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Posts posted by x.alexandru

  1. Hello everyone. First i must say that i really love this game and i bought every version of it ( for PC and iPhone). But i have some suggeestions for the upcoming versions which i would like to see in .

    1)First I woul like to see/ to have an option to change the team kit after every season. Another suggestion is that it would be great to have an option to buy another smal/medium/big club after some years.

    2)Also another option that would make this game for mobile great it would be to have the possibility to affiliate with a small or big club.

    3) Anothe one is to have an option to choose the teams for friendly matches .

    4) And the last and the most important suggestion that i have ( i really would like to keep this in mind and to maake it posible) .... is to make other leagues like Romania, available to to choose for managing teams. In Romania are a lot of people who play this game and who want to play/manage teams from Romania First/Second League. And we all would buy this game even if it costs 20 Euro , if Sports Interactive will do/make this suggestion posible. This is not a joke. Maybe you will say that there are a lot of other people in the world who would like to play/manage teams from there countries and maybe you will ask me why or what is so special about Romania to make may wish come true?

    I will say that nothing.

    And because of that i come with the REAL IDEA/Suggestion. To make every small league playable but in change of a sum of money. I mean to create in the mobile aplication shop some patches with every leagues at a cost each. And if anyone (for example me) want to activate Romania League , to pay the sum of the patch from tha shop and to activate the league.

    Shortly, the game will come as now and as older versions with some bigger playable leagues at a price lets say for example 10 euro and if somebody want extra leagues he will pay another sum of money for example 5 euro.

    Please make it posible, i dream about this for about 4 years.

  2. Hello to everyone. I have some suggestions for the upcoming versions of this superb managerial game. I must say that i really love this game and i bought every version of it (on pc and mobile).

    First suggestions/ideea is that it would be very nice to have an option to customize the team kit after every season. Also it would be nice to have an option to buy a small,medium,big club after some years.

    Another option that i would really love it and would make me buy it even if it costs 20 Euro (i am talking about the mobile version) is to make the Romania League available to manage teams. In Romania are a lot of people who play this game and would like to manage teams from the Romania League. You would say that there are also a lot of people who would like to play with teams from there countries, like me , and you would ask me what is special about the Romanian League. The answer: Nothing. And here comes my real proposal/suggestion: to make possible that anyone around the world to be able to pay a sum of money (extra money) to activate /to be able to play the leagues thay want to. I mean that the game would remain as the older versions , with the best leagues /countries in the world available to manage and if someone (for exemple me) ,want to manage a team from another league like Romania , he will pay another sum of money .

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