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Posts posted by Conardo

  1. vor 6 Stunden schrieb trviggo:

    Is there a way to set opposition instructions to go by positions by default? Seems kinda pointless to even have that option if you have to go in there for every game and turn it on for every player anyway. 


    vor 1 Stunde schrieb XaW:

    Yes, here:


    I think that wasnt the question. He means, that oppostion instruxction are per default by players ....  you cannot change this ...


    If you call up the opponent instructions under tactics, they are always set to "Player". So you have set Position, but you still have to switch to "Position" because it is set to Player by default.

  2. vor 12 Stunden schrieb WhatsGoingON:

    I’m managing in League 2 and have a limited scouting budget. 

    I have the scouting pack to only include league 2 players but the scouting budget seems to be dwindling quite fast. I’m not scouting any players and haven’t got a recruitment focus set up. 

    Any ideas how to stop the scouting budget from going down ? Is it potentially because players on shortlist are constantly scouted 

    Players on the shortlist are kept up to date per se.  But you can switch that off. In any case, if you add players to the list, you will be asked exactly that.

    Unless you have "switched off" this question at some point

  3. Am 15.11.2023 um 05:58 schrieb Kk57:

    How to I have my set opposition instructions apply automatically? I have set them up in the tactics page but happy to apply them each game by flicking the blue icons green. This also means I sometimes miss applying instructions when a team makes a sub. 



    It seems to me that the whole thing is somehow mirror-inverted. As you wrote, the player-specific instructions are active by default, but they are never actually known. If you want to implement tactical philosophies beforehand via the opponent's instructions, you always have to "switch". Annoying.

    But it works very quickly for me. Less than 5 seconds - although every opponent's "position" has an instruction by default, which I also use. For example, all wingers on the wrong foot, all those playing in a chain (defense/midfield) are pressed.

    Would be nice if this could be changed, or someone here has another idea :).

  4. Am 23.11.2023 um 06:54 schrieb FearMaster:

    I started journeyman career. It is going pretty well, but there is a problem with this. How do I increase my adaptability? 


    With a Journeyman Save you actually increase the value before the start, but later it only increases if you work in different countries/clubs. You only have a proactive influence on the value when you create the trainer profile.

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