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Posts posted by g00dman

  1. I may have made a request like this previously - if so, sorry.

    As good as the name generation system is, it could always be better. There are many, many names that aren't represented in the game, and often nations with a small pool of names to choose from end up generating much of the same - DR Congo is one example I can think of off the top of my head.

    With that said, I'd like the option to be able to add more names to the pool, in much the same way as you could do in the old Championship Manager games, with a simple text/edt file. It's quick and easy and much more convenient than having to open the Editor to torturously add a bunch of filler players to achieve the same effect.

  2. Hiya, having a slightly annoying issue with adding players to the database - I've added some blank players to Japanese clubs, just to give the teams a full complement of players, and what I've got now is a lot of English newgens with Japanese names coming through, presumably because the default nationality for a new player in the Editor is English. Is there any way to resolve this?

    I found that if you change the nationality of the player BEFORE entering their name, this should do the trick... But I'm not sure I can actually be bothered going through it all again, so I'm wondering if there's a way to fix it after the fact.

  3. Hiya, I have been playing FM18 again and I noticed that the game doesn't have some of the tabs that other games do when you click on a match score to be taken to the match screen - i.e. the Stats panel which lets you view more detailed info about each players' stats in the match (the dropdown menu that says "Player Ratings", "(home team) Stats", "(away team) Stats"). I'm a complete novice at this, so how would I go about adding these panels back to the default skin, if possible? Cheers!

  4. Personally I'd love to play the historical FM databases in the more modern game engine but I think there are issues with the licensing of the real players from those eras or somesuch. It's a shame, but I would like an option to use an older database providing you actually have the database from that game on your PC. I'd kill to be able to play the modern game with the old FM2006 database!

  5. 4 hours ago, UKFA said:

    I've never used it, but i assumed the 'use Fake Players' does something like that? It would also be great if you can save your save file as an editor file. But probably a bit of a nightmare on the coding end of that..

    "Use fake players" just 'masks' all the real players under fake names. Sometimes it'll change their DOB or their nationality or something but they're still based on the real players. I'd love one that builds a full database from the ground up. I put a request in for it last year, hopefully SI liked the idea! :D

  6. 1 hour ago, UKFA said:

    It would be great if you could auto-populate teams with regens in the editor. It would basically be the same thing that happens when you start the game and it adds players and staff, but you can have a consistent database to share.

    Agreed! This is essentially a stepping stone towards doing that (albeit with a lot more manual input!). I actually made the suggestion that a whole new game mode could be done that populates the whole game with newgens. Would be a fresh experience!

  7. Hiya, for FM2022 I'm going to be working on an editor file that fills out all the 3 levels of the Japanese J-League with 'generic' fake players, i.e. I'll just give them a name, a nationality and a contract. I'll probably give them all a fixed date of birth and CA/PA/rep as well (so that they show up in the game without having to manually select Japanese players to show up), and possibly positions (I'll have the game generate all these for me). I wouldn't go through all this trouble, but I think with a project like this it'd be worth releasing it here or on the Steam workshop, perhaps as a hold-over until someone releases a file with all the real J-league players. The consistency would probably be nice so that people have a similar experience, and I can give some advice and pinpoint players with a high PA, and so on.

    Only reason I bother is because without a pipeline of players in the domestic leagues the Japanese national team and the Japanese clubs that play in the AFC Champions League are much, much less competitive than they are in reality.

    I'm thinking I should probably add staff to these clubs too, but I'm having trouble deciding how many staff members a team should have, which ones, etc. Do I simply give them all a manager, an assman, a chairman and some directors, a few coaches and some scouts? It's not quite as simple as giving them squads, because I'll simply give every club a complement of 36 players (J-League matchday squads have 18 players, so I simply multiplied that by two), whereas different levels of clubs would have better or worse depth in terms of staff members, surely? I could use some advice!

  8. This might be a total shot in the dark but I was wondering if it's possible to skin FM 2006 so that the match result screen shows the timeline of events that happened in the game, goals, yellow cards, etc., the same way FM21 does. Speaking of FM21, how can I edit the skin to show the attendance and the referee on the match result screen as well?

  9. Title.

    All the recent talk about the European Super League and reflecting on the state of football as it is now has me hankering for the older era. Thankfully those eras have been preserved in the video games of the time, and while it's nice to boot up FIFA or PES and play that, no football game comes close to CM/FM for me.

    That being said, I'm not too fond of the old recycling retired players back into the game. I love the variety provided by the randomly generated newgens, so I was wondering what the first game to use this system was? Was it CM 03/04? I know FM 07 has it, but I thought I'd ask here before going and digging the old games out to install them one by one to figure it out myself. :D

  10. Quite simple really. I remember you used to be able to use .EDT files with "FUTURE_REGEN" to add, well, future regens into the rotation or such. I remember trying this with a couple of files in FM19 and never saw them coming through, so I don't know if they still work or if I simply did it wrong or what. But it got me thinking about being able to make a file full of players to add to the database. You know, define a first name, surname, nationality and club. Maybe more detailed options like the "DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" option.

    For example, a format like this:

    "ADD_PLAYER" "Fabio" "Fabinho" "Oliveira" "1/1/2003" "Brazil / Portugal" "Flamengo"

    Would then add a young Brazilian/Portuguese player named Fabio Oliveira (Fabinho for short) to the Flamengo squad. Maybe added columns for stuff like position or CA/PA and so on. Obviously leaving any of the numerical columns blank would have the game do this on its own, so I could leave out his DOB and then he could be of any age (between 15 and 40 I guess, lol), leave his CA/PA blank and they would be assigned relevant to the club he's at, his age, etc. And no cap on the CA/PA!! :D

    No fuss whatsoever. This would be an invaluable tool to people like me who have ambitious projects like a 100% newgen database (related to my earlier suggestion about the 'fake players' stuff, would love to hear what the status of that is btw :D), without needing to do a lot of manual work with the editor. Just put them all in an .EDT file, and hey presto, there they all are when the game loads up.


  11. Hiya, any reason why we're no longer able to 'Cancel' out of creating a manager? I like to have a save or two where I don't create a manager at all and rather see how things develop - I also do this when testing things made through the editor. The way it is now, you're forced to make a manager and the only way to play without one is to retire immediately, which I don't fancy doing every time I load the save.

    Also, any way to see attendance/referee on the match report page (when you click on a match result)?

  12. Hiya, wanted to ask what you do about adding players with a common name or 2nd nationalities? Since not every player has them, some players will have empty fields for those. I've tried doing it with blank columns but it just moves the other entries back into other columns, for example I had the player's nationality ID going into the common name section, because the player had no common name set. Cheers.

  13. This is going to be a very self-indulgent request, but here goes anyway.

    The 'use fake players' option, as you may know, simply overwrites each real player with a new regen name, different DOB, and occasionally a new nationality. I never really saw the point of it but I do find it useful to obscure who each player is.

    What I'd like to see is another option which generates an entirely fresh, home-grown squad for every club in every league you've enabled (plus some extras, depending on what database size you use) - much like the result of clearing all the players out of Arsenal, for example, and using 'add players to playable teams'; you get a new squad of English players, with the odd Irishman or Carribbean player here and there. The issue is with this option, the players' CA/PA is capped out at 130 or so. None of them seem to be over the age of 30, either.
    I have tried an experiment whereby I add a load of new players to the emptied-out team, simply giving them a name, a nationality and a contract, leaving everything else blanks, and letting the game engine take care of the rest upon starting the career. Doing it this way does make some more half-decent players. I wanted to do an experiment where I do this for every club in every single country, but while I'm a bit crazy on this idea, I'm not crazy enough to spend months manually adding in thousands of players in every country around the world, so I thought I'd put a request in instead. Also, players created this way will always have flat 10s in every personality stat due to the editor defaulting them to 10 when creating a new player.

    I feel like there are a fair few people out there who would also be interested in this idea - I think it would add an entirely new flavour to be able to step into a completely unfamiliar footballing landscape and build your own team basically from scratch. You can do this by the aforementioned database clearing, but being able to build from a team that is already semi-competent would be more engaging. To me, anyway.

    Cheers for reading!

  14. Hi, sorry to make a whole thread on this but I didn't know where else to put it.

    was just wondering if you could put match attendance and the referee back on the match screen? You know, when you click on a match and it takes you to the match report. It's a small thing but is it possible..... I remember it was in the old games. Cheers

  15. The game will fully flesh out a player even with no given stats so really all you need to do is lump in a bunch of blank players into a team and let the game do the rest on startup. That's actually what I want to do with this - playing with an emptied database and putting a bunch of blank players into every team to start fresh with a fully 'generated' database. Seeing as the 'use fake players' option isn't sufficient for this and simply letting the game generate players on its own will only give you players in teams whose leagues you've loaded, and even then those players are very poor. Blank players are also quite poor but you do at least get some decent ones to start with.

  16. Hiya, I've been trying out an experiment whereby I delete every person from the database and start a game with only generated players. Only problem with this is it'll only generate players for teams whose leagues I've loaded. I can simply enable every default league to get a fairly decent experience, but I'd rather not add more leagues than necessary as it really hampers the performance. I wondered if there was a way to have every country have a generated pool of players at their disposal regardless of whether their league is playable or not (including countries whose leagues aren't included in the game by default, like Cyprus, Kazakhstan, Japan, Qatar, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, Paraguay, Ecuador, New Zealand and so on).

    The only solution I could think of was to add a bunch of 'dummy' players back into the database so that they'll be loaded in when the game loads, but I thought I'd ask and see if there was a simpler way to do this.

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