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Posts posted by poustar

  1. All the coordinates for cities, stadiums and local regions are correct. I've tested the database clear from any other database loaded and I've tried other Cambodian databases and the issue remains. I played another database a few months ago and don't remember this being an issue so I went back to check and there was not as many international friendlies but still the majority of friendlies were international. (In the save I did a few months ago it was mainly friendlies with Vietnamese clubs, not Indonesian).

    I guess this must be an issue within the base game then? I wouldn't mind if it weren't for the expenses, putting these poor clubs in debt. :( 


    Here's the .fmf if anyone is willing to check it out.


  2. 7 hours ago, Fredrik said:

    Do the teams have stadiums? Are the coordinates for the stadiums set? If all this is set I don't know. 

    Most of the stadiums were not set so I gave them the proper coordinates. It seems to have fixed the 'too fary to travel' issue but the AI still prefer to play the Indonesian clubs. Any suggestion how to stop them from playing these very expensive friendlies?

  3. I'm working on a Cambodian database but it seems the clubs can't play friendlies against eachother. Instead, they arrange friendlies with teams from Indonesia (away and at home) which is draining their economy, costing way too much. It doesn't matter if they're professional or half-professional. I've seen some clubs play eachother if they're in the same city but if they're a few miles away from eachother it says "it is likely they will consider it too far to travel for this friendly." Anyone know what the issue is?

  4. Hello! I've been working on a Cambodian database and the current layout of their top-tier league is that every team plays each other three times, when that's done the top 4 teams plays in a round-robin, playing each other twice. The regular stage stats and point is transferred to the championship round. What's been bothering me is that when a team ends up 2nd in the championship round, the point on the graph is a quarter down vertically, third place is two quarters down, and fourth place is all the way in the bottom, making it look like they came last in the entire league when they actually made the championship round. Any idea how I can make the game recognize that it is still supposed to count in all the ten teams in the overall season (regular and championship) when ranking the championship teams in the line graph?




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