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Posts posted by looping

  1. Is Carrilero a new role?

    This must be in english because in spanish, since football was created, a carrilero is a wingback. The role alredy exists in FM (Wingback=Carrilero) What on earth is a carrilero now?

    Segundo volante? Mezzala? never Heard about them.

    I mean, any improvement is welcome and I appreciate them, perhaps a segundo volante will be the role that will finally allow me to  completely crack the game. Who knows.

    Nonetheless, disregarding from this, what I'd like to know is:

    - Do strikers track back? Particularly, defensive forwards?

    - Are wingers still defending wide and attacking narrow?


  2. I'm experimenting with this (something I never used before). Honestly, I don't appreciate a great effect but I suppose it is how touchline team talks are intended to work.

    I wonder how important is the tone used. I suppose it must be coherent with the message, so combinations like Aggressive-calm down or cautious-show some passion are inadvisable. On the contrary, Passionate-encourage or calmed-no pressure are good combinations.

    I'm not sure if this tool is intended to make a real difference but at least can help and who knows.. The difference between a draw and a win is as thin as one goal.

  3. I use lower mentalities (Control sounds  almost suicidal to me). Against attacking sides my defence stays stubborn and I hit on the break. That's good.

    When I face a balanced team (Standard/Flexible, for instance), my low mentality helps me to keep possession and patiently open them. That's good.

    What shocks me is when I face a team using a low mentality the result makes no sense for me. I would expect if 2 teams are using a defensive mentality to end 0-0 0-1 1-0 1-1, but what happens is that I conced 2-3 goals against these teams. Even when they are extremely and hugely worse.

    I think I have identified that they start short passing in front of my box with my defenders doing absolutely nothing. Finally, my cb are dragged out of position and they score. If, against these teams, I tell my players to close down more (to max) and push my defence higher (to max), or I play higher mentality (attacking/overload) I can defend against them (I can't score, but that's another matter).

    So, the question is, am I right? If I'm using a low mentality and the opponent plays on contain/defensive, is conceding an outrageous amount of goals rational, according to FM parameters? Can be the case that I'm allowing too much space in front of my box because my defenders are reluctant to close down due to deep def line and low closing down? So, if I want to keep a clean sheet against a defensive team, I have to play attacking/high press? I can't just sit back and watch how they play safe passes (this is what I'd like to do)?


  4. Congratulations for your posts. They are always a must read.

    Some questions:

    - Don't you think your tactic is suicidal? It seems to me Busquets has too much work to do. Wingbacks will bomb forward, Messi won't defend any Iniesta, despite his role, doesn't have the abilities to effectively help Busquets...

    - I know you have retrained some players but... To be honest, I don't see this working in real life. Maybe against very weak teams playing very defensive but not regularly. 

    Could you explain this for me, please?

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