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Everything posted by volt

  1. Hello, any update on this? I can give you some more insides: I don't know the exact date since i didn't tested it day-by-day, but if you start a save with the last db update and holiday 1 month, when you came back you can see that bug, so the deadline is <30 days and it's easy to replicate. Tested it with SL Benfica. I just played a season with this patch before noticing this bug (i've noticed the duplicates in the staff responsabilities but didn't care, until I noticed my sports director is managing the duplicate team and can't chose the right coach..). I've uninstalled the game, deleted all folder an reinstalled to make sure problem was not on my end, and started with a 'vanilla' game without 'addons', the bug still persists so I was sure it was not on my end, that's when I went up looking for it here and found this topic. So, I was just checking in that save and noticed that the duplicate B team was only playing one kind of matchs: 'U21 Premier Division International Cup' (also know as 'Premier League International Cup' if you use a known namefix) . So I went up digging in the editor and removed that competition. Started a new save, holiday 1 month again, and no duplicate team. Don't know if said competition is the only reason messing this thing up, but at least the B teams didn't duplicate after <30 days after removing it. Less games for B teams and under 21's, but at least I play this again with the last patch, hoping no other reasons triggers the duplicate team in the future. Cheers.
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