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Everything posted by trevjim

  1. What's the best game you've played in the last few years? Mine is Hades followed in 2nd by Elden Ring
  2. Not when you have a work and social/love life lol. Work 40-50+ hours a week. See the girlfriend 10 hours+ a week (more if wife) workout 5 hours a week. See friends 8 hours. That before you add kids into the mix.... That doesn't leave much time for gaming, movies and reading
  3. I refunded 23 but had 60 hours on FM 22. My most was nearly 300 on FM 15. Playtime has got steadily less since that version
  4. Agreed. Although I think a lot of FM players are simply football players. I have mates who never play games aside from FM. The Motorsport manager series is good too. F1 manager have a couple out now but it's got 0 management aspects and just looks flashy so it's not a great game beneath the surface. Couldn't really get into OOTPB. Would love an NFL version of it. There was a small team making "beyond the sidelines football" but sadly the lead Dev died.
  5. I found HOI4 better with a tiny nation. Having a big one like UK or Germany was just overwhelming
  6. Ahhh man I miss the FM Touch days. Used to be the best way to play for me. All the fun without the tedious social aspects like player and press interaction's. Just a shame it was limited to 30 seasons
  7. Agreed. First season is a carbon copy of the UK one and not in a good way. Once the US went their own way it surpassed it
  8. Been playing since early CM days and tbh I've ran out of leagues and clubs to do, so might just sell my soul and try a Wrexham save
  9. I think the game has got slightly better is some aspects since 2012 (ME and 64 but support) and vastly worse in others (media and player interaction. Bloatwear)
  10. The irony that the long serving users who pointed this out on release last year were told to shut up and comments and thread's deleted. Now they agree with them/us
  11. Absolutely agree. Criticism of YouTube and content is not something that should be silenced, just as equally should praise and defence of it. Personal attacks are I think we can all agree, not welcome
  12. I don't mean traditional ads. I mean when videos created are literal ads pretending to be a "content creation"
  13. Agree. I find YouTube absolutely brilliant for some stuff, but awful for others, especially when it's just an Ad appearing as "content" I would much rather read text then have some kid going "please remember to like and subscribe" and taking 5 mins to get to the point. But that's just me and I'm sure there's thousands that do enjoy the videos
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