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Posts posted by Mout007

  1. On 09/10/2020 at 16:30, Fatkidscantjump said:

    If it works, it works. Dont bother too much with changes if you get good results.

    That being said ; here are some things I would think about for this tactic :

    - Striker role doesnt seem to bring much as it seems that he'd be quite isolated while pressing. However if hes doing fine, dont bother. If you feel like he could do more, id try Complete forward, advanced forward or target man and see if its better. Or if you stick to a Pf, maybe drop the Loe down a notch to add more compactness. 

    - If you are worried about the Cm not going forward you might want to use the Pi get further forward, or train a ppm. Or, make the winger on his side a support duty and switch the Cm to attack.

    - Depending on the players you have i would consider inverting duties for the winger on the Cm(s) side and the fullback, just to make the attacks less one dimensional, maybe even switch the winger to an inverted winger(s).

    Please keep in mind those are just potentail changes that might not be good for your tactic. It depends on your players, how the opposition plays etc.

    For now your tactic seems to be working well so id definitely wait to see if its consistent before trying to make changes.



    hi thanks for your reply and your suggestions. I try them and here is how the tactic looking after 20 games. The B2B midfielder has "get further forward". It's working nicely against top teams but it struggles vs others. The next step is to get the leftback with attack duty and see how it works and to have more control against others teams. taking off the "counter" and "pass into space". 

    I will let you know how it goes. thanks again


  2. Hi everyone, i try to implement a basic 4-1-4-1 tactic with aston villa. Here is the main tactic (c1).

    The main threat will provide from wingers, either from crosses or taking space and also one of midfielder with runs (space left behind when PF drops). After some friendly fixtures, i switched one of CM in RPM. The tactic, until now, seems to be well working even if the CM(su) doesnt go much further as i want. It's one of my first attempt in fm20. I am open to any comment to help me implement this tactic. Thanks




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