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Posts posted by imchrisjones

  1. Only a very generalised answer is possible here, as a specific answer would require a lot more detail.

    Pushing your def line higher, as you are probably already aware, will compress the space between your defence and midfield and thus (hopefully) making it harder for the opposition to operate in that area. The downside is it increases the space behind the defence, potentially making you more open to through balls or balls over the top. This can be somewhat negated by such things as the offside trap, a sweeper keeper and defenders with good mental attributes - but it depends on how high you are pushing that def. line.

    Having said that, all of it is modified by things like your chosen mentality and team shape, which we don't know - hence only a generalised answer I'm afraid.

    Yeah I've got the D line pushed very deep due to balls over the top, I might try pushing it up a bit and using the offside trap. My mentality is control or counter and i'm mostly structured.

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