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Posts posted by Rigafan

  1. On 11/11/2022 at 16:57, thefmveteran86 said:

    So basically I saw a tweet saying he's going to try more South American teams and I agree with him as I'm bored of all the European leagues and maybe branch out more out of my comfort zone, so I was wondering what does the second nationality for and it's uses?. I mean I only speak English in real life but what nationality would you use for the continent so they can understand my tactics? or would using an Assistant that speaks their language that could translate for me or what?. I mean I've never really used that option on any FM before just wondering if anyone else has? 

    If you play in a Spanish-speaking country (so not Brazil) then if you have Spanish as your second nationality you will be able to communicate with the players. Or you could use your assistant if they speak english/spanish etc

  2. On 22/09/2022 at 13:46, The Art of Drowning said:

    With dynamic league reputation things can obviously change over the years, but does this mean salary caps can change over the years?

    Currently managing in Canada with a wage cap of £11k for the league.  Will this increase as the league gets better?

    Also any chance of me ever getting a reserve squad?  Literally don't have any reserve or youth team currently.

    Afraid not. Unless the league in RL changes then SI will update or wait for the next FM to implement that change.

  3. On 20/05/2021 at 10:00, FrazT said:


    Thanks for your helpful post but unfortunately we cant allow methods of circumventing the DRM process to be shown on the forums, for obvious reasons.  Due to the age of the game, there are no issues with you contacting other users via PM should you choose to do so to help them

    The why don't SI release a small update to enable to game people bought to still work? It'll never happen but it wouldn't even take much time.

  4. On 08/06/2021 at 14:39, denisrmoreira said:

    Hi everyone, my name is Dênis and I am (one more) a Brazilian in love with Football Manager.

    My suggestion/request is quite simple, actually:

    I would like the possibility to be implemented of coaching the clubs' junior teams, so that, if we are successful, we can coach the first team from the same club - that is, a more realistic progression. An example of this would be: getting employed by coaching Milan's under-20 team (playing in existing championships such as Primavera 1, etc.) and, by doing a good job, being considered for a spot in Milan's top team - just as it happens anywhere in the world -.

    I don't really understand how much weight this would bring in the day-to-day processing of the game, but since we already have all the base teams calendars available daily on FM - as well as reserve teams, under-23, etc -, I think it's simpler (?) to implement. I hope so.

    What do you think? 💜😉

    I think it is a nice idea but as you said about how much weight this would bring to the game. You would need to model every u23 team/system for all the leagues on the game and have them fully simulated and researched each year. I doubt SI would want to do that, considering the few another of players who would enjoy this feature.

  5. On 05/02/2021 at 21:02, cbjfan2021 said:

    I tried vacation mode and it still crashes. I did create a new save with TBL and ran into a similar issue after a few months, so maybe there is something else going on that isn't specific to any particular save. I'll keep experimenting with it.

    The newer TBL/ECK rosters are not very stable - which is a shame obviously. You have to be really careful about the setup of your game with which leagues to run, how many players to have loaded ect. 


    If you haven't already then read here- https://www.ehmtheblueline.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=77&t=20653 on how to set up the game so it hopefully stops crashing. I had the same issue though so am waiting for the 1.5 update before starting any serious saves again. 

  6. On 22/01/2021 at 10:22, mick3w said:

    So I did abit of testing in my own and so far I have been able to figure out that when running the game in fullscreen it seems to run faster since it never seems to go "not responding". 


    Continuing is down to 20-30 seconds instead of 40-60 seconds depending om the day. Cutting it almost in half is a good result but the game seems to freak out when you minimize it. Not down where it was but a great improvement.


    But as I understand it EHM 1 is generally slower than its predecessors 04 and 07? 

    The game is slow yes, probably not helped by the huge roster updates and db changes that we all play with. 


    The main options to help are to only load leagues you are interested in managing in, put the leagues you have loaded on to 'quick sim' or 'none' in game detail.


    Also yes, don't mess with the window size or alt-tab as the game will break

  7. 23 hours ago, Colorado said:

    I'd say this for 100 percent.

    If the sales figures were strong enough, they would be probably be releasing new versions.

    The fact that they allow Riz to continue working on it tells me that they must think something of the game, otherwise they'd just prevent Riz from updating it and let it die. 


    On 28/11/2020 at 04:54, dArK_mAgE said:

    probably they couldn't get enough people to play the game to justify developing another version.

    Well Mr SI Miles Himself said in an interview it's not solely the performance during early access sales that will determine if we see more EHM - whatever that means?


    Going off guestimates that I can find based on the number of steam reviews the game looks to have sold up ~ 60k plus copies, if that is correct that is a decent number for a niche game! 


    The new update will bring some interest so that's going to be good. 

  8. On 16/11/2020 at 14:16, B A R T said:

    I briefly started a save as the manager of Atletico Ottawa in the newly formed Canadian Premier League, but the reality is, there's no reason to continue with them past the first 2 years or so as the salary cap stays the same forever (seemingly) and 11.7k a week is not enough to truly grow the league. A system where the cap is raised every few years based on reputation of the clubs, the league and performance in the Canadian cup or the concacaf league would be good

    I would disagree there is no point in a long term save, I would say it makes it more interesting having such restrictions, this is why I tend to only play in the MLS if I play FM. 

    Does the CPL actually increase the salary cap each season, looking at info available it is set in stone it seems? So once you start winning and getting more exposure it's only normal you better players will want to leave for bigger leagues. 


    One of my favourite saves was on FM 12 with Toronto FC. I turned them into one of the top MLS teams but player turn over and demands were hard to manage but that made it more interesting. 

  9. On 13/11/2020 at 09:36, tombazzlez said:

    Has Riz made any comments in the past three months about this? 

    A ballpark idea would be helpful - even if this is something that Riz works on during his infrequent spare time, there should be an approximate idea i.e. Don't expect anything for the next 2 years, next year, next 6 months, etc... 

    Riz was open that since having this child his time to work on EHM was less too, understandable. Then he works full time on FM (from his posts and info he shares) mix that with SI Games apparent hate for EHM and we are probably waiting a good while I would think. 


    Personally, I think its better we don't have a time frame, because that will lead to us all being extra unhappy once it is not met. Riz is pretty open that it's being worked on and I trust it will arrive at some point. 

  10. Hello and serious question, 


    FM is their flagship game, clearly, but EHM is very much loved and from the best estimates on sites that are available it sold relatively well this time round, so why no more love or attention for EHM? Surely with the revenue that FM alone brings in some more could be done to push their other title?


    We were vaguely... I don't want to say 'promised' because it will be denied but, advised that if the game was well-received there was a small chance of a regular release - but then total silence after it came out? 


    We are all extremely grateful for Riz and his hard work on EHM and the coming 1.5 update but it'd be nice for SI to explain the reason for the lack of attention to the game series at some point. 

  11. 4 hours ago, Riz Remes said:

    Unfortunately development is still slow and I've not had too much extra time to put into EHM so far this year. I am however working on the editor this week though and have completed some game-side changes earlier this year already as well. I did get some work done around Xmas as well on EHM, so there has been some progress despite all the quiet time here on the forums. One thing I can reveal from the 1.5 changelist at this point is something that has been asked for many times: editing contract details like clauses, performance bonuses and yearly salaries plus the contract cap hit will be a part of the 1.5 editor.

    This year also saw another new addition to our family as Baby Boy Remes arrived, so my free time outside of office hours has been reduced even more. However I'll try and start teaching him coding and the Eastside way as soon as possible :)

    Thanks for the update!

  12. On 28/11/2018 at 07:21, Riz Remes said:

    Yes. With the FM cycle easing up a bit after the release, I've now had a bit more time for EHM as well again. Progress is slow but steady. The changelist for 1.5 is already quite long, obviously the editor features are a big chunk of it but there have been a lot of gameplay and UI tweaks as well already.

    Thanks for the update Riz! Looking forward to trying it out

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