before.png). However when I alter for example the color of my manager's tie, he appears normal again. So the manager is not loaded well when editing the manager, it should be like in after.png



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