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Posts posted by trevjim

  1. 15 minutes ago, gggfunk said:

    What exactly is this and where can I download it?

    Thank you all for the replies, really appreciate.

    Not sure of the top of my head but on steam deck, every game has a controller set up, and you can download ones made by the community. It's before you open the game I think 

  2. 15 hours ago, JimmysTheBestCop said:

    I've did Hungary until 2050s in Fm23. It is completely based upon league Reputation. You can see it in the pre game editor. If you are a building a nation type of save there is a lot of stuff you have to mod before you start a save because once you get to top 10 leagues stuff just doesnt make much sense.

    i would check out second yellow card video and discord they talk a lot about such things and did a huge deep dive for his Fm24 Malta save with lots of modding. Also this reddit post has a lot of info



    I know when I got Hungry top 10 then to #5 of course the player valuations were completely messed up. Easiest way to tell was to see what the Agent would say his client was happy with. It was often 3x-5x + higher then what was listed. And you could certainly gets teams to buy at that price. But it wouldnt stop the low ball offers based upon the default value.

    To me now they import saves are a thing SI has to completely redo almost everything to make everything in the game dynamic or what is the point of playing 50+ years across 3 versions of FM. It should be a starting choice much like transfers are in FM24

    Our World should be fully dynamic for people doing fantasy saves or build a nation saves or any of the crazy challenge stuff. A lot of times if you dont heavily mod this pre game it gets really boring when you are in top 10 and realize nothing in game changes and its like you are still ranked 145.




    It's odd SI have saying the world is dynamic for 4? Versions now but it's really not

  3. I have been playing FM 24 on the steamdeck and had no issues. I play it on my desktop too using the cloud save. Works great. Just make sure you give steam time to upload/download the save before and after playing.


    I downloaded a community controller set up. Not sure how different it is to the default but it works great.


    I actually prefer playing it on the deck.


    The only downside is I purchased the deck 25 days ago. So was like 10 days outside of the returns period and missed out on the OLED 😞


    That said, the screen is fine as it is.


    Haven't really played any other games on it, although I imagine the likes of Hades will be brilliant on it

  4. 5 hours ago, Manelmartins said:

    Good evening, I need your help. When I download a tactic, nothing appears in the "tactics" folder. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

    You have probably downloaded it to your "downloads" folder on your C drive. 


    When you go into "load tactics" on the tactics page in game. Navigate to your downloads folder and it should be in there

  5. 7 hours ago, JimmysTheBestCop said:

    There is no point in Media interaction. It is not fun. It is boring, tedious, and meaningless. 

    What they should do is remove all of the media and come up with a new idea. Some like we actually design our own personality and different events effect it each season and maybe upon hitting huge milestones we can add points to personality. Then the engine could completely simulate all of the media interactions based upon our personality and how our manager is designed. That way we are just reading about what happened.

    Or what will they put in the game next? We have to buy a house or rent some place when we move teams. Get our kids in different schools each time we move locations. I mean come on. We dont need real life tedium in the game.

    I do think it might be cool if it was entirely simulated and we either watch a 15 second clip or read about the media press conferences. 

    Agreed. Simulation Games are a balance of fun and realism. The press and player interactions are not fun (or even realistic)

  6. 23 minutes ago, eXistenZ said:

    Complacency/lack of competition is what causes this.  Why bother pouring resources into fixing something that wont have a substantial increase in sales?  At this stage its clear what is going to have the biggest potential for new customers: a new match engine in unity.

    Same happened with FIFA and career mode, and the same has happened with Total War. The latter has become a complete dumpster fire. All because of the mentality "well where else are they gonna go"


    press conferences are boring irl, I dont mind that. But you are a manager, you have to talk to your players. I dont understand whats going wrong with the coding either. In previous iterations, giving a fine for a bad performance worked 98% of the time. Yet talking to someone about their last performance (both are or should be tied to the same variable/rating), and they completly flip out....

    Side note. I think Total war will all be about the franchise's now and the historical ones will be left for a decade or so. Now Warhammer is over, I wouldn't be surprised to see LOTR, Game of thrones or even Stormlight archive get the Total war treatment 

  7. 1 minute ago, 21TOLHO said:

    But he still finishes  better than that Rodrygo fraud

    Sounds like you have a personal issue with Rodrygo tbh instead of finishing attributes.

    Son is a decent finisher, but 16 is more than fair. He averages probably around 15 league goals a season and has always had planty of chances alongside Kane. Compare that to say Salah who averages around 20+ league  goals a season. 


    Sons 16 only leaves 4 attribute points for Salah who is clearly a much better finisher.


    So Sons 16 is more than fair, if not too much

  8. 56 minutes ago, Scamander said:

    yeah this would transform the whole interactions thing into something Paradox-esque.

    CK3 with all its flaws in terms of combat and strategy still ends up hugely successful, largely because of the amazing roleplay element.

    Obv FM is supposed to be a bit of a different genre but I feel that plenty of people still play their saves as a roleplaying experience. Something like this would elevate the game to a whole new level.

    Yeh I think FM could learn a lot from CK3. Some good shouts here

  9. Started with CM99. Peaked at I think 08. The series for me has been on a steady decline since. 

    The match engine is clearly better and some nice additions, but the overall game has become too "sim" and less "transfers and tactics". Obviously the media and press side is tragically bad and the UI is far too bloated.

    FM touch was a return to the glory days before they removed it from PC.

    23 was the first version I didn't buy in 23 years (I technically did but refunded it) 


    Have been playing 24 on Steamdeck and its ok but still yearning for a change in direction from SI. Hoping the big changes in 25 will bring that. I don't care for graphics (play 2d) and just want them to realise what makes the games fun and focus on that instead of tedious stuff for the sake of it



  10. 25 minutes ago, Etebaer said:

    Yeah, i bought instead Motorsport Manager, modded it to F1 Season  2023, created a custom team and fiddled around with it - i payed ~3 Euros.

    I am convinced this ~2016 sim is not worse than F1 Manager 23...

    It's not worse. There's a deep dive somewhere that shows F1 Manager is absolutely awful under the hood and player choices and interaction's are almost pointless. It's pretty much and Idle game.


    Motorsport manager was similar to a degree but at least the tyre choices had an impact etc.


    The sad thing was the Devs of F1 manager 22 (frontier?) said it couldnt be fixed but community modded it and got it almost to a good level, and yet the Devs still denied it.



  11. 5 hours ago, Etebaer said:

    I disagree that Create a Club did nothing for the players as it was the sole reason i started playing FM Games again.

    My motivation to have a career at different clubs or to manage a single but existing club is nil!

    My drive is to start up a new club and lead it from the lowest available league into the topflight (there i most often lose my motivation bcs it changes from developing a club into managing a club and at my heart i am a player who likes to develop but managing is mostly boring to me).

    It is imho a shame that SI has degraded the Create a Club mode so you no longer can use mods and i have to use the ingame editor and tricking with the league files to "simulate" Create a Club via the Career Mode so i can use league files and other mods.


    I was thinking about to play F1 Manager but that thought ended right the moment when i found out you can not create your own F1 Team.

    Aside of the somewhat lacking simulation and downturning UI that makes me not immersed but gives me the feel to look at a smartphone game.

    I played Geoff Crammonds F1 games back in the day and they had an excellent race physic and realism and i ever wished someone would make a F1 Manager based on such a sim with the ability to create F1 Teams and have a driver your develop rpg style.


    Creating my own Team is pretty much a must have for me in such games!


    PS: The danger that comes with FM25 is the transition to a new tech they have little experience with but even more so from the burnt out influencers that will find out graphics is no solution to their burn out...

    Just a side note. F1 manager is terrible. It looks good, but the management and simulation side is virtually non existent. Even tyre changes do virtually nothing.  It's essentially. Race. Get XP/Money, invest, Repeat. You can win the title in your first season easy with any team. 

  12. 29 minutes ago, Knoftvar said:

    The media has become a major chore since the UI changed a few years ago. It used to be a nice simple list you could get through quickly and now info spewed all over the screen.

    Yeh it's a real mess currently. You can have like 12 different answers in big squares all over the screen and even some off it. What happened to just having them in a list 

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